Best Practice Guides

Download SendGrid’s complimentary best practice guides to improve your email sending practices and to best take advantage of the SendGrid email delivery platform.

2016 Email Deliverability Guide


22% of legitimate email never makes it to the inbox. If email drives your business, then email deliverability is mission critical to your success. SendGrid’s Deliverability Guide provides key insights into the factors that affect whether or not your email makes it to the inbox. It includes best practices that every developer and marketer should know.

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Email Marketing 101 Tips

email marketing 101 tips

When you sit down to develop a new email marketing program or campaign, where should you start? We recommend starting with this content bundle! Our aim is to help pave a rock-solid foundation for you to build the rest of your program on by tackling your:

  • Strategy
  • Welcome email
  • Content
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Email Marketing Survival Kit


Preparation is the key to any successful email campaign—having the right tools in your email marketing toolkit can make all the difference. To help, we’ve assembled our most popular email marketing content in our Email Marketing Survival Kit.

What’s Inside the Kit:

  • The A-Zs of email marketing
  • Advice on how to write and design effective marketing emails
  • A sending framework that will keep you and your subscribers happy
  • Tips from our email insiders on what new tactics to try (and avoid!)
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SendGrid Email Infrastructure Guide


Deciding whether you should build and manage an email infrastructure in-house or outsource it to an email service provider (ESP) can be difficult. SendGrid’s Email Infrastructure Guide will walk you through the build vs. buy decision. We cover deliverability, scalability, support, cost, and other considerations that you’ll have to keep in mind. If you set up your email correctly, and you’ll have a better chance of getting your messages to the inbox.

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A-Z of Email Marketing


With email marketing being one of your strongest channels for ROI and customer acquisition, the more informed you are about proven best practices, the more return you’ll see. So from A (Audience) to Z (Zone In On Your VIP Recipients) and every letter in between: G (Give Before You Take), N (Not all Designers are Email Designers), P (Permission Marketing), let the A-Z of Email Marketing Guide help you step up your email game in 2016.

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The SendGrid Buyer’s Guide


Now that you are considering using SendGrid’s cloud-based system, you need to be sure you are choosing the solution that will meet your immediate and long-term needs. SendGrid’s Buyer’s Guide highlights the power of the SendGrid platform by illustrating the benefits SendGrid can have on your business.

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SendGrid API Guide


There is no limit to what you can do with SendGrid’s APIs. Read our API Guide to receive a comprehensive overview of all of our APIs, to learn more about sample use cases and client success stories, to gain valuable tips on where to find additional integration information online, and to find links to sample code. With this knowledge, you’ll be a master of our APIs in no time!

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Parse Webhook Guide

Parse Webhook guide cover

SendGrid’s Parse Webhook allows messages to be posted directly to your application, database, or any location that can accept JSON data. With this guide, learn how to take best advantage of this webhook so you can:

  • Welcome feedback
  • Interact with your customers
  • Collect valuable data
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Email Segmentation Strategies

Segmentation Strategies guide cover

With web-based communications infiltrating all segments of life, email has become a primary way that businesses interact with their users. Knowing how to best communicate and market your product or service to customers via email is key to business success and expansion. But not all customers are the same.

Learn to segment by:

  • User and customer activity
  • Demographics of your database
  • Email types and streams
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The ABCs of ISPs


A key to deliverability success is complying with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). But with the email landscape constantly changing, it can be hard to keep up with the latest best practices. At SendGrid, we communicate with ISPs to help stay on top of these changes. In addition, we’ve compiled the top strategies, tools, and tactics for you to gain acceptance by ISPs in our guide, The ABCs of ISPs.

Topics covered in this guide include:

  • The difference between IP and domain reputation
  • Engagement metrics definitions
  • What ISPs have feedback loops
  • A breakdown of specific deliverability tips by ISP
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How to Build a Strong Email Call to Action (CTA)


Once your subscribers have opened your email, your next step is to get them to click. The key to generating a click on your email links is providing a clear and actionable Call to Action (CTA). So how do you optimize this essential part of your email? Our How to Build a Strong Email Call to Action guide will show you how.

The guide covers CTA:

  • Copy Placement
  • Content Tips
  • Design Elements
  • Creative Examples
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