Kelsey Mulvey


Fashion girl, writer, Mexican food snob. Instagram:

Joined August 2009

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  1. Retweeted

    Yikes!! At least when eggs break you can make breakfast. 🍳

  2. When people I don't know (i.e.: this Starbucks barristo) call me "Kels"

  3. The chocolate cake sample section at is more aggressive and hostile than any sample sale I've been to.

  4. Retweeted

    🎵They're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They're altogether ooky, The modern GOP. 🎵

  5. Why are we so floored by ? It's not like this is the *first* sleazy politician?

  6. Retweeted

    "Don't let them dull your sparkle, for realz." - a cheesy af saying said to me tonight and I'm totally taking it to heart 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  7. Kelsey Mulvey followed and
    • @Aschur327

      I love family, being an aunt, watching soccer and am learning how to put myself first. Starting to enjoy fitness but cooking is a bit of a challenge for me...

    • @kenbakernow

      E! News, Author, Human, Pacific Scout for USHL's Waterloo Black Hawks

  8. WHY do Bridget and Mark Darcy have to break up? Me watching the trailer

  9. When your night quickly turns into watching the Full House Forever video and chronicling and 's <3.. High or low?

  10. Transporting $40K worth of porcelains and glasses to and from a photo shoot is the adult version of an egg-and-spoon race.

  11. Obsessed with these incredibly chic card sets from Well Received.

  12. Retweeted

    6 Kitchen Staples That Double as Grooming Products ~ via

  13. Thoughts and prayers go out to all in Brussels. Random acts of hate need to stop.

  14. But who would dare ghost Olivia Newton John??!

  15. Torn between wanting a hardcore workout sesh and wanting a large AF plate of spaghetti.

  16. Retweeted

    Note to self: CHILL OUT.

  17. You don't need a CPA to know how to file your taxes. Check out my new story for

  18. "What is this March Madness business"- just overheard. Literally, same.

  19. Retweeted
  20. All this talk about Juicy Shakers is making me seriously nostalgic for my 20+ collection of Juicy Tubes circa 2004.

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