- published: 27 Sep 2016
- views: 9684
Donald John Trump, Sr. (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessperson and media personality. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Trump's career, branding efforts, personal life, wealth, and outspoken manner have made him famous throughout the country. Since 2015, he is also a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election.
Trump is a native of New York City and a son of Fred Trump, who inspired him to enter real estate development. After two years at Fordham University and while studying at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Trump worked for his father's firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son. Upon graduating in 1968 he joined the company, and in 1971 was given control, renaming the company "The Trump Organization". Since then he has built hotels, golf courses, and other properties, many of which bear his name. He is a major figure in the American business scene and has received prominent media exposure. The NBC reality show The Apprentice bolstered his fame, and his three marriages were extensively reported in tabloids.
¡Peña Nieto va drogado a una entrevista con Ciro Gómez Leyva! Septiembre 2016
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LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Roanoke, VA 9/24/16
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¡El colmo señores! Enrique Peña Nieto va drogado a entrevistarse con Ciro Gómez Leyva un periodista reconocido a nivel latinoamérica. Y es que las cosas que dice Peña en esta entrevista ¡Están de locura!
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Discurs complet del diputat d’Esquerra Republicana al Congrés dels diputats, Gabriel Rufián, demanant una Comissió d'Investigació sobre el cas Fernández Díaz
Saturday, September 24, 2016: Live stream coverage of the Donald J. Trump rally in Roanoke, VA at the Berglund Center. Live coverage begins at 6:00 PM ET. LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Roanoke, VA 9/24/16
Lately I've been thinking that I don't feel like I used to do.
I'm trying to keep my two feet on the ground.
Constantly surrounded everywhere I turn I'm hounded,
people stop and stare and look me up and down.
Now you shouldn't feel down from what everybody says
and don't let it bother you if anybody stares,
'cause you know that at times people can be cruel,
try to put you down make you feel like a fool.
But you got one shot now don't you ever stop,
keep your dreams high keep reachin' for the top,
'cause you know and I know if they had the chance
they'd be climbin' up on the stage trying to dance.
C'mon C'mon and get together.
Lets take a chance, it's now or never,
spread the word over the nation
that we are the new generation.
C'mon C'mon and get together.
Start living your life like it's forever.
Don't wanna stop if you're dreamin',
let everybody know what you're feeling.
Questions I can't answer got me going round in circles.
Make me feel as though I'm losing self control.
It's feeling like a dream to me. I've lost a touch of reality
deep inside I've searched with my soul.
Now it's good to keep searching and bettering yourself
but don't push too hard 'cause it's bad for your health.
And running round in circles will always get you dizzy.
And thinking too much that will make your head busy,
so just sit back and relax, you gotta chill.
I promise that all of your dreams will be fulfilled.
One day if you keep on looking you'll find,
you just gotta go with your heart and your mind.