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Oana Paunescu - Soulmate ( cover )
Oana Paunescu despre Kyra Kyralina
corina paunescu - ei si ce
Oana Tabultoc - Colind de Paste
oana si razvan.avi
Alison Lohman shooting pentru DADA
Fashion2Movie III Good Karma
Dark Prince : The Story Of Dracula Official Trailer!
Fashion2Movie II
Andrei Paunescu & Trupa Totusi - Singura poveste.MPG
Andrei Paunescu & Trupa Totusi - Singura poveste.MPG
not the best qualitty :D i let you say the rest :D
Muzica: Tatiana Stepa, Text: Adrian Paunescu, Oana TABULTOC - Colind de Paste (VIDEO)
.....coregrafie proprie.........
SUPRIzzzAAAAA - Alison Lohman a fost protagonista unui shooting DaDa realizat la inceputul lui decembrie :D pentru colectia de gentitze SISI Vintage Collecti...
Good Karma IN (the) DAdA Land by Model: Iulia Cirstea Designer: o idee de... Oana Paunescu DOP: Patru Paunescu Fotografie: Tudor Cucu Montaj:...
Charles Band has been making horror movies in Rumania for several years, so it should come as no surprise to find his local collaborators, associate producer...
The Island o Productie Castel Film Studios Art Director: Oana Paunescu Costumes: Carmen Secareanu Starring: Meda Victor, Andreea Vizitiu Director: Vlad Fenes...
Noul videoclip MANDINGA - CE POVESTE (SPECIAL GUEST CONNECT-R) Regizor Titus Scurt Producer Cat Music & Happiness Production Head of Production Irina Scurt DOP Alexandru Prepelita Credits Foto&Video;: Stefan Ciocan Scenografia Magdalena Stoiadin Edit Mihai Vasilache Costumele Cristina Paltinean Asistent Regie Adriana Itu 1st AC Camera A Alexandru Popescu 1st AC Camera B Romulus Stancescu 2nd AC / DIT Vlad Tofan Gaffer Stefan Tarzioru Best Boy Florin Ene Electrician Laur Marin MOVI M10 Technician Razvan Sima Make-up Gabriela Buica Hair George Negrisan Arme si Efecte Speciale Nicolae Petre Alexandru Petre Set Dressing Assistant Oana Ignat Sofer Aurelian Anghel Multumiri Coca-Cola McCann Amalia Jakab Oana Paunescu Atelierele Dada Cinesyl Videolink Dl. Gorga Alexandru si Asociatia Nationala Romana a Scafandrilor Profesionisti din Romania Capitanul Dimitris de pe corabia Marea din Mangalia.
VERSURI - ADRIAN PAUNESCU MUZICA - OANA HANGANU Din spectacolul "Daruri din inima", din 16 aprilie 2014, impreuna cu grupul Generatia Folk, la Filarmonica Ol...
10 Zile de Iubire, Sala Palatului (24 februarie 2011)
10 Zile de Iubire, Casa de Cultură a Studenților București (14 februarie 2011)
ASOCIATIA SCRIITORILOR "ACADEMUS" - BUCURESTI 2014.07.21 - Bd. Regina Elisabeta nr. 32 Ovidiu Oana
10 Zile de Iubire, Casa de Cultură a Studenților București (14 februarie 2011) Concurs (1982) Regizor: Dan Pita Distributie: Claudiu Bleont Theodor Danetti Gheorghe Dinica Stefan Iordache Vladimir Juravle Marin Moraru Catalina Murgea Oana Pellea Adriana Schiopu Valentin Uritescu Jorj Voicu Compozitor: Adrian Enescu Operator: Vlad Paunescu Un grup de excursionisti -colegi de serviciu- participa intr-o padure la un concurs de orientare turistica si isi dezvaluie fiecare adevaratul caracter, configurand indirect tarele societatii comuniste. "Pustiul", intrusul ce reactioneaza la mentalitatile si lasitatile lor, este singurul contrapunct al gastii de tovarasi, mai ales in momentul dramatic cand se aude tipatul unei femei in padurea indiferenta. Premiul FIPRESCI la Festivalul de Film New Delhi,1985.
10 Zile de Iubire, Sala Palatului (24 februarie 2011)
10 Zile de Iubire, Casa de Cultură a Studenților București (14 februarie 2011)
10 Zile de Iubire, Sala Palatului (24 februarie 2011)
Descarca in exclusivitate pe shop-ul nostru: Booking/Concerte: 0732.399.227; Like: https://www.facebook...
Premiile Nationale "Flacara lui Adrian Paunescu", editia I, 20 iulie 2011.
ELIZA BOCIOACA- Corbeanca& IONUT BORCAN- Balotesti Baba Cloanta SRL PREMIUL ADRIAN PAUNESCU Creatie- Mamaia Copiilor 2008 Compozitor: Cristina Manoliu Textie...
Premiile Nationale "Flacara lui Adrian Paunescu", editia I, 20 iulie 2011
"Totul e sa vrei sa lasi in urma ta un cer fara furtuni si oamenii mai buni !" (Cornel Fugaru) Piesele muzicale: 1. TOTUL E SA VREI si 2.FLUTURI de LUMINA, C...
... phones across borders if full implementation of the One Area Network Agreement (OANA) succeeds.
All Africa 2015-04-01The game took place, but only after a Ministry of the Interior helicopter was drafted in to hover ...
Taipei Times 2015-04-01(Source: ... Florin Gardos was an unused substitute for Romania, as they beat the Faroe Islands 1-0 at the Ilie Oana Stadium.
noodls 2015-03-29(Source: Sunderland plc ). Published: 27 March, 2015. by Oscar Chamberlain ... Sunday 29th March ... Ploiesti ilie Oana Stadium ... Solna.
noodls 2015-03-27(Source: ... To: Bucharest Stock Exchange ... e ... Oana Valentina TRUTA Legal Representative Report date: ... Oana Valentina Truta - Manager.
noodls 2015-03-24NATO also reacted, with alliance spokeswoman Oana Lungescu telling Danish daily Berlingske that NATO ...
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-23Asked to respond, NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said Denmark was a staunch member of the alliance ...
DNA India 2015-03-23Asked to respond, NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said Denmark was a staunch member of the alliance ...
Otago Daily Times 2015-03-22His girlfriend, legislator Oana Niculescu-Mizil, was also questioned. She said she would resign from Parliament ... Next page.
Tampa Bay Online 2015-03-13(Source: ... The game takes place on Sunday 29th March, kick-off 5pm BST, at the Ilie Oana Stadium. distributed by ... saintsfc. co.
noodls 2015-03-13Published March 13, 2015Associated Press ... ADVERTISEMENT ... His girlfriend, legislator Oana Niculescu-Mizil, was also questioned.
Fox News 2015-03-13(Source: Bucharest Stock Exchange ) Bucuresti, 30 PRESS RELEASE ... Oana Stan, Brand Manager of Techirghiol ... Techirghiol ... bvb. ro.
noodls 2015-03-12GMT ... • Oana Lungescu, Nato’s "public diplomat", (Letters, 6 March) denies that Nato has expanded relentlessly ... Oana Lungescu.
The Guardian 2015-03-09Ioana is a female given name. It is the equivalent of the English name Joan, and the male version John, all of which derive from the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning "God is gracious". This form of the name is used in Romania - where it is pronnounced <ewana> or <eoana> and Hawaii, and also as a variant of the Bulgarian form Yoana.
Between 1860 and 1967, citizens of Hawaii were required to give their children Christian names. Because the sound system of the Hawaiian language does not correspond to that of English, "Hawaiianized" versions of the names evolved, including Ioana.
See also:
Adrian Păunescu (20 July 1943 – 5 November 2010) was a Romanian poet, journalist, and politician. Though criticised for praising dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, Păunescu was called "Romania's most famous poet" in a Associated Press story, quoted by the New York Times.
Born in Copăceni, Bălţi County, in what is now the Republic of Moldova, Păunescu spent his childhood in Bârca, Dolj County. He did his secondary studies at Carol I High School in Craiova.
Păunescu studied philology at the University of Bucharest and became a writer and journalist. He was an influential public figure for Romanian youth throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. Though he was criticised for writing flattering poems about dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, Păunescu remained popular in Romania, where he appeared on television several times a week.
As posthumously summarized by newspaper România Liberă, Păunescu "is still viewed as a hero by the man in the street" although "intellectuals continue to question his integrity and the literary value of his work".