Defend free speech. Fight surveillance. Support innovation.

Act smalldefendencryption

Tell Congress: Defend Encryption

The FBI may have backed off its attempts to strong-arm Apple into building a backdoor to the iPhone, but the fight over crypto is far from over. The ENCRYPT Act and the Secure Data Act are federal bills that will safeguard encryption and reject backdoors. Tell your representatives in Congress to co-sponsor these vital bills.

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Act chilesmall

Chilean Senators: Don't Kill Open Licensing!

The Chilean House of Representatives recently passed a bill (Boletín 9889-24) that would make it functionally impossible for video creators to share their works under an open license, like a Creative Commons license. Now that bill is in the Senate.

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Act tattoosmall

Stop the Government’s Tattoo Recognition Experiments

Government researchers and the FBI are trying to crack the codes in our tattoos. They’re developing tattoo recognition technology with the aim of using our ink to reveal who we are, what we believe, and who we’re connected to. These experiments exploit prisoners without proper oversight and with little regard for privacy, civil liberties, or human dignity.

The good news is we may have time to stop it.

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