- published: 19 Jul 2016
- views: 3463
1891 (MDCCCXCI) was a common year starting on Thursday (dominical letter D) of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Tuesday (dominical letter F) of the Julian calendar, the 1891st year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 891st year of the 2nd millennium, the 91st year of the 19th century, and the 2nd year of the 1890s decade. Note that the Julian day for 1891 is 12 calendar days difference, which continued to be used from 1582 until the complete conversion of the Gregorian calendar was entirely done in 1929.
Small Arms of WWI Primer 030: Italian Carcano Model 1891
Argentine Mauser Model 1891
Carcano 1891 Infantry Long Rifle in 6.5x52.
George Johnson - The Whistling Coon - 1891 (The first recording by an African-American)
Fragmentos de la Historia: La Guerra Civil 1891
A Constituição Brasileira de 1891 - Extensivo História | Descomplica
Historia de Chile _ Periodo entre 1891 a 1925..wmv
Heritage of Philips founded in 1891
Capitulo IV. Radicalismo (1891-1943).
Othais and Mae delve into the story of this WWI classic. Complete with history, function, and live fire demonstration. C&Rsenal; presents its WWI Primer series; covering the firearms of this historic conflict one at a time in honor of the centennial anniversary. Join us every other Tuesday! Cartridge: 6.5x52mm Capacity: 6 rnds Length: 50.59" weight: 7.72 lbs Additional reading: You can now find these and other books through our A-store. When buying through this link we receive a small commission that goes on to help with production. http://astore.amazon.com/candrprimer-20 The Model 1891 Carcano Rifle A Detailed Developmental & Production History Giovanni Chegia & Alberto Simonelli with Ralph Riccio http://www.schifferbooks.com/the-model-1891-carcano-rifle-a-detailed-develo...
This rifle is an absolute joy to shoot, the fit and finish are nearly perfect for a rifle that is over 120 years old. This particular rifle is a second year production, made in 1892, and the first series of Mauser rifles to fire smokeless ammunition. We hope you enjoy today's video, and stay tuned for more milsurps to come. AR500 Steel Targets: https://www.shootsteel.com CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! http://www.iraqveteran8888.com Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iraqveteran8888official Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/mrsiraqveteran8888/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Iraqveteran8888 Shirts & other Apparel: http://www.iraqveteran8888.spreadshirt.com Disclaimer: Our videos are for entertainment purposes only, imitation or the use of any instruction...
Please check out my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/mikefrigginb Great rifle, made to shoot really far. I can't wait to see all the "Omgsh, is dis da rifel dat JFK got shot wit?" comments.
George Johnson's song Whistling Coon was one of the most popular of the Coon songs of the 1850-90s. While the records and the imagery that goes along with them are offensive, these are pioneering African-American recordings and songs. There are a number of virtually lost African-American songwriters from this period who tend to be left out of the Great American Song Book. Virtually none of these recordings are available today, although at one point 1 in 15 new records released by the major phonograph companies (Edison, Victor, Columbia) were coon music. The amazing thing about the earliest of Johnson's recordings is that each one was unique. Each record was recorded and cut ON THE SPOT, so he had to do each take perfectly, and was then paid for the session. He made a decent living, bu...
Tras una serie de disputas entre el Poder Ejecutivo y el Legislativo, la discusión sobre el presupuesto del año 1891 finalmente generaría el estallido del conflicto interno. Mientras las fuerzas del Ejército de Chile se dividieron, apoyando ambos bandos, la Armada se unió a los congresistas. Extracto documental nación.
Olá, #EstudanteDescomplica! Essa aula faz parte do módulo "Proclamação da República e República das Espadas". Nesse módulo, o professor Renato Pellizari fala sobre as Características da Constituição Brasileira de 1891, o Federalismo, o Laicismo, o Voto Direto e Aberto, o Fim do Poder Moderador. Para ver o próximo vídeo sobre a República das Espadas, vá em http://bit.ly/1uGyR4Q. Estude com a gente e fique afiado para o Enem :D ------- 00:00:07 História -- Prof. Renato Pellizzari -- Proclamação da República e República das Espadas (Constituição Brasileira de 1891) 00:00:41 Na tela: Constituição Brasileira de 1891 -- O Brasil se torna república federalista presidencialista, dando fim a monarquia. 00:00:59 Constituição Brasileira de 1891 -- Fim do Poder Moderador. Presença apenas dos Poder...
This black and white video with historical footage describes the heritage of Philips, founded in 1891, in a chronological order the history of Philips. Connect with Philips online: Visit Philips website: http://philips.com Find Philips on Facebook: http://philips.to/1vHLjSx Follow Philips on Instagram: http://philips.to/1jMbdfh Follow Philips on Twitter: http://philips.to/1wi1zsI Follow Philips on Pinterest: http://philips.to/1tIrM5Q Find Philips on Google+: http://philips.to/1s2WrmS Find Philips on LinkedIn: http://philips.to/1w2TKJF Visit Philips blog: http://philips.to/1nxWpbo Learn Philips news: http://philips.to/1r8yRG5