- published: 19 Aug 2015
- views: 567
Bistrica ob Sotli is a settlement and municipality in eastern Slovenia. It has been an independent municipality since 1999. The settlement itself lies on a river terrace above the right bank of the river Sotla. The area traditionally belonged to the region of Lower Styria. It is now included in the Savinjska statistical region.
The parish church in the settlement is dedicated to Saint Peter and belongs to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Celje. The parish is known as Sveti Peter pod Svetimi gorami which was also the name of the settlement before 1952. The site of the church has evidence of prehistoric and Roman occupation. The actual church building is a Pre-Romanesque building to which a sanctuary was added in the 15th century and Gothic frescos remain from this period. Later two Baroque chapels and a belfry were added. Most of the internal church furnishings date to the 19th century.
Population by mother tongue, Census 2002
Bistrica ob Sotli - Učna pot Kunšperk Klestje
Polka in majolka v Bistrici ob Sotli - 1. oddaja
Polka in majolka v Bistrici ob Sotli - 2. oddaja
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Bistrica ob Sotli iz zraka - boljša kakovost
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