"2. Al-Baqarah (224-286) - Decoding The Quran -
Ahmed Hulusi"
"Audhu billahi minash shaytanirrajeem"
Bismi Llaahi l-raḥmaani l-raḥeem
224. Do not let the oaths you make in the name of
Allah prevent you from doing good, seeking protection and making
peace between people. Allah is the
Sami, the Aleem.
225. Allah will not hold you responsible for any oaths you make unknowingly, but He will hold you responsible for what is intended in your hearts (consciousness). Allah is the Ghafur, the
226. For those who swear not to approach their wives, there is a waiting period of four months. If they revert from their word, indeed Allah is the Ghafur, the Rahim.
227. If they decide to divorce, undoubtedly Allah is the Sami, the Aleem (He knows their intentions).
Divorced women should wait for three menstrual cycles without getting married, to discern whether they are pregnant or not. If they believe that Allah comprises their innermost essential reality and have faith in the life to come, they have no right to hide what Allah creates in their wombs. If their husbands want to reconcile in this period, they are of higher priority than others. Just as wives have rights over their husbands, husbands also have rights over their wives, but the rights of men are one degree more (as the flow is from man to woman). Allah is the
Aziz, the
Divorce is twice. After this it can either be resumed or permanently released free. It is not lawful for you to take back anything you have given your wives (due to divorce). But if the wife and husband both find it difficult to observe the boundaries set by Allah, the wife has the right to request divorce by returning the things he has given her, and there is no blame upon her for doing this. These are the boundaries set by Allah so do not transgress them. Whoever transgresses the limits will only do wrong to themself.
230. And after all this, if he divorces his wife again (for the third time) then she is not lawful to him until after she has married another man. And if she gets divorced from the latter husband there is no blame upon her and her former husband to remarry each other, if they believe they can keep to the boundaries of marriage within the limits of Allah. These are limits of Allah, which He makes clear to people who know (Allah).
231. And once you divorce your wives and they reach the end of the three-months waiting period, either retain them with kindness or release them by good means. Do not keep them attached to yourselves to cause them misery, and whoever does so will only do wrong to himself. Do not take the creeds of Allah lightly. And remember the favor of Allah upon you and the
Book and
Wisdom He revealed to you to advise you based on the letter B. Protect yourself from Allah and know well that Allah, as the essence of everything (in respect of the dimension of the
Names) is aware of everything.
232. When you divorce your wives and they reach the end of the waiting period, do not prevent them from getting remarried, if they agree among themselves on mutual terms. This is an advice upon those who believe in Allah and the life to come. This is better (clean from humanly conditionings) and purer for you. Allah knows and you know not.
233. (Divorced) mothers can breastfeed their children for two whole years, (if the fathers) wish to complete the nursing period. During this time the father is responsible for their provision and clothing, according to custom. No one will be subject to more than his capacity. And no mother or father should be subject to harm because of their child. The same applies for the heir. If they mutually agree to wean the child before the end of the two years, there is no blame upon them. If you wish to have your children nursed (by a wet nurse), there is no blame upon you so long as you pay the required according to what is customary. Protect yourselves from Allah and know well that He (as the creator of all that you do) is the
234. If any of you die and leave widows, the widows should wait for four months and ten days (before they remarry). After this period, there is no blame upon them for what they do according to custom (getting married to someone else). Allah, as the former of your actions, is the Habir.
235. There is no blame upon you if you hint a proposal of marriage to (divorced or widowed) women (during their waiting period), or conceal it in your heart. Allah knows that you will be inclined towards them. But do not enter into any hidden arrangements with them outside of what is customary nor bond in marriage with them until the end of the waiting period. Know that Allah knows what is in your consciousness, so heed Him. Know that Allah is the Ghafur, the Halim.
- published: 20 Jul 2015
- views: 146