
Mother Earth

An archive of the famous early 20th century Anarchist magazine.

A Wobbly Martyr's Grave - Bob Helms

An article by Bob Helms about finding the former home and grave of Martynas Petkus, a IWW member who was shot and killed by police during a strike in 1917. Originally appeared in Industrial Worker #1617 (November 1998)

The last words of Eugen Leviné


Eugen Leviné (1883 – 1919) was one of the leaders of the short-lived Bavarian Council Republic and a member of the Communist Party of Germany. Along with hundreds of other workers, communists, socialists and anarchists, he was arrested following the attack on Munich by the German Army and the Freikorps, and later executed. In June 1919, while on trial for high treason, Leviné made his last speech.

From the Founding Congress of the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland


A translation of two documents from the 1918 Founding Congress of the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland (KPRP): the political platform of the party and a proclamation directed to the proletariat of Poland. These documents represent the early politics of the KPRP, which have been by some characterised as ‘Luxemburgist’ or ‘ultra-leftist’ (e.g. opposition to national self-determination, rejection of parliamentarism).

A Brief History of the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland


The history of the German and Italian left is relatively well known, even if mainly within left communist circles. We know that similar currents existed in other communist parties, although much of that history is yet still to be documented. This article is an attempt at that. The first section is an introduction to the history of the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland (KPRP) and the second a more thorough look at its left-wing.

'To the proletariat of Poland!' – joint proclamation of the SDKPiL, PPS-Left and the Bund from August 1914


On the eve of the First World War, the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania, the Polish Socialist Party – Left, and the Bund produced the following statement upholding internationalist principles. Written very much in the language of the period, the proclamation opposed the war on all sides, advocated independent revolutionary action of the proletariat, and stood in solidarity with the movements in Russia and the rest of Europe.

The Russian revolution and the international proletariat - Maria Koszutska

Maria Koszutska

This collection of articles, published during August 1918 in the newspaper of the PPS-Left, while clearly supportive of the Bolsheviks, discusses many controversial aspects of their rule: the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the peasantry, the terror, as well as the question of democracy. Koszutska encourages the international proletariat to take an active part in the events, and help guide them on the correct path to socialism, rather than remain critics on the outside.

The case of the General Union of the Jewish Workers of Russia, Poland and Lithuania

A left communist look at the Jewish Labour Bund.

Defenders of business: the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce Association VS. labor during WW1 - William Millikan

An article by William Millikan about strikebreaking in Minneapolis during the First World War.

Cannery R.O.W.: The AFL, the IWW, and Bay Area Italian Cannery Workers - Elizabeth Reis

A paper by Elizabeth Reis of a strike of mostly Italian cannery workers in San Francisco during the Summer of 1917.