- published: 11 Dec 2014
- views: 865243
Fritz Erich Georg Eduard von Lewinski, known as Erich von Manstein (24 November 1887 – 9 June 1973), was a German commander of the Wehrmacht, Nazi Germany's armed forces during the Second World War. He attained the rank of field marshal.
Born into an aristocratic Prussian family with a long history of military service, Manstein joined the army at a young age and saw service on several fronts during the First World War (1914–18). He rose to the rank of captain by the end of the war and was active in the inter-war period helping Germany rebuild her armed forces. In September 1939, during the invasion of Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War, he was serving as Chief of Staff to Gerd von Rundstedt's Army Group South. Adolf Hitler chose Manstein's strategy for the invasion of France of May 1940, a plan later refined by Franz Halder and other members of the OKH. Anticipating a firm Allied reaction should the main thrust of the invasion take place through the Netherlands, Manstein devised an innovative tactic—later known as the Sichelschnitt ("sickle cut")—that called for an attack through the woods of the Ardennes and a rapid drive to the English Channel, thus cutting off the French and Allied armies in Belgium and Flanders. Attaining the rank of general at the end of the campaign, he was active in the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 and the Siege of Sevastopol (1941–1942), and was promoted to field marshal on 1 July 1942. He also participated in the Siege of Leningrad.
Hitler's Warrior - Erich Von Manstein aka The Strategist of NAZI Military
Manstein Holds the Line
(6) Grandes Evasiones de la Segunda Guerra Mundial - La Retirada de Manstein
Fieldmarschall Erich von Manstein
Hitlers Krieger: Erich von Manstein.
Nuremberg Day 200 Von Manstein (translated captions)
Erich von Manstein - Der Stratege - 1/6 (Deutsch)
30/03/1944 - Erich von Manstein demitido por Hitler
Hitler I Generali Erich Von Manstein Lo Stratega ^ by Vo°Ga
Battles Von Manstein
Hitler's Warrior - Erich Von Manstein aka The Strategist of NAZI Military.. Full Documentary Film Erich von "The Strategist" Manstein (24 November 1887 – 9 June 1973) was one of the most prominent commanders of the Wehrmacht, Nazi Germany's armed forces during the Second World War. Attaining the rank of field marshal, he was held in high esteem by both the Axis powers and the Allies as one of Germany's best military strategists and field commanders. Born into an aristocratic Prussian family with a long history of military service, Manstein joined the army at a young age and saw service on several fronts during the First World War. He rose to the rank of captain by the end of the war and was active in the inter-war period helping Germany rebuild her armed forces. During the invasion of P...
German film only: Sorry there are no subtitles! Restorated (video/film) document in MPEG for you and Youtube. Erich von Manstein. Deutsche General / Feldmarschal unter Adolf Hitler. Restauriertes ( video / film ) Document in MPEG für euch und YouTube. Source: ZDF Enterprises. 1998.
On August 10, 1946, Brigadier General Telford Taylor, American Prosecutor, commenced one of the most devastating cross examinations of the Trial. The focus was Manstein's actions as commander of the German 11th Army from Sept. 1941 until 1944. In this excerpt Taylor reads from an order of July 23, 1941 signed by Keitel. Reference was also made to the Commissar Order and a certain Order he signed. He had difficulty recalling these. For further information, see www,roberthjackson.org
Bei aller Bewunderung für Manstein (die auch ich hege), darf man doch NIEMALS vergessen, was hinter den Fronten millionenfach passiert ist. Es ist daher unpassend, wenn man von der Tapferkeit und dem Heldenmut der deutschen Truppe redet und letztlich dem Ziel dieses ganzen Krieges keinerlei Beachtung schenkt. Manstein war kein Politiker, er war Soldat - und er war ein Mensch. Als Mensch aber, hätte er die Grenzen seines Gehorsams gegenüber seinem Oberbefehlshaber (Hitler) selber erkennen MÜSSEN. Dies ist sein unentschuldbares Versagen...
il miglio tratega militare su ampia scala della germania nazista fu l'autore dell'invasione della francia anche grazie al fatto che gli alleati arrivarono in possesso dei piani precedenti ideati da hitler e altri mediocri suoi consiglieri e furono costretti a ripiegare sul suo genio lungimirante.
Resumen de los años de servicio de Von Manstein, considerado por Hitler la mejor mente del estado mayor alemán.
Erich von Manstein was raised in an aristocratic Prussian military family, serving on both the western and eastern fronts in the First World War, was injured, and served the remainder of the war in an administrative role. In the interwar period, Manstein was among a core of mid-level veterans from the first war who secretly built up Germany’s military capability within the confines of the Versailles treaty from the ruins of the Reichswehr. They built a skeleton army heavy with officers, NCOs and high ranking enlisted men so that the structure could be quickly filled with privates when a full-scale mobilization was possible. During WWII this became the infamous Wehrmacht. Manstein is widely regarded as the best grand strategist of the Second World War, certainly on the German side and arg...
GERMAN GENERALS AND COMMANDERS GERMAN GENERALS AND COMMANDERS in ww2 german generals uniforms designed by Hugo boss colored video Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel Alfred Jodl Heinrich Himmler Walther von Brauchitsch Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb Gerd von Rundstedt Günther von Kluge Georg von Küchler Fedor von Bock Erich von Manstein Walter Model Heinz Guderian Friedrich Paulus Josef Dietrich Hermann Göring Albert Kesselring Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen Robert Ritter von Greim Kurt Student Erich Raeder Karl Dönitz German General And Leaders in ww2 world war 2 hitler military nazi marshals commander army Axis leaders of World War II, Allied leaders of World War II hitler is colour color american soilder d day video rare normandia rare video color himmler war u...
GERMAN GENERALS AND COMMANDERS GERMAN GENERALS AND COMMANDERS in ww2 german generals uniforms designed by Hugo boss colored video Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel Alfred Jodl Heinrich Himmler Walther von Brauchitsch Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb Gerd von Rundstedt Günther von Kluge Georg von Küchler Fedor von Bock Erich von Manstein Walter Model Heinz Guderian Friedrich Paulus Josef Dietrich Hermann Göring Albert Kesselring Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen Robert Ritter von Greim Kurt Student Erich Raeder Karl Dönitz German General And Leaders in ww2 world war 2 hitler military nazi marshals commander army Axis leaders of World War II, Allied leaders of World War II hitler is colour color american soilder d day video rare normandia rare video color himmler war u...
"Après les cuisantes défaites allemandes de Moscou et de Stalingrad en 1941 et 1942, Hitler décide de lancer une offensive qu'il veut décisive sur le front de l'Est, en direction de l'Ukraine. Cette opération baptisée "Citadelle" vise à prendre la ville de Koursk en tenaille, afin de rouvrir la voie vers Moscou. Mais les Soviétiques prévenus des plans allemands par les services de renseignements anglais, fortifient massivement la ville et y massent leurs troupes blindées. Koursk va ainsi être le théâtre de la plus grande bataille de chars de l'histoire entre les rapides "T34" russes et les redoutables "Tigres" allemands."
I'll upload some videos if I can :P
Hitler's Warrior - Erich Von Manstein aka The Strategist of NAZI Military.. Full Documentary Film Erich von "The Strategist" Manstein (24 November 1887 – 9 June 1973) was one of the most prominent commanders of the Wehrmacht, Nazi Germany's armed forces during the Second World War. Attaining the rank of field marshal, he was held in high esteem by both the Axis powers and the Allies as one of Germany's best military strategists and field commanders. Born into an aristocratic Prussian family with a long history of military service, Manstein joined the army at a young age and saw service on several fronts during the First World War. He rose to the rank of captain by the end of the war and was active in the inter-war period helping Germany rebuild her armed forces. During the invasion of Pola...
Do Ericha von Mansteina idealnie wręcz pasuje określenie "amoralny geniusz". Z jednej strony, zdyscyplinowany i niezwykle utalentowany strateg, miłośnik szachów oraz cygar. Z drugiej, bezwzględny oprawca, stosujący taktykę spalonej ziemi i represje wobec ludności cywilnej. Przez aliantów był uznawany za bardzo niebezpiecznego przeciwnika. Jego koncepcja wojny błyskawicznej w celu opanowania Francji w 1940 roku wzbudziła zazdrość innych niemieckich generałów i podziw Hitlera. Choć sam Führer doceniał intelekt oraz zdolności planistyczne swojego podwładnego, to nie darzył go pełnym zaufaniem. Ze względu na introwertyczną naturę von Mansteina uważał go za jednostkę nieprzewidywalną.
Rommel, Keitel, Paulus, Udet, Canaris, Manstein – to je šestice Hitlerových generálů, na niž se zaměřuje oceňovaný dokument z dílny Guida Knoppa, proslulého experta na problematiku Třetí říše. Každý z Hitlerových válečníků představoval odlišný typ osobnosti, každý se se zločinným režimem zapletl jinak...
Durante los meses de julio y agosto de 1943 tuvo lugar la batalla del saliente de Kursk, en la cual se enfrentaron los ejércitos soviético y alemán. Se trata de la batalla en la que tuvo lugar el mayor enfrentamiento entre tanques de toda la historia bélica; asimismo, intervinieron, entre los dos bandos, más de dos millones de soldados, 6.000 tanques, 30.000 piezas de artillería y 5.000 aviones. Durante su desarrollo se mostraron las capacidades tácticas de los grandes estrategas rusos, como Gueorgui Zhúkov, Konstantin Rokossovsky o Ivan Koniev, y alemanes, como Kurt Zeitzler, Erich von Manstein o Walter Model. Favorable a los soviéticos, su desenlace supuso el fin del avance alemán en territorio ruso. @ David Barnave 2013