Star Greens candidate prefers Abbott to Shorten because it would trigger street protests and civil disruption

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 11 May 2016
Advertisement ... ... Mr Casey also lamented the election of Kevin Rudd after John Howard because "the last Labor government was considerably to the right of the government of [former Liberal Prime Minister] Malcolm Fraser" and despite all the legislative achievements of the Greens in the hung parliament, singled out Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle heckling George Bush during a parliamentary address in 2003 ... ....

If we ring the bells now we can be hearing wedding bells in no time (Australian Greens)

Edit Public Technologies 17 Mar 2016
(Source. Australian Greens). My marriage to Penny is so central to my life. I cannot imagine life without her, and I am so proud of being a legally married same-sex couple in Australia ... We need to be acting on this ... Now is the time ... In 2007 former Senator Kerry Nettle introduced a bill; in 2008 Democrats Senator Andrew Bartlett introduced a bill, and Sarah Hanson-Young's bill, the bill that we are debating today, was introduced in 2009....

New Senate voting proposals steeped in hypocrisy

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 26 Feb 2016
The changes to Senate voting proposed by Malcolm Turnbull and backed by the Greens and Nick Xenophon, represent unprecedented government interference in the Australian democratic system ... Advertisement ... Xenophon first entered politics in the 1997 South Australian state election ... In the 2001 Senate election, Greens Senator Kerry Nettle was elected on 4.36 per cent of the vote with One Nation preferences being the clincher ... ....

Jenny Leong delivers inaugural speech (Australian Greens)

Edit noodls 07 May 2015
(Source. Australian Greens). The Greens Member for Newtown Jenny Leong delivered her inaugural speech at 5pm on 5 May 2015 in the Legislative Assembly of the NSW Parliament House. Over 150 members of the local community were in attendance, filling the public galleries. Among the guests were BLF and Green Bans legend Jack Mundey, NSW Senator Lee Rhiannon, and former NSW Senator Kerry Nettle ... https.// ... On WestConnex. ... (noodl....

Kevin Rudd's website mistakenly blocked

Edit Canberra Times 28 Apr 2015
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd's website was blocked within parliament. Photo. Andrew Meares ... In 2008, Greens Senator Kerry Nettle complained about not being able to access the website of a gay and lesbian news website based in Sydney ... In another instance, Senator Nettle said she was blocked from accessing an article "on a hemp embassy website" when researching drug law reform ... ....

Australian Government must apologise to David Hicks (Australian Greens)

Edit noodls 23 Jan 2015
(Source. Australian Greens) ... "The cruel treatment of David Hicks was shocking and disgraceful ... "Australia's involvement in his disgraceful treatment is an item of national shame. It is time this is acknowledged and that justice is done ... "When my colleagues and former Senators Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle protested his treatment in the national Parliament they were mocked and condemned ... distributed by....

Last Post, October 9

Edit The Australian 08 Oct 2014
A couple of months ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of committing genocide as it responded to Hamas rocket fire ... David Faktor, Bondi, NSW. During the Korean War, I attended a seminar in Britain ... His opening words were ... Maurice Horsburgh, Palm Beach, Qld ... Rita Lowther, Nimbin, NSW ... I thought that former Greens senator Kerry Nettle was a bit of a radical, but she was an angel compared to Sarah Hanson-Young ... ....

Spliff split: Why the HEMP Party and the Greens have fallen out

Edit Canberra Times 24 Mar 2014
The HEMP Party hope to win a seat in the WA Senate re-election. Photo. Graham Tidy. There is a common misconception that the Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party wants to lay to rest. It does not just want to see the cannabis plant used for industrial and medicinal purposes ... For much of its first decade, HEMP's main impact was as a preference feeder for the Greens, helping Greens senator Kerry Nettle get elected in 2001 ... ....