- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 48
Chioggia [ˈkjɔddʒa] (Venetian: Cióxa, Latin: Clodia) is a coastal town and comune of the province of Venice in the Veneto region of northern Italy.
The town is situated on a small island at the southern entrance to the Lagoon of Venice about 25 kilometres (16 miles) south of Venice (50 km (31 mi) by road); causeways connect it to the mainland and to its frazione, nowadays a quarter, of Sottomarina. The population of the comune is around 51,000, with the town proper accounting for about half of that and Sottomarina for most of the rest.
The municipality, located in south of the province, close to the provinces of Padua and Rovigo, borders with Campagna Lupia, Cavarzere, Codevigo (PD), Cona, Correzzola (PD), Loreo (RO), Rosolina (RO) and Venice.
Chioggia and Sottomarina were not prominent in antiquity, although they are first mentioned in Pliny as the fossa Clodia. Local legend attributes this name to its founding by a Clodius, but the antiquity of this belief is not known.
War of Chioggia The War of Chioggia (Italian: Guerra di Chioggia) was a conflict between Genoa and Venice which lasted from 1378 to 1381, from which Venice emerged triumphant. =======Image-Copyright-Info======== License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0) LicenseLink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Author-Info: Twice25 & Rinina25 Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chioggia-Canal_Vena-DSCF9597.JPG =======Image-Copyright-Info======== -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVhmdMIxJWU
One of Airsoft War videos filmed in the Italy you can see more at http://www.youtube.com/user/keips90?feature=mhum or Google "keips90 channel" Wargame domenicale, svoltosi l' 11-12-2011, a Chioggia tra il Gruppo Granito e i Dirty Dozen. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_205616616124541≈=1 Filmed using a GoPro Hero 960 camera, recorded at 30FPS 720p HD, edited using Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 http://gopro.com/ Gruppo Granito website: http://www.granito-asg.it/
DEUTSCH: DIE KÜSTENWACHE "VETTOR PISANI" Die Batterie erhielt ihren Namen zu Ehren des venezianischen Oberbefehlshabers, Admiral Vettor Pisani, der im Juni des Jahres 1380 während der "Schlacht von Chioggia" die genuesische Flotte Pietro Dorias besiegte. Der Bau dieser Batterie wurde 1912 begonnen und kurz vor Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs beendet. In dieser Küstenbatterie, die eine typische Konzeption des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts aufweist, war die Artillerie "in barbetta" angeordnet, d. h. sie schoss in Richtung des Meeres während die Flammen und die Schwaden der Explosionen "facevano la barba", die Befestigung selbst wie einen Bart umrahmten. Die Bestückung bestand aus sechs 280/L Haubitzen die auf halbrunden Bettungen im Freien positioniert waren. Die Batterie unterlag dem Militärkomman...
Trogir From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Trogir (Latin: Tragurium; Ancient Greek: Τραγύριον, Tragyrion or Τραγούριον, Tragourion Trogkir; Italian: Traù; Hungarian: Trau) is a historic town and harbour on the Adriatic coast in Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia, with a population of 10,818 (2011) and a total municipality population of 13,260 (2011). The historic city of Trogir is situated on a small island between the Croatian mainland and the island of Čiovo. It lies 27 kilometres (17 miles) west of the city of Split. Since 1997, the historic centre of Trogir has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. History In the 3rd century BC, Tragurion was founded by Greek colonists from the island of Vis, and it developed into a major port until the Roman period. The name come...
Trogir From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Trogir (Latin: Tragurium; Ancient Greek: Τραγύριον, Tragyrion or Τραγούριον, Tragourion Trogkir; Italian: Traù; Hungarian: Trau) is a historic town and harbour on the Adriatic coast in Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia, with a population of 10,818 (2011) and a total municipality population of 13,260 (2011). The historic city of Trogir is situated on a small island between the Croatian mainland and the island of Čiovo. It lies 27 kilometres (17 miles) west of the city of Split. Since 1997, the historic centre of Trogir has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. History In the 3rd century BC, Tragurion was founded by Greek colonists from the island of Vis, and it developed into a major port until the Roman period. The name come...
Carlo Zeno (or Zen) (1333 – March 8, 1418) was an Italian admiral from Venice, who is considered a hero of the War of Chioggia against the Republic of Genoa. Destined for an ecclesiastical career, Zeno studied at Padua, but dedicated himself instead to pursuing women and the good life. He thus ran out of money and enlisted in a band of mercenaries, returning to Venice after four or five years. While at Patras, the city was attacked by Turkish forces. Zeno distinguished himself in battle, but later made himself a hunted man after he killed a Christian knight with whom he had had an argument. He traveled to Constantinople, was married, and lived like a merchant. He was at Tenedos, a Venetian possession, when it was attacked by the Genoese. As the bailiff and captain of Negropont, Zeno foun...
This article is about the 14th century treaty.For the 17th century one, see peace of Turin .The Peace of Turin of 1381, ended the War of Chioggia , in which Venice, allied with Cyprus and Milan, had narrowly escaped capture by the forces of Genoa, Hungary, Austria, Padua and the Patriarchate of Aquileia.Venice had overcome this crisis, forcing the surrender of the Genoese fleet at Chioggia, fighting a second Genoese fleet to a standstill in the Adriatic, and turning Austria against Padua, thus forcing its most threatening landward opponent into retreat. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video
Hallo meine Lieben! Ich hab heute endlich das Video von meinem Urlaub für euch! Dani und ich waren mit meinen Eltern in Chioggia und haben dort in einer Anlage, die sich Villago Isamar nennt, gewohnt. Bitte wundert euch nicht, dass man mich unter dem Video nur einmal mit Trikot und Kappe am Strand sieht und sonst nur am Ende. Ich hab Dani öfter gefilmt, da ich ja die Gegend selber gefilmt habe und es somit einfacher war Dani zu filmen, als immer zu tauschen, damit man mich filmen konnte. Ich hoffe euch hat das Video gefallen! Musik in diesem Video: TOPIC - Fly Away: __________________________________________ Hallo ihr lieben ❀ Ich bin Nina, 16 Jahre alt und ich beschäftige mich mit den Bereichen Beauty, Fashion und Lifestyle. Ich hoffe ihr habt genauso viel Spaß an meinen Videos wie ich...
Subtitles in EN & GR - Υπότιτλοι στα ελληνικά και αγγλικά Chioggia is a miniature version of Venice. The town is situated on 4 small islands at the southern entrance to the Lagoon of Venice about 25 km south of Venice. It's population is 25,000. (50.000 with nearby Sottomarina). Η Chioggia είναι μια μικρογραφία της Βενετίας. Η πόλη είναι χτισμένη σε 4 μικρά νησιά στη νότια είσοδο της λιμνοθάλασσας της Βενετίας περίπου 25 χλμ νότια της Βενετίας. Έχει πληθυσμό 25.000. (50.000 με τη γειτονική Sottomarina).
Dal 1954 ad oggi la tradizione continua, offrendo una struttura turistica con un Ventaglio di Servizi che cresce e si rinnova ogni anno: situata sul litorale di Sottomarina, famosa per le sue spiagge profonde dalla sabbia finissima, a due passi della suggestiva cornice della laguna dove risiede l'antico e pittoresco centro di Chioggia, la "Piccola Venezia", AstoriA è pronta ad accoglierVi e farVi scoprire tutto il suo mondo. ASTORIA vi propone un viaggio alla scoperta di momenti di puro Divertimento, Relax e Intrattenimento, di giorno e di notte. Un percorso pensato per soddisfare i vostri desideri durante ogni momento della giornata, senza stress: lasciateVi viziare dalle diverse offerte che solo AstoriA sa offrirvi: Spiaggia ricca di servizi e intrattenimenti per coinvolgere tutta la f...
Domenica 12 Dicembre 2010 a.D. Questo lido di "elegante frequentazione", così scrive la guida, è anche quartiere residenziale suburbano di Venezia città. Si trova su un'isola lunga 12 km a 1,5 da San Marco. Raggiungibile anche a nuoto? Tornando indietro dalla parte della strada asfaltata litoranea, ho scoperto l'edificio essere il famoso hotel Excelsior. Una mia conoscente dice di averci lavorato come receptionist. Fortunata?
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Venedig är ett fascinerande turistmål. I centrala stans trånga gränder får man inte ens cykla. Alla transporter går med båt. I stället för bussar används s k Vaporetto kollektivtrafikens båtar. Stadens storhetstid var fram till 1600-talet och sedan dess så minskar vardagsaktiviteten. Befolkningen har enligt ett TV-program minskat från 200.000 till 58.000 på 20 år. Antalet banker och vanliga affärer minskar. Många hus och lägenheter har köpts av rika utlänningar som visats där bara nån vecka per år och prisnivån på bostäderna är hög. http://www.svtplay.se/video/2215752/the-venice-syndrome Samtidigt är miljön väldigt läcker. Det ryktas att prisnivån för turister är väldigt hög men det tyckte inte vi stämde, stan riktar sig till turister med olika tjock plånbok och restaurangpriserna var mått...