- published: 21 Mar 2014
- views: 910
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews Like us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/chinaforbiddennews An unprecedented protest has taken place in Taiwan, with students occupying the country's congress. Students protested Taiwan's Kuomintang forcibly passing the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement in it's Legislature. On March 20, students continued to occupy the Legislative Yuan to protest the 'black box operation' of the agreement. They demanded a dialogue with President Ma Ying-jeou, to ask for supervision over any treaty between China and Taiwan. At 9pm on March 18, more than 200 students broke through police cordons. They rushed into the side door of the Legislative Yuan in Taipei. The students declared a sit-in protest of 63 hours in the assembly hall. A banner ...
Taiwan's newly elected Legislative Yuan speaker is sworn into office SUBSCRIBE:►►► http://bit.ly/1fmcCNT ◄◄◄
Students in Taiwan Have Stormed and Occupied the Legislative Yuan Full report http://wp.me/p382HF-2Yw
Lawmakers from across the political spectrum joined together to host a farmer''s market at the Legislative Yuan today, in an effort to help farmers from Taitung County get back on their feet after the recent typhoon. Agricultural producers in the county on Taiwan''s southeast coast sustained more than 700 million NT dollars in damages from the storm.Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan took big gulps of tea and sniffed a bag of mushrooms. When it came to promoting Taitung’s agricultural products, Su was probably a good choice. He even promised to buy whatever farmers had left over after the sale. DPP caucus convener Ker Chien-ming also issued a strong appeal for help to lawmakers from his own party. Ker Chien-mingDPP Caucus ConvenerOur legislative caucus will spend NT$100,000. You legislator...
WONG: Across the strait from China in Taiwan, we have a story of democracy in action. On Monday Taiwan's parliament began its second session. The first order of business? To get a series of "sunshine bills" designed to limit political corruption. The parliament is also broadcasting its session live over the Internet for the first time to promote political transparency. NTD's Taipei team explains. STORY: The second session of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan started on Monday. The legislative Yuan is Taiwan's law making body, often referred to as the parliament. The first member arrived at 5 a.m., KMT legislator Cao Er-chung. The first order of business for the parliament was to pass four "sunshine bills" aimed at criminalizing public officials for not reporting where their campaign mone...
Students in Taiwan Have Stormed and Occupied the Legislative Yuan http://revolution-news.com/students-taiwan-stormed-occupied-legislative-yuan/
Student leaders have generally tried to keep occupation of the Legislative Yuan peaceful. They were pleased when former gang leader Chang An-lo left the Legislative Yuan today without major incident. Upon hearing Chang An-lo had called on labor groups to help him enter the Legislative Yuan, the pile of chairs forming a barricade inside the assembly was fortified with extra rope. Two extra volunteer security staff were deployed, and police filled the stairways.Lin Fei-fanStudent LeaderIf he really insists on giving us his demands, we hope he can give them to police and they can pass them to our fellow students outside who will bring them in. Basic security concerns mean that we cannot let him inside the Legislative Yuan.Student leaders say Chang's anger is misdirected and that the real culp...
訂閱節目 Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/user/macroview The legislature passed a resolution to abolish the Red Cross Society Act of the Republic of China on July 12. Although Kuomintang lawmakers tried to block the resolution, it still passed 45-9. In the future, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China will be governed under the Civic Organizations Act. 立法院表決通過,要廢止紅十字會專法。國民黨團發言杯葛,最後還是以45票贊成、9票反對、確定通過廢除。未來紅十字會,將會回歸到人民團體法的相關規範當中。對此,紅十字會表示,未來將連署聲請大法官解釋、並提出行政訴訟。 *More Information 更多資訊請至 宏觀電視官網:http://www.pts.org.tw/macroview/ 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanmactv
The Legislative Yuan has elected conveners for its eight standing committees, with the Democratic Progressive Party taking nine seats and the Kuomintang taking seven. People First Party Legislator Chen Yi-chieh (陳怡潔) voted for the DPP candidate for Internal Administration Committee convener, saying her vote was based on policy issues. 立法院進行8個常設召委選舉,民進黨總計拿下9席召委,國民黨則是拿下7席。而部分委員會,出現藍綠爭取召委席次的現象,因此親民黨的動向更是倍受矚目。而在內政委員會的部分,親民黨立委陳怡潔投給民進黨,被質疑橘子綠了,陳怡潔表示是按照施政議題來投票。 *More Information 更多資訊請至 宏觀電視官網:http://www.pts.org.tw/macroview/ 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanmactv 訂閱節目 Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/user/macroview
On March 20th 2014 I visited the protestors who had occupied the Taiwan legislative yuan. They had taken over the building in protest of the secret passing of a trade agreement with China. I filmed interviews with the protestors inside so they could tell the world why they had occupied the building and what the protest means to them. Each interview is the opinion of the person speaking. http://nickvaky.com/documentary-projects/
訂閱節目 Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/user/macroview The government had been making its effort in updating the Electricity Act for the purpose of electricity industry liberalization so that Taiwan Power Company won't be the monopoly in the industry. The Legislative Yuan is currently reviewing the amendment to the Electricity Act. According to Finance Vice Minister Yang Wei-fu the progress of the Electricity Act amendment is scheduled to be completed by the end of July before delivery to the Executive Yuan. It is hoped that the bill can be delivered to the Legislative Yuan by its next session. 打造電業自由化,從去年開始政府已計畫修改電業法,就是要打破台電一家獨佔局面!立院進行電業法增訂條文草案審查,經濟部次長楊偉甫表示,電業法修正案進度,預計7月底前,完成內部協商後送交行政院,希望趕在下會期,送進立法院。 *More Information 更多資訊請至 宏觀電視官網:http://www.pts.org.tw/macroview/ 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.fac...
Just two weeks before he takes charge of Taiwan’s executive branch, Premier-designate Lin Chuan paid a visit to the Legislature urging coordination on policy. But Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan warned that the new government would not have much of a honeymoon period. Premier-designate Lin Chuan was joined by future Vice Premier Lin Hsi-yao and Cabinet Secretary-General Chen Mei-ling during his visit to the Legislature. Lin ChuanPremier DesignateI’m very hopeful that in the future the Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan can play positive roles in promoting policies and coordinate their actions well. Su Jia-chyuanLegislative SpeakerAll of the party caucuses told Premier Lin that there would be no honeymoon period. If he falls short of the people’s expectations, every party will represent...
The Legislative Yuan's Internal Administration Committee is reviewing draft amendments to the Nationality Act. Immigration groups have expressed support for the amendments. They are also calling for dual citizenship and equal rights for naturalized and native-born citizens. However, the Ministry of the Interior does not support these proposals. 立法院內政委員會、審查國籍法修正草案,移民團體也前往立法院、表達修法主張,提出包括保留原國籍,歸化者與本國籍人士、有相同權益保障等,不過內政部對這些主張有不同看法。 *More Information 更多資訊請至 宏觀電視官網:http://www.pts.org.tw/macroview/ 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanmactv 訂閱節目 Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/user/macroview
"LEGISLATURE" in Cantonese (立法院) - Flashcard. Additional information about the word: general assembly,Legislative House,law-makers,Legislative Yuan/House,Legislative Yuan,legislature,House,legislative assembly.
The Fat Cats Yuan Occupied by Taiwan Protest Dog 台灣土狗佔領肥貓院! Nobody care about this very quiet Control Yuan 監察院 known as a Controless Ministry (政治酬庸的年度預算22億元), located in-between Executive Yuan & Legislative Yuan. Since it was there as the political rewards for fat cats, wasted billions of tax$ every year, it must be occupied by the protest dog Blackie 小乖, who has lived with the Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan by the roadside of Legislative Yuan for 7 years! Until now, they still occupy there using a canvas tent as a base for Taiwan Independence. #OccupyCongress佔領立法院: Occupy the Ministry of Legislative Yuan (0318~0424, 2014) against China trade pacts & the authoritarian ruling party KMT 國民黨, known as the kickstarter of the Sunflower Movement was a 24/7 occupy movement, people from e...
As the Legislative Yuan starts its new session, the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee held its first interpellation session of the Overseas Community Affairs Council. Minister Steven Chen attended with OCAC department heads. Many legislators were concerned about the direction and use of budget and assessment of benefits. They hope that the OCAC can critically evaluate the effects, so that tax money is used to the best effect. 立法院展開新會期,外交及國防委員會舉行第一次僑務工作詢答。委員長陳士魁與各單位主管列席備詢,不少立委針對預算編列的方向與執行效益評估,都相當關切,希望僑委會能審慎評估,讓人民的納稅錢發揮真正的功效。 *More Information 更多資訊請至 宏觀電視官網:http://www.pts.org.tw/macroview/ 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanmactv 訂閱節目 Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/user/macroview
Hsu Hsin-ying (1972-), Taiwan Hsinchu Hakka | 徐欣瑩, 台湾新竹客家人 - Youngest-ever Vice-Presidential candidate, Taiwan Presidential election, 2016 - Founder and Chairperson, Minkuotang (Republican Party), 2015-present - Member of the Legislative Yuan, 2012-2015; Won by the highest majority among more than 100 legislative yuan seats in the Taiwan legislative election, 2012 Credits: 徐欣瑩 - 政見發表》總結:推行台灣新政、建設台灣 呂秉翰 - 爭鋒天下 副總統篇 徐欣瑩
http://www.soas.ac.uk/taiwanstudies/ This special lecture titled "Taiwan’s 2016 Elections and Cross-Strait Relations" was given on 11 November 2015 by Tung Chen-yuan (Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley) at the Centre of Taiwan Studies, SOAS University of London. Taiwan will hold general elections to elect the 14th President and 113 members of the 9th Legislative Yuan on 16 January, 2016. Currently, there are three presidential candidates: Hung Hsiu-chu (KMT), Tsai Ing-wen (DPP), and James Soong (PFP). The 2016 elections will significantly change Taiwan’s political landscape and will have consequent impact on relations between Taiwan and China. In his speech, Prof. Tung will share his observations on the following questions: Who is most likely to win Taiwan’s 2016 presidential election? Why i...
The proposal was bold and straightforward: “Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People”. Well, it’s been shelved already, amid claims that it never did have that much bite in the first place. The two Kai Tak sites bought by mainland developers under the scheme still haven’t passed Legco’s legislative procedures, which means that there could be no criminal liability for violating the previous rules or restrictions. The government says demand from overseas buyers has already dropped to a very low level. There’ve been dark mutterings in some circles, particularly in mainland China, that Taiwan’s Sunflower Student Movement is the beginning of a pro-independence movement in Taiwan. Others say the students have limited aims, and that their departure from Taiwan’s legislative yuan this week shows...
來賓Guest:文魯彬Robin Winkler 博仲法律事務所創辦人Managing Partner / Winkler Partners Taiwan will elect a new Legislature on 16th January 2016. On this edition of Taiwan Outlook, a very special candidate for the Legislative Yuan, Mr. Robin Winkler, who is currently the Managing Partner of the Winkler Partners in Taipei Taiwan, talks about his experiences of doing environmental protection movements in Taiwan. 台灣知名環保運動參與者、博仲法律事務所創辦人文魯彬,宣布將爭取綠黨提名,參選2016年1月的立法委員選舉,若順利獲得提名,他則成為台灣史上第一位參與立委選舉的「阿兜仔」台灣人。文魯彬從1977年就到台灣居住,並在2003年歸化成中華民國國籍。 *More Information 更多資訊請至 宏觀電視官網:http://www.pts.org.tw/macroview/ 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/taiwanmactv 訂閱節目 Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/user/macroview
紀錄片工會在2014年發起「太陽花運動影像紀錄計劃」,並於該年十月底完成了《太陽‧不遠》,《太陽‧不遠》由十個導演串起九個不同的主題。為了抗議黑箱作業的兩岸服貿協議,台灣在2014年發生長達24天的佔領國會運動。為什麼青年學生要佔領國會?整件事是如何發生的?在24天中,青年世代如何被改變?24天之後,他們改變了什麼? 青年們衝進立法院側門之後,撐開了一個無盡擴張的黑洞,緊接而來的是無盡的,最基本的追問:什麼是民主?什麼是政府?什麼是公平?什麼是暴力?什麼是我們的未來?什麼是我們美好的幸福?什麼是「我們」? In 2014, when protesting against the Cross-strait Service Trade Agreement that was hastily approved, a group of protestors stormed into the Taiwanese parliament and ended up occupying the assembly hall for 24 days. Why did students occupy the parliament? How did it happen? In 24 days, what changes did the young generation go through? 24 days later, what have they changed? After the young generation stormed through the side door of the Legislative Yuan, it was like the door to a bottomless black hole was thrown open. Immediately c...
Meeting # 3,379 - college regular and occasional presenter Li-Ping Yuan, who says: Legislative branches are having terrible approval rating? Do you like to see changes? (e.g., vote out all incumbencies?) Let me propose two improvements so that: • Every voter's voice counts, fair and equal representation, • No gerrymandering, • Less on representatives, more on issues, • Less partisan, • Less election attacks and spending, • Best of all, all citizens will be more interested in politics, participate in voting and even become a representative.
For higher resolution watch http://www.ntdtv.com / to watch more on youtube : http://youtube.com/user/NTDTV choose playlist and then "Asia Talk" NTD's Shelley Zhang talks to Ian Williams, collumnist for the Guardian Online and former president of the UN's Correspondents Association, about the impact of Ma Ying Jeou's victory on the relations between Taiwan, the mainland and the U.S.
On April 9, 2014, the Taiwan Democracy Project at Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) hosted a special event featuring the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Ma Ying-jeou. Co-sponsored with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office and the Office of the President of the Republic of China, the event featured a video address by President Ma on U.S.- Taiwan economic and trade relations. The address was followed by a panel discussion with leading Stanford faculty and fellows, including CDDRL Director Larry Diamond and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies Oksenberg-Rohlen Distinguished Fellow Thomas Fingar. The panelists responded to the president's remarks and commented on recent dramatic events in Taiwan, including the ongoing occupa...
The last speech - Corporal Hung Send-Off Assembly (with Eng Sub) -- Citizen 1985 Ketagalan Blvd Demonstration Statement ** Background A month after the death of Hung Chung-Chiu, a young Taiwanese army conscript, truth and justice remain out of sight despite the nation-wide attention and demand. Hung was sent to detention for carrying a camera phone to the army barracks days prior to his scheduled discharge from army service, and died a week later of severe heatstroke and multiple organ failure after strenuous disciplinary drills in sweltering heat and denial of water and medical aid. Hung's death has been widely suspected to be a result of cruel abuse and/or deliberate homicide, an accomplice structure long existing in the military, and even possibly organized crime. What set off wid...
Date : 06 September 2014 ~Part 1: http://youtu.be/803QZ4iirhU ~Part 2: http://youtu.be/1kxdrheY-E4 ~Part 3: http://youtu.be/xi99o6KyZGc ~Part 4: http://youtu.be/pMKOoSNMWdU Go to the following link for Photos: - http://www.wamci.org.au/node/10800 Opening Ceremony-Zen Within Brush Solo Exhibition of the Taiwanese Calligraphy & Ink Painting Professor Hsiao Shih-Chiung Master of Ceremonies: Lewis Lee OAM Venue: Chung Tian Art Gallery Address: 1034 Underwood Road, Priestdale QLD 4127 Distinguished Guests include: - ~Master Chueh Shan, the Host & Abbess, Chung Tian Temple; ~Melody Chen, Co-Host & Life Honorary President, WAMCI; ~Professor Hsiao Shih-Chiung, the Renowned Master Artist; ~Mr. Ken Lai, Director General, Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Brisbane; ~Michael de Brenni representi...