- published: 02 Sep 2019
- views: 308
.wien is a proposed new top level domain (TLD) for all those who want to demonstrate an economic, cultural, touristical, historical, social or any other connection to the Austrian capital WIEN - Vienna, Austria.
Along with TLDs such as .cat, .asia and .eu, .wien and other proposed TLDs fall into the new category of GeoTLDs. The issue of new top level domains in general and .wien in particular has been discussed at various ICANN-Meetings since 2005.
In May 2012, punkt.wien GmbH has – fully supported by Vienna Government/Administration - applied for .wien at ICANN’s new gTLD program. A rationale offered by proponents of the .wien-proposal is as follows:
The .wien top level domain is designed to serve the needs of the community of the City of Wien (English: Vienna) on the Internet by its own TLD. The local .wien domain names which become available with this TLD are concise and create a unique and individual identity for citizens, companies and institutions. Those providing and looking for information, goods and services in Vienna can thus intuitively come together. The .wien domain names strengthen the feeling of community amongst citizens and visitors of Wien, improve communication and make interaction easier, thus providing a stimulus for innovation and development. Both for citizens and for non-citizens the City of Wien becomes more attractive as a place to visit, as a commercial location and as a place to live.
Vienna (i/viˈɛnə/;German: Wien, pronounced [viːn]) is the capital and largest city of Austria, and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.8 million (2.6 million within the metropolitan area, nearly one third of Austria's population), and its cultural, economic, and political centre. It is the 7th-largest city by population within city limits in the European Union. Until the beginning of the 20th century it was the largest German-speaking city in the world, and before the splitting of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in World War I the city had 2 million inhabitants. Today it has the second largest number of German speakers after Berlin. Vienna is host to many major international organizations, including the United Nations and OPEC. The city lies in the east of Austria and is close to the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. These regions work together in a European Centrope border region. Along with nearby Bratislava, Vienna forms a metropolitan region with 3 million inhabitants. In 2001, the city centre was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Wien is the German language name for Vienna, the city and federal state in Austria.
Wien may also refer to:
Interview mit dem Schauspieler des Filmes "Die Toten bleiben jung" Intro: vollständige Rechte gehören dem Förderverein "Kino Völkerfreundschaft" e.V. Vielen Dank an den Offenen Kanal Merseburg-Querfurt e.V. und dem Förderverein "Kino Völkerfreundschaft" e.V. für die Unterstützung. Besonderer Dank gilt natürlich auch unserem Interviewpartner Dieter Wien. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_tasatwins_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saskia.wenck.3 https://www.facebook.com/tanja.wenck.5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/tasatwinstv Ganz liebe Grüße eure Tanja und Saskia
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.wien is a proposed new top level domain (TLD) for all those who want to demonstrate an economic, cultural, touristical, historical, social or any other connection to the Austrian capital WIEN - Vienna, Austria.
Along with TLDs such as .cat, .asia and .eu, .wien and other proposed TLDs fall into the new category of GeoTLDs. The issue of new top level domains in general and .wien in particular has been discussed at various ICANN-Meetings since 2005.
In May 2012, punkt.wien GmbH has – fully supported by Vienna Government/Administration - applied for .wien at ICANN’s new gTLD program. A rationale offered by proponents of the .wien-proposal is as follows:
The .wien top level domain is designed to serve the needs of the community of the City of Wien (English: Vienna) on the Internet by its own TLD. The local .wien domain names which become available with this TLD are concise and create a unique and individual identity for citizens, companies and institutions. Those providing and looking for information, goods and services in Vienna can thus intuitively come together. The .wien domain names strengthen the feeling of community amongst citizens and visitors of Wien, improve communication and make interaction easier, thus providing a stimulus for innovation and development. Both for citizens and for non-citizens the City of Wien becomes more attractive as a place to visit, as a commercial location and as a place to live.