Latest National news

A whole new climate genie may be uncorked

Peter Hannam 6:51 PM   Signs that the gas industry may be uncorking a new climate genie are growing.

Artificial pancreas may be only a year away

An artificial pancreas could soon replace insulin injections for type 1 diabetes patients.

Bridie Smith 4:34 PM   People living with type 1 diabetes could soon be free of regular insulin injections, after researchers said an artificial pancreas could become available within a year.

More measles cases spark fear of 'significant outbreak'

The number of measles cases could rise.

Bridie Smith 1:52 PM   Victoria is again on measles alert after two new cases were confirmed on Saturday, taking to 34 the number of infections recorded in the state this year.

'We didn't know our baby's organs were shutting down'

Twelve-year-old Charbel Torbey, with his dad David, has the extremely rare genetic condition tyrosinaemia type 1 (HT-1).

Kate Aubusson 12:15 AM   As Charbel's parents dressed the four-month-old in his christening gown they noticed his nappy wouldn't fit over his engorged tummy.

Q&A; star returns with fresh questions

Duncan Storrar, who became embroiled in a media storm after asking a question on Q&A.

Neil McMahon 6:38 AM   Duncan Storrar, the man whose Q&A; question defined the election campaign at its outset in May, has emerged to challenge the nation's leaders once more.

Man locks family in shed and ignites fire

Long-term use of ice can result in serious damage to the brain.

Ava Benny-Morrison 12:15 AM   After three days on an ice "bender", Shannon Guterres started to hear the all too familiar voices in his head. 

Meet the 93-year-old still working full-time

Alf Catalano who still works at the ripe old age of 93.

Anna Patty   He is 93, still working full time and wants to stay on the job until he dies. Alf Catalano lives to work.

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Businesses will not 'profit' from homeless

A spokesman for the federal Coalition denied businesses would profit from victims of domestic violence and homelessness.

Anna Patty   Unions fear funding for victims of domestic violence and homelessness is at risk.

Comments 4

60 Minutes kidnapping mum 'staying positive' as charges are laid

Sally Faulkner hasn't been able to speak to her children since she left Lebanon after being released from prison along ...

Nathanael Cooper   Sally Faulkner says she is trying to keep her head up as the ordeal around the botched 60 minutes kidnapping saga moves into the next phase.

NSW government prison teachers plan 'an abdication of hope'

The state government is outsourcing prison education to the private sector.

Kelsey Munro   There's not much to do in jail, says former prisoner Ken Casey. 

'Medical Weightloss Institute' under fire for dubious claims

Dr Thomas Goyer of the Medical Weightloss Institute.

Julia Medew   Dr Thomas Goyer started his medical career recommending dubious erectile dysfunction drugs for a business that exploited Australian men. Now he is prescribing "breakthrough" medical weight loss plans that "reset hormones" with "no strict diets or gruelling workouts".

How bread has improved health

Adding folic acid and iodine to bread is having health benefits for Australians, a study finds.

Cassandra Morgan   Bread is better than ever in Australia, with a new report finding it successful in combating birth defects.

'I don't want to live with people I'm afraid of'

Luke David fears who he will have to trust to ensure he keeps breathing at night.

Chloe Booker   Luke David has a fear unimaginable to any able-bodied person.

Bullying in Australian schools is falling, but remains 'unacceptably high'

A study by University of South Australia academics has found that 20 per cent of school-aged children regularly ...

Henrietta Cook, Eryk Bagshaw   Bullying in Australian schools remains “unacceptably high,” a new report has found.

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Doctor caught drunk allowed to return to work

A drunk anaesthetist has been approved to return to work.

Harriet Alexander   A public hospital anaesthetist who was found in a drunken stupor after abandoning a patient mid-operation has been conditionally allowed to return to work.

South East livestock exchange brings $15 million boost for Yass

The $15 South Eastern Livestock Exchange which will open on Sunday, July 3, 2016,  at Yass.

John Thistleton   New livestock selling centre gears up for one million sheep a year.

ACT public servants: sick, tired and overworked


Noel Towell   Public servants paying the price of efficiencies.

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'People have failed you': ADF boss says sorry to child sex abuse victims

Vice-Chief Ray Griggs says the ADF is resolved to stamp out all forms of abuse.

Rachel Browne   The Vice-Chief of the Australian Defence Force directly addressed abuse victims, telling them they were failed by the system.

Cosmetic surgeons Snapchat their patients' operations

Snapchatting cosmetic surgeon Dr Kourosh Tavakoli with a staff member.

Harriet Alexander   Privacy was once sacrosanct in operating theatres. Not any more.

Superbug hunters: the front line against antibiotic resistance

Rebecca Davis, a microbiologist and infectious disease physician at RPA hospital in Sydney. Rebecca uses genome mapping ...

Annabel Stafford 12:15 AM   With the World Health Organisation warning of catastrophic consequences from the rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, a new breed of detective is stopping killer infections by tracing them back to the gut of an individual patient or hospital sink.

Four things teachers really want

Teachers tell Fairfax Media what would help them feel empowered

Swetha Das   Much is said about education funding during election campaigns

Transport union faces court in rort case

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's relations to key unions is back in the spotlight.

Ben Schneiders & Royce Millar   A powerful right wing union is being taken to the Federal Court after the workplace tribunal found it had massively rorted its membership numbers.

Public service bosses sexually harassed

Departments may have to develop procedures to allow women to report harassment without ceding their authority as leaders.

Noel Towell   Young female bosses risk being sexually harassed by their own workers, according to new research.

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Asbestos compensation processing times drop

'Many people with occupational dust diseases are elderly and need choice and control.'

Anna Patty   The NSW government has reported the average processing time for people with insurance claims for dust diseases has fallen from 136 to 66 days since it made changes to the scheme last year.

Major parties 'neglecting work, family issues'

Anouk Sireude with her children, Mila Hauptmann, 5, and Bill Hauptmann, 6 weeks, in their Bardwell Park

Anna Patty   Anouk Sireude resigned from her job when she was 12 weeks pregnant because another company offered her an extra month of paid parental leave.

Costly health cover isn't always the best

Coverage of major dental can vary widely among the top combined policies.

Esther Han   Caution urged at end of financial year as providers pull out all the stops to grab your money.

Benefits to injured motorists could be slashed

NSW Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Victor Dominello says NSW has the least affordable motor accident ...

Anna Patty   Benefits to injured motorists will be slashed under proposed changes to the NSW Green Slip scheme that lawyers warn are potentially harsher than controversial changes the state government made to the workers compensation scheme.

Happy family? There's no such thing, says relationship expert

Australian Institute of Family Studies director Anne Hollonds says parents should not be too hard on themselves.

Rachel Browne   Family life is "messy", says relationship expert Anne Hollonds. "We like things to be neat and tidy and controllable and that's exactly what families are not."

Material world

Rachel Newby and Liam Culbertson aim to live on less than $100 a week as part of the Wurruk'an eco village in Gippsland.

Paul Biegler   Saving the planet means consuming less, but why is it so hard to do?

'A total waste of taxpayer money'

Australia's landfill sites are big sources of greenhouse gases that have turned out to be rather lucrative.

Peter Hannam   The country's biggest operators of landfills have pocketed almost $200 million from the Abbott-Turnbull government's Emissions Reduction Fund without having to prove the funds reduced their greenhouse gas production.