
Matsya Avatar Story of Lord Vishnu
published: 17 Jul 2013
author: Sahaj Bhakti
Matsya Avatar Story of Lord Vishnu

Matsya Avatar in English From KidRhymes
Matsya, the fish, appeared in the Satya Yuga.The Fish Incarnation is the first incarnation...
published: 07 Feb 2011
author: KidRhymes
Matsya Avatar in English From KidRhymes
Matsya Avatar in English From KidRhymes
Matsya, the fish, appeared in the Satya Yuga.The Fish Incarnation is the first incarnation of Vishnu. Lord Vishnu takes the form of a fish in order to retrie...- published: 07 Feb 2011
- views: 12920
- author: KidRhymes

Comics - Dashavtaar ( Matsya Avtaar)
This video is about Matsya Avtaar www.iskcondesiretree.net....
published: 21 Jul 2013
author: ISKCON Desire Tree
Comics - Dashavtaar ( Matsya Avtaar)
Comics - Dashavtaar ( Matsya Avtaar)
This video is about Matsya Avtaar www.iskcondesiretree.net.- published: 21 Jul 2013
- views: 58
- author: ISKCON Desire Tree

Matsya (fish) incarnation fight scene
Vishnu takes the form of a fish and destroys the demon Haigriva and rescues the 4 vedas pe...
published: 19 Jan 2008
author: Madhuvrata Das
Matsya (fish) incarnation fight scene
Matsya (fish) incarnation fight scene
Vishnu takes the form of a fish and destroys the demon Haigriva and rescues the 4 vedas personified. 100's of rupees were lavished on this.- published: 19 Jan 2008
- views: 19364
- author: Madhuvrata Das

See the story of Matsya avatar of Lord Vishnu which Shree Krishna learns from his teacher....
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: Saurabh Parikh
See the story of Matsya avatar of Lord Vishnu which Shree Krishna learns from his teacher. See the second part of it. See it in the serial "Krishna" by Raman...- published: 06 Dec 2010
- views: 117561
- author: Saurabh Parikh

Matsya Avatar One
Part one of the Album DashAvatar. Music production is Svaha Sound System, the animation is...
published: 09 Dec 2012
author: Lord D Vadher
Matsya Avatar One
Matsya Avatar One
Part one of the Album DashAvatar. Music production is Svaha Sound System, the animation is not mine but is re-sequenced by me. Animation licensed by Shemarooent.- published: 09 Dec 2012
- views: 346
- author: Lord D Vadher

See the story of Matsya avatar of Lord Vishnu which Shree Krishna learns from his teacher....
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: Saurabh Parikh
See the story of Matsya avatar of Lord Vishnu which Shree Krishna learns from his teacher. See the first part of it. See it in the serial "Krishna" by Ramana...- published: 06 Dec 2010
- views: 25940
- author: Saurabh Parikh

Mahabharat Full Episode 59 Kaurav attack Matsya Desh Mahabharat Episode 59 with Subtitles
published: 11 Apr 2014
Mahabharat Full Episode 59 Kaurav attack Matsya Desh Mahabharat Episode 59 with Subtitles
Mahabharat Full Episode 59 Kaurav attack Matsya Desh Mahabharat Episode 59 with Subtitles
- published: 11 Apr 2014
- views: 3097

088 BHAGWAT GITA -Matsya Aavatar
Lord Krishna describes his births (incarnation) as Arjun is interested to know what all bi...
published: 09 Aug 2010
author: Saurabh Parikh
088 BHAGWAT GITA -Matsya Aavatar
088 BHAGWAT GITA -Matsya Aavatar
Lord Krishna describes his births (incarnation) as Arjun is interested to know what all births were taken by Vishnu before Krishna When the world was sinking...- published: 09 Aug 2010
- views: 10366
- author: Saurabh Parikh

Music Classes - Annamacharya Keerthanalu - Matsya Kurma Varaha - Charanam 1
Free Online Music Classes Annamacharya Keerthanalu Kapi Raagam Matsya kurma varaha....
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: LearnersOne
Music Classes - Annamacharya Keerthanalu - Matsya Kurma Varaha - Charanam 1
Music Classes - Annamacharya Keerthanalu - Matsya Kurma Varaha - Charanam 1
Free Online Music Classes Annamacharya Keerthanalu Kapi Raagam Matsya kurma varaha.- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 291
- author: LearnersOne

Music Classes - Annamacharya Keerthanalu - Matsya Kurma Varaha - Charanam 3
Free Online Music Classes Annamacharya Keerthanalu Kapi Raagam Matsya kurma varaha....
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: LearnersOne
Music Classes - Annamacharya Keerthanalu - Matsya Kurma Varaha - Charanam 3
Music Classes - Annamacharya Keerthanalu - Matsya Kurma Varaha - Charanam 3
Free Online Music Classes Annamacharya Keerthanalu Kapi Raagam Matsya kurma varaha.- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 459
- author: LearnersOne

59 Kaurav attack Matsya desh in Tamil
The news of Keechak's death reaches Duryodhan. He suspects that Bheem is responsible and d...
published: 03 Mar 2014
59 Kaurav attack Matsya desh in Tamil
59 Kaurav attack Matsya desh in Tamil
The news of Keechak's death reaches Duryodhan. He suspects that Bheem is responsible and decides to invade Virat. King Susarma of Trigarta also invades Virat. He captures Virat, but Bheem attacks and Virat emerges victorious. Duryodhan then attacks from another front. Prince Uttar tries to retreat after seeing the Kaurav army but Brihannala (Arjun) stops him. Brihannal reveals his weapons and his identity, then blows his conch.- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 62

Matsya Koorma Varaha - Annamacharya - Deepika & Shilpa
Another Annamacharya Keerthana from the concert held at Tirumala during the Brahmotsavam o...
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: dee4kay
Matsya Koorma Varaha - Annamacharya - Deepika & Shilpa
Matsya Koorma Varaha - Annamacharya - Deepika & Shilpa
Another Annamacharya Keerthana from the concert held at Tirumala during the Brahmotsavam on 17/10/2007. Performed by Deepika and Shilpa. http://www.geetam.co...- published: 23 Mar 2009
- views: 3384
- author: dee4kay
Vimeo results:

Some artwork courtesy of The Bhaktiv...
published: 25 Jul 2010
Some artwork courtesy of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International,Inc. http://www.krishna.com

Under Water Asanas
Hello everybody !!!
Not long ago, we went swimming with some friends. And suddenly, I had...
published: 28 Jun 2010
author: Christoph
Under Water Asanas
Hello everybody !!!
Not long ago, we went swimming with some friends. And suddenly, I had this idea to explore some of the Yoga Asanas under water.
So here are Padma Asana Variations, Kurma Asana, Baddha Kona Asana, Makara Asana, an attempted handstand and some "kriyas" in the form of forward and backrolls that were a lot of fun :-).
I completely forgot to do Matsya Asana, a wonderful posture to relax that I like to use in the sea to float along with the waves.
I really enjoyed these explorations and I think I will take them further ... It made me curious about exploring freediving more. It is wonderful to move under water without bottles ... just like a dolphin :-). And it is also very interesting to get a different feel of the Yoga Asanas by performing them under water.
Enjoy and lots of good under water energies and inspirations to all of you !!!

Pt 9 of 16 Śrī Viṣṇu Sahasranāma Stōtraṁ Tutorial Verses 49-60 main text English Script and Meaning in Description
49. Suvratassumukhassūkṣmassughōṣassukhadassuhr̥t
Manōharō jitakrōdhō vīrabāhur vidāraṇ...
published: 27 Aug 2013
author: Glory of Rama
Pt 9 of 16 Śrī Viṣṇu Sahasranāma Stōtraṁ Tutorial Verses 49-60 main text English Script and Meaning in Description
49. Suvratassumukhassūkṣmassughōṣassukhadassuhr̥t
Manōharō jitakrōdhō vīrabāhur vidāraṇaḥ
He has vowed to protect those who surrender. He is pleasant-faced. He is subtle. He is of auspicious sound. He confers happiness. He benefits even sinners. He captivates the mind. He has overcome anger. He is dexterous. He destroys the wicked.
50. Svāpanasvavaśō vyāpī naikātmā naika karma kr̥t
Vatsarō vatsalō vatsī ratnagarbhō dhanēśvaraḥ
He is stupefying. He is independent. He is all-pervading. He is the cause of various cosmic forces. He performs many functions. He dwells inside all. He is affectionate. He protects like a father. He is the ocean that is a repository of gems. He is the Lord of Wealth.
51. Dharmagub dharmakr̥ddharmī sadasatkṣaramakṣaraṁ
Avijñātā sahasrāṁśur vidhātā kr̥talakṣaṇaḥ
He is the protector of Dharma. He performs Dharma. He upholds Dharma. He is Reality. He is un-Reality (as the World). He is present in the perishable. He is imperishable. He is without attributes. He has a thousand rays. He is the sole supporter. He is the eternal Consciousness.
52. Gabhastinēmissatvasthassiṁhō bhūta mahēśvaraḥ
Ādidēvō mahādēvō dēvēśō dēvabhr̥d guruḥ
He is the center of the planetary system. He radiates goodness. He is like a lion. He is the great Lord of all beings. He is the foremost deity. He is the greatest deity. He is the lord of all gods. He is the Lord of Indra.
53. Uttarō gōpatir gōptā jñānagamyaḥ purātanaḥ
Śarīra bhūtabhr̥d bhōktā kapīndrō bhūri dakṣiṇaḥ
He uplifts. He is the cowherd (Krishna). He is the protector of all. He is attained by the knowledge of Truth. He transcends Time. He nourishes the 5 elements that constitute the body. He enjoys infinite bliss. He is the great Boar. He is the Lord of monkeys. Great offerings are made to Him.
54. Sōmapōmr̥tapassōmaḥ purujit purusattamaḥ
Vinayō jayassatya sandhō dāśārhassātvatāṁ patiḥ
He drinks the Soma juice in fire rituals. He drinks the nectar of immortal bliss. He is the Moon that nourishes vegetation. He is the conqueror. He is the best. He punishes evil-doers. He is victorious. He has true resolve. He deserves offerings. He protects those who follow Sattvic scriptures.
55. Jīvō vinayitā sākṣī mukundōmita vikramaḥ
Aṁbhōnidhiranantātmā mahōdadhiśayōntakaḥ
He supports the life-force. He is the inner witness. He confers Salvation. He is of immeasurable prowess. He is the ocean. He is the infinite Self. He reclines in the final waters that absorb everything in the end. He is the end of all.
56. Ajō mahārhassvābhāvyō jitāmitraḥ pramōdanaḥ
Ānandōnandanōnandassatya dharmā trivikramaḥ
Love was born from Him. He deserves worship. He is eternally perfect. He has conquered inner enemies. He is ever joyful. His nature is Bliss. He is the source of happiness. He is of true Dharma. He covered the World in three steps (as Vamana).
57. Maharṣiḥ kapilācāryaḥ kr̥tajñō mēdinī patiḥ
Tripadastridaśādhyakṣō mahāśr̥ngaḥ kr̥tāntakr̥t
He is Sage Kapila who envisioned the entire Veda. He is the Universe and its knower. He is the Lord of the Earth. He is the three syllables: Om Tat Sat. He is the witness of the 3 states of existence and the 3 gunas. He is the great-horned (Matsya). He is the withdrawer of the Universe.
58. Mahāvarāhō gōvindassuṣēṇaḥ kanakāngadī
Guhyō gabhīrō gahanō guptaścakra gadādharaḥ
He is the great Boar. He is known through spiritual texts. He has a good army of divine hosts. He has golden arm-bands. He is mysterious. He is unfathomable. He is impenetrable. He is concealed. He wields the discus (Mind) and the mace (Intellect).
59. Vēdhāsvāngō jitaḥ kr̥ṣṇō dr̥ḍhassankarṣaṇōcyutaḥ
Varuṇō vāruṇō vr̥kṣaḥ puṣkarākṣō mahāmanāḥ
He is the originator. He is self-instrumental. He is un-conquered. He is dark. He is firm. He unswervingly withdraws the world in the end. He is sages Vasishtha and Agastya. He is the unshakable sheltering tree. He pervades the lotus of the heart. He is the great Mind behind the wheel of Creation.
60. Bhagavān bhagahā nandī vanamālī halāyudhaḥ
Ādityō jyōtirādityassahiṣṇur gatisattamaḥ
He possesses the six blessed attributes. He withdraws them during dissolution. He is blissful. He wears the garland of 5 elements. He is armed with a plough (Balarama). He is Vamana. He dwells in the brilliance of the Sun. He endures the pairs of opposites. He is the ultimate resort of all.
Sri Guru Datta

MUSIC: " Bhaja Hure mana" by Prapanam das
Most artwork courtesy of The Bhaktivedanta Book ...
published: 30 Sep 2009
MUSIC: " Bhaja Hure mana" by Prapanam das
Most artwork courtesy of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International,Inc. http://www.krishna.com
Youtube results:

56 Agyatvas in Matsya desh with English Subtitles
The Pandavas live incognito and serve King Virat. Yudhishthir becomes a courtier named Kan...
published: 17 Feb 2014
56 Agyatvas in Matsya desh with English Subtitles
56 Agyatvas in Matsya desh with English Subtitles
The Pandavas live incognito and serve King Virat. Yudhishthir becomes a courtier named Kanak. Bheem becomes a cook. Nakul and Sahadev look after cattle and horses. Arjun becomes a eunuch named Brihannala and Draupadi becomes Sairandhri, the handmaiden to Queen Sudeshna of Virat.- published: 17 Feb 2014
- views: 45

Cure Sciatica With Yoga || Flapping Fish Position || Matsya Kridasana
Shammi Gupta a professional yoga instructor, guides us through the position of "Matsya Kri...
published: 04 Sep 2013
Cure Sciatica With Yoga || Flapping Fish Position || Matsya Kridasana
Cure Sciatica With Yoga || Flapping Fish Position || Matsya Kridasana
Shammi Gupta a professional yoga instructor, guides us through the position of "Matsya Kridasana" also known as "Flapping Fish Position". Like all other Asanas, this one too has multiple health benefits and is a useful solution to Sciatica Key Physical Benefits: Stimulates digestive peristalsis. Constipation. Backache. Sciatica. Rest during pregnancy. Fat reduction. Massages chest cavity Subscribe to our channel for more Asanas and cures for your mind, body and soul. http://www.youtube.com/homeyoga123- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 67

Dasvatara Homams - Matsya Avatar Part 1
Matsya Avatara Homam — Get rid of the sins of the past and present lives and attain moksha...
published: 12 Apr 2013
author: Vedic Folks
Dasvatara Homams - Matsya Avatar Part 1
Dasvatara Homams - Matsya Avatar Part 1
Matsya Avatara Homam — Get rid of the sins of the past and present lives and attain moksha (salvation) : https://www.vedicfolks.com/others/karma-remedies/sha...- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 45
- author: Vedic Folks

(D/T - 29.10.2013)...
published: 15 Nov 2013
FASAL SANGOSHTHI - MATSYA PALAN. (D/T - 29.10.2013)- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 26