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  1. 17 shopping hacks to save time and money at Trader Joe's

  2. Cinnamon isn't just tasty - it has these 5 health benefits

  3. Uber’s hundreds of freewheeling outposts fueled its crazy growth — and caused some headaches

  4. A STD the world thought it eradicated is coming back at an alarming rate — via

  5. Kuwait posts $18B deficit as lower oil prices slash revenue by

  6. The favorite foods and eccentric eating habits of 9 ruthless dictators

  7. Meet the man who reveals Apple's products before they come out

  8. Holocaust survivor, Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel dies at 87

  9. ISIS car bombings in Baghdad killed almost 100 overnight

  10. 21 versions of the US flag you've probably never seen

  11. The best places to have a bottomless brunch in New York City

  12. Republican senator from a GOP stronghold says that Donald Trump might lose in his home state

  13. Luxury apartments in New York just aren't selling like they used to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  14. The 25 best fast-food chains in America

  15. Here's what your dog is actually thinking and feeling

  16. The bias against women 'is so much worse' in tech than in science, says this startup founder


  18. Gold prices aren't going to stay this high

  19. An $8 billion hedge fund suddenly imploded — here's how it played out

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