Platinum Approach

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About Platinum Approach

Platinum Approach is a marketing and administration consultancy service that assists small business to achieve their goals. We specialise in being a virtual assistant to your business which is streamlined to make us look as part of your business. We also handle all aspects of administration and marketing including social media, collateral, copy writing, events and basic artwork.


1 Review (average 5.0 out of 5)

  • Platinum Approach went above and beyond required duties. In particular, Allison’s kind and friendly nature paired with her eye for detail and strong work ethic made working with her an absolute pleasure. She met every deadline, responded promptly to every email (even the smallest of requests were never over looked) and her work was extremely professional and of the highest standard. I would recommend Platinum Approach’s services to anyone. Ben Hudson Actor Singer Entertainer

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should a customer hire you over another service provider?

    Platinum Approach works tirelessly to ensure that they appear as part of your business. We have extensive experience in all areas of marketing and administration and are available night and day to any business.

  • Is there a particular aspect of your trade or industry that you specialise in?

    Platinum Approach has worked with and in a diverse range of industries including engineering, medical, beauty, not-for-profits, financial, legal and security. We have experience in all aspects of marketing allowing us to create a strategy that work for each business.

  • How do you normally charge for your service?

    In most cases as we are required on an ongoing basis, therefore, we charge out at an hourly rate. However, we are able to provide quotes on a per project basis to clients.

  • What experience, skills, qualifications or training do you have to make you the right person for the job?

    Consultants of Platinum Approach have over 40 years combined experience in marketing and administration. Director, Allison Dando's education includes a Graduate Certificate of Marketing, CSU; Diploma of Marketing (Sports), APM. She has worked in a variety of industries over her 15 year career including legal, finance, direct selling, medical, engineering, security and not-for-profit.

  • What makes your pricing competitive?

    We are able to provide tailored pricing structures so that you only pay for the services you use and not for ones that you will not utilise. As a start up we are also offering a variety of introductory offers for the first 10 clients.

  • Are there any special offers you would like to offer to Oneflare customers?

    For the first ten oneflare customers we would like to offer an introductory rate of $25 p/h on any of the services listed on our website as a one off project. If you are interested in having Platinum Approach on retainer each month we can offer 10 hours a month for $220

  • How can a customer save money before you start the work? Please give 3 tips

    1. Have an understanding of where your business is at in the marketplace 2. Know what your competitors are doing 3. Know what goals you want to achieve, both short and long term

  • What are the typical things that you need to know before you can provide a quote to a customer?

    Which services you would like to utilise and what you would like to achieve from these services. This question is a little difficult to provide a detailed answer as our services are so varied.

  • What makes you the most reliable and trustworthy person for the job?

    We treat every customer as our very first one, we work hard to ensure we get the job done and as marketing is a deadline driven activity we ensure that we meet all deadlines provided by our clients. It's not in our nature not to achieve your goals!

  • What do you like most about your job?

    We love what we do, seeing something that we create come to life and achieve what it was set out to achieve, after all that is what we are here to do. The best feeling is knowing we have achieved the brief of the client and that they are 100% happy with what we have provided them.

  • How did you decide to get into your line of work?

    I fell into marketing by accident many years ago - it came naturally and I enjoyed every aspect of it. I decided to create the business so that I could achieve goals of a number of clients instead of working in house for just one.

  • Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

    Platinum Approach is 100% insured. Our work is guaranteed to be completed on time and within all parameters set by our clients. If for any reason our clients are unhappy with our work we will discuss the matter and come to mutual agreement moving forward.

  • What questions do customers most commonly ask you and what is your answer?

    What services can you provide to my business? We provide a wide range of services including both administration and marketing, it depends on what your business needs are at the time of consultation.

  • What questions should a customer ask to hire the right service professional?

    After explaining objectives, ask the service professional for suggestion on how they anticipate to achieve the objective, although it won't be a refined strategy you will at least have some idea of what they are planning and if you feel that will fit with your business.

  • Do you have a favourite customer story you would like to share?

    We had the pleasure to work with Ben Hudson who was preparing his very own cabaret show in Sydney. We came on board to assist with his integrated marketing communications plan. Ben had no website, social media and was unsure on how to approach media for coverage of his event. We worked with Ben to implement a wide variety of social media across multiple platforms, implement a website and provide copy for his press releases. His show was an outstanding success with a sell out crowd. He is now planning to take his show nationally early next year.

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Service Categories

Platinum Approach offers the following services: