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Letters to the editor

Letters to Pacific Journalism Review can either be published in the online edition below or submitted as a Forum contribution in the print edition by emailing the editor: All letters are moderated.

PJR2014 conference highlights links
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Professor David Robie
Pacific Journalism Review
Pacific Media Centre
AUT University
Auckland, NZ

Dear readers,

If you missed out on PJR2014, you can catch up on stories - text, audio and video - at:

PJR2014 story index

PJR2014 on Storify

PJR2014 on Twitter: #PJR2014

November edition of PJR

The PJR2014 Conference Proceedings will be published shortly.



PJR2014 conference a great success
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Associate Professor Trevor Cullen
Edith Cowan University
Perth, WA

Thanks David ,

PJR was a real pleasure and the conference was a great success . Well done to you and the team.  I was unable to recognise myself in the cartoon so I will take a closer look. 

Christmas Blessings 

Take Care 


Missed a good PJR event
Friday, December 5, 2014

Tagaloatele Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop
Professor of Pacific Studies
AUT University

Malo lava David and team.

Looks like I missed a really good event with PJR2014!


Super PJR2014 conference
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Professor Mark Pearson
Griffith University
Nathan, Qld

Cheers, David... and thanks for a super PJR conference.

It did you, your team and the journal justice.




PJR conference a strong programme
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Professor Desna Jury
Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor
Dean of Design and Creative Technologies
AUT University
New Zealand

Dear David

The PJR conference idea was strong and it was a great success so congratulations to you and all your team for your efforts. I liked the breadth and depth of the activties, the attention to detail, including the cartoon(s), the interesting and supportive international dimension and the strong programme and publication opportunity.

You should feel very proud! I am.

Warm regards


The PJR conference has done AUT proud!
Monday, December 1, 2014

Tony Clear, PhD
Associate Professor
Associate Dean Research
Te Ara Auaha
Faculty Of Design & Creative Technologies
Auckland University of Technology
New Zealand

Hi David,

Yes, well done to you and all involved in PJR and the conference!

It was a great event recognising years of sustained and dedicated effort to keeping the journal afloat.  I certainly  enjoyed the sessions I was able to attend, the warm and collaborative tenor of the conference and the conversations.

All round the conference has done us all proud!

Best wishes



Congratulations on 20 years of dedication
Friday, November 28, 2014

Dr C. R. Strong
Massey University


I'm sorry I won't be able to join your celebrations as I'm overseas at that time.

However, I'd like to congratulate you on the 20 year dedication. It has been a valuable contribution to NZ journalism .

Well done.

Cathy Strong 

Congratulations PJR on building up the Pacific
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ben Bohane
Communications Director
Pacific Institute of Public Policy
Port Vila

Hi David

A quick line to congratulate you for all your hard work over 20 years with PMW and all your other initiatives which have contributed hugely to building up Pacific journalism. Wish you well for the conference and I wish I was able to be there to clink glasses with you and the others. I would have come down to be there in spite of PiPP workload, but as you will be aware we also have the big West Papua gathering happening now  in Vila and going through to next week. It might be the most important ever gathering of Papuan exiles to create a unified movement so I felt I had to stay here to cover it.

Best of luck to you mate and hopefully next week we'll have some good news on the West Papua front next week.

cheers from Vila


Congratulations PJR!
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Dr Angela Romano
Vice-President (Networks)
Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA)

Congratulations to David, Allison, Philip and everyone else associated with the latest issue of Pacific Journalism Review.

It’s another great edition, and a superb achievement to have reached the 20-year milestone.



Open letter on International Women's Day
Thursday, March 7, 2013

PFF Chair Titi Gabi
PO Box 7776
Boroko, NCD
Papua New Guinea

The Fiji regime's last-minute ban on a 'Reclaim the Night' march honoring International Women's Day has been condemned by regional media monitoring network the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF).

The Fiji Women's Crisis Centre (FWCC) holds an annual "Reclaim the Night" march in Fiji's urban city, Suva, to mark International Women's Day on March 8, and had received a permit for the gathering on February 19.

However, on the eve of the march, the organisers had their permit revoked because it was felt the event would have security issues.

"PFF condemns the latest measure against free speech and freedom of peaceful assembly in Fiji. The human right to free speech goes hand in hand with association and peaceful assembly and in a country where a host of decrees are gagging freedom of expression and association, the decision to ban the well-established 'Reclaim the night' event says much of the regime stance on the issue," says PFF co chair Titi Gabi of Papua New Guinea.

"The 8th of March is a day for voice, conversation and debate on the critical issues that affect half the world's population. The Reclaim the Night march is one of the outstanding initiatives allowing men
and families to mobilise and own the public debates against sexual and all forms of violence in our communities."

Says PFF co-chair Monica Miller of American Samoa:  "Insecurity, fear and misinformation are compounded and become a major threat to peace when citizens have their ability to be 'citizens' taken away. We urge the regime to allow all Fiji's people to be able to freely voice their concerns on the things that matter, and remove the range of decrees now limiting their freedoms in that regard".
