Brexit result shows democratic rejection of neoliberalism


By Professor Jane Kelsey 

Brexit has shone daylight on a crisis that’s been brewing for several decades. The utopian proclamation by Francis Fukuyama about the ‘end of history’, in the heyday of globalisation, has succumbed to the reality that paradigms come and go.


Setting The Agenda View All →

Giving Business What it Wants


By   3 hours ago

HEAR FOR YOURSELF the voice of the invincibly self-interested business class. Proclaiming Australia’s inconclusive election result as “bad for business”, Christopher Niesche, consoles his readers with the observation that “it doesn’t look as if Labor will be able to form a government.”

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Foot in mouth award – Bill English, for his recent “Flat Earth” comment in Parliament

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By   3 hours ago

It appears that Finance Minister, Bill English did not get the memo from Dear Leader Key’s office: “Dont get arrogant!”

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Should the Financial Veto be Allowed?


By   1 day ago

For the record, my Bill would have cost just 0.7% of the NEW spending for Budget 2016 and 3.6% of the NEW spending planned by National for 2017. At full implementation it would cost 0.03% of the $3b worth of tax cuts John Key wants. Is that more than minor? I don’t think so.

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Immigration policies designed to keep workers down not out

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By   1 day ago

Workers in this country and around the globe need our own policy on immigration. Ultimately we can never stop workers seeking a better life. That is true for New Zealanders going to Australia or workers coming to New Zealand. We should support every step that equalises the status of workers here, whether they were born here or not. As a first step, that means that no worker on a temporary visa should be tied to one employer.

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Lies, Damned lies and Statistical Lies

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By   2 days ago

This government has done what few other Western democracies have achieved; a state of Orwellianism that Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, and other dictatorships required unrelenting brute force to achieve.

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Smoking and Budget 2016


By   2 days ago

Budget 2016 saw the Māori Party score another set of annual excise tax hikes, seeing efforts to further decrease the number of smokers continue to 2020, and the cost of smoking to rise by up to $30 in the same period.

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The British Labour debate is really about policy


By   3 days ago

Jeremy Corbyn becoming leader represented a big shift to the left in the British Labour Party. But from day one the mostly right-wing Labour MPs have been plotting to get rid of him.

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Brexit result shows democratic rejection of neoliberalism


By   3 days ago

Brexit has shone daylight on a crisis that’s been brewing for several decades. The utopian proclamation by Francis Fukuyama about the ‘end of history’, in the heyday of globalisation, has succumbed to the reality that paradigms come and go.

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Deconstructing Headlines View All →

A $1billion dollar bribe to developers using borrowed money isn’t a solution!

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By   1 day ago

This Government do not want to pop the property bubble they have built because it’s the only thing propping up the economy and the inflated sense of wealth the middle classes have derived from property speculation keeps them voting National.

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What, wait, the Police are trying to gain MORE search and surveillance powers?


By   2 days ago

What the Police seem to be wanting here is the GCSB to act as the 3rd party to simply go through anyones cloud without a warrant.

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Killing off Lifeline


By   3 days ago

While Key can build tax havens and blow $26million on a flag referendum, apparently we don’t have any money to ensure Lifeline stays afloat.

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NATIONAL’S DOUBLE SPEAK: To make unemployment stats drop, Government claims anyone looking for jobs on internet isn’t unemployed


By   3 days ago

National’s double speak are obvious lies but when you are a desperate speculator mortgaged up to the hilt you don’t care and if you are one of the missing million voters, you stopped listening.

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Government Continues Fudging Statistics To Hide Failure

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By   3 days ago

In many countries around the world, statistics about things like the rates of unemployment or crime are used by the government of the day to demonstrate changes in those areas. In New Zealand, by contrast, changes in statistics (as in, changes in what the statistics actually represent) are used instead to obscure a lack of improvement in same.

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Bill English admits he lied about cost to stop increasing paid parental leave


By   6 days ago

Sue Moroney, the Labour Party MP who has tirelessly pushed for an increase to 26 weeks paid parental leave has a majority in Parliament to get the Bill passed, and yet the Government have managed to claim that because the law will cost too much, they can shut it down regardless of the Opposition managing to get a majority.

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Wow, it only took 2 years for Key to take NZ from 1 to 10 in the global social progress rankings

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By   6 days ago

…if you voted National, this is on you now. This inequality and poverty is on you. This Government who don’t give a damn is on you. This Government who are more focused on smearing people actually working on the housing crisis than deal with the housing crisis is on you.

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The horror of inequality in an egalitarian nation


By   6 days ago

…the top 10% own half the wealth while the bottom 40% hold less than 3% of the wealth. How this horror story has been allowed to occur in a nation that once prided itself on its egalitarianism is the real issue here, this is the true legacy of 30 years of neoliberalism.

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Media Watch View All →

Waatea 5th Estate – The Saudi Sheep Bribe – how is Murray McCully still a Minister?

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By   3 hours ago

Joining us tonight to discuss the latest allegations in the Saudi Sheep Bribe Scandal…

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Waatea 5th Estate – The horror of Kathryn’s Story

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By   1 day ago

Joining us for a special discussion on the worst case of abuse on a beneficiary by a Government Department I’ve ever seen…

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TV REVIEW: The Nation – Why Murray McCully must be sacked but why Key can’t


By   3 days ago

Key is stuck with Murray because Murray has got a gun pointed at Key’s head.

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Waatea 5th Estate – Hosking petition, public broadcasting and the impact of media consolidation on democracy

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By   3 days ago

Joining us tonight to discuss public broadcasting, the Hosking petition and the impact on democracy of media consolidation

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Daily Blog July Donations Drive and outage

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By   3 days ago

Sorry for the outage over the last 24 hours comrades,

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Waatea 5th Estate – Shewan tax haven report

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By   6 days ago

Join Andrew Little, Winston Peters and James Shaw to discuss the tax haven report

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Waatea 5th Estate – Where to After #ParkUPforHomes

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By   7 days ago

Joining us to discuss where to after #ParkUpForHomes…

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Waatea 5th Estate – BREXIT SHOCK

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By   1 week ago

Joining us tonight to discuss the shock Brexit decision, road tolling and redeploying to Iraq

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Guest Blogs + Sponsored Posts View All →

GUEST BLOG: Leilani Tamu – #WhauREAL

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By   4 hours ago

It’s about people, it’s about courage and it’s about standing up for those people in every forum and on every issue that affects them. That’s what being #WhauREAL is about.

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GUEST BLOG: Arthur Taylor – Prison Suicide Stats

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By   3 days ago

It’s an alarming statistic and I can well believe it .

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GUEST BLOG: Comrade Dave Brownz – Last Exit before the Revolution

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By   3 days ago

My position on Brexit was that workers should have abstained in a dispute between their bosses over how to make workers pay for their crisis.

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GUEST BLOG: Maire Leadbeater – West Papua: Human rights abuses cannot be hidden


By   3 days ago

The Indonesian Government has developed strategies for avoiding international criticism over its appalling human rights record in West Papua. One strategy is to keep the outside world out and ensure that approved visitors such as journalists and diplomats are carefully guided and get to meet with the ‘right’ people.

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GUEST BLOG: Carmel Sepuloni – Food insecurity in NZ on the rise


By   6 days ago

Food insecurity, a housing crisis and a welfare system that now has so many gaps in it that it resembles more of a giant hula hoop than a safety net are three of the many gifts that eight years of a National Government have given us

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GUEST BLOG: Lois Griffiths – Controlling Water, Controlling Life

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By   1 week ago

All water supplies are controlled by the Israelis, including West Bank mountain aquifer water which by international law should be a Palestinian resource. Practising ‘hydrological apartheid’ , control of water is used as weapon to drive Palestinians off the land, and if not to another country then into squeezed isolated miserable ‘bantustans’.

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great briitain leaves european union metaphor

By   1 week ago

The Brexit vote represents the current progressive paradox: the left should be able to represent the many marginalised by neo-liberal capitalism; but is struggling to connect with them in reality, particularly young people and males. The result is that extremist nationalist figures are converging far right and left wing dissatisfaction thinking under a nationalistic, populist banner.

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GUEST BLOG: David Cunliffe – No matter who wins Brexit – Democracy damaged

great briitain leaves european union metaphor

By   2 weeks ago

However the Brexit vote turns out, one thing is certain: public anger with the status quo is taking Britain to within a few % of bolting from the EU, weakening a key global institution and continuing a trend towards political “weirdness” worldwide.

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The Liberal Agenda View All →

Ika’s Living wage rises today – come book a winter table for family and friends

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By   2 days ago

Ika might still be Auckland’s only Living Wage eating place, but we welcomed Rotorua bar, Posonby Rd, to the accredited employers group this month and continue to encourage others to consider the case for better pay in an industry dominated by minimum wage work.

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A Socialist perspective on Brexit, the European Union and the Coup against Corbyn


By   6 days ago

Socialist Aotearoa presents a public forum on the UK exit from the EU (Brexit), a Marxist critique of the European Union, and the very British coup against Jeremy Corbyn.

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Rally for Palestine 2pm Saturday July 2nd


By   6 days ago

The Palestine Human Rights Campaign Aotearoa/New Zealand (PHRC) works to raise public awareness of the Palestinian people’s struggle to resist Israeli military occupation and Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.

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Cannabis conversation at the Auckland Town Hall 7pm Monday June 27th


By   1 week ago

Cannabis is always in the news and it seems like we’ve been talking about cannabis law reform forever – to the point where the most interesting thing about cannabis is why the law wasn’t changed years ago.

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The Daily Blog Monthly Drinks – this Thursday, 7pm @ IKA

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By   1 week ago

The Daily Blog monthly drinks this month are on Thursday, 30th at IKA, 2 Mt Eden Rd from 7pm. Mix and mingle with TDBs bloggers and friends and gossip about Politics.

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The Liberal Agenda Theatre Review: The Elephant Thief


By   1 week ago

The onus is on the company to uphold more delight, more suspense, and even more clever theatrical motif and surprise for its at home audiences, while at the same time, growing beyond international acclaim to international expansion.

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The Liberal Agenda Theatre Review: Hine

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By   1 week ago

Komako and Whetu Silver have brought together a show for Matariki that teaches in a beautiful and homely way. (Suitable for all ages with some faint but resonant coming of age themes, and all levels of Reo Maori too).

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The Ika Salon opens a window on Islam in New Zealand

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By   2 weeks ago

Join Hassan and Ika “Salonistas” for a window into Islam in New Zealand. The evening, which includes your main meal (seafood and vegetarian options, no red meat at this event) is $32. Doors open 5.30 pm, main meal served at approx 6.15, followed by talk, questions and discussion.

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The Daily Gallery View All →

The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday – 5th July 2016

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By   4 hours ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday – 4th July 2016

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By   1 day ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Sunday – 3rd July 2016

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By   2 days ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Raw News feed View All →

Homelessness needs national strategy – Lifewise


By   4 hours ago

Social development agency Lifewise commends John Key’s acknowledgement of New Zealand’s rising homelessness issue, and state that the Government needs a nationwide strategy to tackle the problem. Lifewise supports people sleeping rough into permanent homes via the internationally successful Housing First model, which is founded on the belief that housing is a basic human right. […]

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Strengthening rights of disabled New Zealanders – HRC


By   4 hours ago

The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was tabled in the New Zealand Parliament today. “We commend the New Zealand Government for their commitment to signing the Optional Protocol and look forward to it coming into force,’ said Chief Human Rights Commissioner David Rutherford. “Enabling the UN Committee […]

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Renegotiation Of Christchurch City Council/Government Cost Share Agreement Should Wait Until After Local Body Election

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By   4 hours ago

Keep Our Assets Canterbury has consistently called for the Christchurch City Council/Government Cost Share Agreement (entered into by the 2010-13 Council headed by Mayor Bob Parker) to be renegotiated. That is one obvious way to alleviate the pressure from central Government for the Council to have to sell public assets in order to pay for […]

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Nationals debt policy won’t help those most in need – Labour Party


By   1 day ago

Today’s announcement by John Key of a billion loan for infrastructure does nothing to help those missing out in the current housing crisis, the first home buyer, says the Leader of the Opposition Andrew Little. “John Key’s announcement proves this Government has run out of ideas to solve the biggest social issue facing New Zealand […]

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New homes must be for first home buyers not investors – Green Party


By   1 day ago

National’s loan to help councils deal with the housing crisis is a step in the right direction, but risks failing if it doesn’t build affordable homes for first home buyers, the Green Party said today. “John Key made no mention of building affordable houses with this loan, meaning any new houses could remain out of […]

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Share of growth for middle NZ plunges to new lows – Labour Party


By   1 day ago

The share of the economy going to middle New Zealand is set to drop to new lows, with working families missing out on $100 a week by 2020, says Opposition Leader Andrew Little. “According to Treasury figures middle New Zealand will receive just 36 per cent of the proceeds of growth by 2020, compared to […]

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Nurses Organisation proud to become Living Wage employer – NZNO


By   1 day ago

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) is proud to announce that it has joined the ranks of accredited Living Wage employers in New Zealand. NZNO kaiwhakahaere, Kerri Nuku says “One of our organisation’s values is that all staff are equally important to the success of NZNO, so it is essential that every staff member is […]

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Government must intervene to help Lifeline continue – PSA

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By   3 days ago

Lifeline must not become the latest casualty of New Zealand’s mental health crisis, the Public Service Association says. The crisis counselling service says it only has funding to run for one more year, and has been forced to put out its hand for public donations after the government refused to help. Lifeline provides 24-hour telephone […]

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Authorised by Martyn Bradbury, The Editor, TheDailyBlog, 5 Victoria St East/Queen St, CBD, Auckland, New Zealand.