Posts Tagged ‘Soto del Real’

Update and words from the anarchist comrade threatened with extradition for bank robbery (Spain)

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

Some days ago, as we had already taken the extradition of the comrade arrested on 13th April for granted, we got news that extradition to Germany would be postponed for a month, a postponement decided by the Audiencia Nacional in response to our lawyer’s request as preparation of her marriage documents had begun before her arrest. As soon as the tribunal’s decision was made known, the comrade was transferred to the women’s prison of Brieva (Avila), from where we thought they were making arrangements for the flight to Germany.

From the prison we received her words, which we are going to publish immediately. At the moment the comrade is being held once again in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid), in solitary confinement and with the possibility to go to the exercise yard with the other prisoners, at least until 30th June, the day when the delay for the wedding ceremony expires.

In the meantime we are making a callout for solidarity with the comrade in the streets, for support to all imprisoned fighters and for showing deep contempt at the system that keeps them kidnapped in order to defend its miserable order.

Words from the comrade arrested on 13th April:

Comrades, I’m writing from the prison of Brieva, Avila, where I’ve been just taken after a month and a half of imprisonment in Soto del Real, Madrid, always in FIES and solitary confinement. I wanted to write earlier but communications and information are very slow and restricted, so I haven’t done so till now.

I truly appreciate all the gestures and demonstrations of solidarity and support.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique about the latest repressive operation in Barcelona and in solidarity with the comrade imprisoned in the prison of Soto del Real (Catalunya & Spain)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

On Wednesday April 13 at 5am an operation of the Mossos d’Esquadra [Catalan Police] began in which two private homes and a squat in the neighbourhood of La Salut, the “Blokes Fantasma” were raided and the twenty or so people living in the building were detained for twelve hours.

In addition to the looting and destruction that accompanies any police search, the operation resulted in the arrest of a comrade who had already been imprisoned within the framework of the Pandora Operation, and for whom since 11 April there was a European arrest warrant on charges of participation in bank expropriations in Germany.
After her transfer to the Spanish National Court, judge Eloy Velasco ordered preventive detention for our comrade, who has been transferred to the prison of Soto del Real.

As she is also charged in the Pandora trial (currently under instruction) and that she herself has expressed her desire not be extradited, our defence has called for a “conditioning” of the European extradition order, claiming that she be held in custody in the Spanish State until the trial pending here is held. Within a maximum period of 2 months (extendable for another month), the High Court would have to decide whether the handing over of our comrade to the German authorities can be temporarily suspended or not. From the German press we learned that she has been linked to an expropriation that occurred two years ago in the town of Aachen, during which, again according to the press, the assailant group took a significant amount of money from the bank without causing any injuries or personal damage. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Words from anarchist comrade Paul Jara “Pol”, arrested following “Operation Piñata” (Spain)

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

Greetings comrades and those in affinity. I’d like to send out some words as an anarchist, taking as good the many positions and visions that anarchism can adopt, all equally valid when they are seeking to destroy power, authority and the State.

I think that is the beauty of our ideas and in my opinion all these trajectories can coexist and merge in search of much longed for total liberation. I want to express my hatred, disgust and contempt for everything that concerns the State, power, authority and in particular that instrument of annihilation called prison, which uses isolation as its main weapon.

I have always maintained that anarchists must prepare themselves and be aware that at any moment the day can come when they will have to face prison and, in my opinion, this is logical, because if you try to destroy the State, it will try to arrest you in order to nullify you, paralyze and destroy you. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Incommunicado in Spain

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva, arrested as one of the Aachen 4, has recently been transferred to Spain, where he is currently being held incommunicado – without visits or telephone access.

Please send faxes protesting his treatment to Soto del Real prison:
00 34 91 844 78 03
00 34 91 844 77 12

Send cards and letters of solidarity to Gabriel at:

Gabriel Pombo da Silva
Centro Penitenciario Madrid V
Soto del Real
C.P. 28770

Leeds Anarchist Black Cross

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Posted in Prison Struggle