- published: 27 Aug 2013
- views: 2142192
Planet Hemp was a Brazilian rap rock musical group, known for starting the career of rapper Marcelo D2 and for its lyrics supporting the legality of cannabis. The band was founded in Rio de Janeiro in 1993, with original members Marcelo D2, Skunk, Rafael, Formigão and Bacalhau. The band broke up in 2001 due to differences between the band members, and Marcelo D2's increasing focus on his solo projects.
Usuário é o álbum de estreia da banda carioca de rap rock Planet Hemp, lançado em 1995. Esse disco projetou a banda, emplacando alguns sucessos entre o público jovem, como "Mantenha o Respeito". "Legalize Já", apesar de ter o videoclipe censurado, se transformou em hit. Destaque também para "Fazendo a Cabeça" e a polêmica "Porcos Fardados", uma crítica à violência policial. O álbum vendeu mais de 140 mil cópias e ganhou Disco de Ouro. 00:00 Não compre, plante! 04:12 Porcos fardados 07:17 Legalize já 10:18 Deizdasseis 11:06 Phunky Buddha 13:55 Maryjane
- Usuário 666: Confirmação do usuário Nana que foi ela que fez o vídeo http://goo.gl/8MCnLQ - Matéria completa no AssombradO.com.br: http://goo.gl/luAxHv - O Poço do Dinheiro da Oak Island (Deve haver algo muito valioso lá no fundo!!!) http://goo.gl/wRRG5U - 10 Lugares Assombrados do Mundo!!! http://goo.gl/KY9xJe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOSSO NOVO CANAL! "Vida de Nozes": http://goo.gl/Kxuw62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TORNE-SE NOSSO PATRÃO! Saiba mais: http://www.patreon.com/assombrado -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUER ENVIAR ALGUMA COISA PARA NÓS? AGORA TEMOS CAIXA POSTAL ASSOMBRADOSSSS!...
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Show completo em HD do Planet Hemp no Lollapalooza 2013 :]
Músicas: 01. Contexto / 02. Legalize Já! / 03. Dig Dig Dig / 04. Planet Hemp / 05. Fazendo a Cabeça / 06. Deisdazseis / 07. Phunky Buddha / 08. Maryjane / 09. Procedência CD / 10. Ex-Quadrilha da Fumaça / 11. Raprockanrollpsicodelia / 12. 100% Hard Core / 13. Zero Vinte Um / 14. Crise Geral / 15. Seus Amigos / 16. Stab / 17. Queimando Tudo / 18. Quem Tem Seda? / 19. A Culpa é de Quem? / 20. Samba Makossa / 21. Mantenha o Respeito
MTV ao Vivo Planet Hemp é o primeiro álbum ao vivo do grupo Planet Hemp. Lançado em 2001. Faixas: 01 - Intro - 00:00 02 - Não Compre, Plante! - 00:47 03 - Legalize Já - 02:18 04 - Raprockandrolpsicodeliahardcoreragga - 04:31 05 - Queimando Tudo - 07:30 06 - Hc3 - 10:26 07 - Procedência C.D. - 11:57 08 - Fazendo a Cabeça - 13:54 09 - Stab - 17:41 10 - Dig Dig Dig (Hempa) - 22:15 11 - Phunky Buddha - 24:23 12 - Hip Hop Rio - 26:41 13 - A Culpa É de Quem - 30:29 14 - Se Liga - 34:20 15 - Zerovinteum - 36:42 16 - Contexto - 41:47 17 - Mantenha o Respeito - 45:43 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ouça também: Planet Hemp - A Invasão do Sagaz Homem Fumaça (álbum completo)[full album] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1u9v... Planet Hemp - Os Cães Ladram Mas ...
MTV ao Vivo Planet Hemp é o primeiro álbum ao vivo do grupo Planet Hemp. Lançado em 2001. Faixas: 01 - Intro - 00:00 02 - Não Compre, Plante! - 00:47 03 . O Álbum Usuário é o primeiro da banda carioca Planet Hemp, e foi lançado em 1995. Faixas: 01 - Não compre plante - 00:00 02 - Porcos Fardados - 04:11 03 . FAIXAS: 1 Introdução 0:00 2 Não Compre, Plante! 0:48 3 Legalize Já 2:18 4 Raprockandrollpsicodeliahardcoreragga 4:32 5 Queimando Tudo 7:30 6 HC3 10:27 . A Invasão do Sagaz Homem Fumaça, lançado no ano 2000, é o quarto e último álbum de estúdio da banda Planet Hemp. Considerado pela crítica como o .
Em primeira mão, três musicas AO VIVO gravadas para o novo DVD da banda Planet Hemp que será lançado!
STAB (Ao Vivo) Eu me apresento em alto e bom som, para que todos possam ouvir. Cara sagaz e cascudo, direto do Andaraí. Eu vou do M para o A,para o R, para o C, para o E, para o L, para o O, espaço, D, 2:sempre representando o hip-hop. Não tem Faustão nem Gugu eu sou o primeiro do Ibope. Revolução eu vou fazer de maneira diferente: tiro o ódio do coração e tento usar mais a mente. Botam barreiras no caminho mas sou persistente. Posso cair, mas me levanto e sigo em frente. Seguro a bronca, dou um 2 e mantenho a calma. Se eu vacilar, um filho da puta rouba a minha alma. Entra Fernando e sai Fernando e quem paga é o povo, que pela falta de cultura vota nele de novo. E paga caro, com corpo e com a alma, e entrega nas mão de um pastor, pra ver se salva. Com a barriga vazia não conseguem pensar...
Show do Planet Hemp no festival Lollapalooza Brasil no dia 31/03/2013. Setlist Show Planet Hemp no Lollapalooza 2013 Show do Planet Hemp - Legalize Já! Show do Planet Hemp - Dig dig dig (hempa) Show do Planet Hemp - Fazendo a cabeça Show do Planet Hemp - Phunky Buddha Show do Planet Hemp - Mary Jane Show do Planet Hemp - Act 2 - Os Cães Ladram Mas a Caravana Não Para Show do Planet Hemp - Zerovinteum Show do Planet Hemp - Queimando Tudo Show do Planet Hemp - Quem tem seda? Show do Planet Hemp - Gorilla Grip Show do Planet Hemp - Seus Amigos Show do Planet Hemp - Four Track Show do Planet Hemp - Hip Hop Rio Show do Planet Hemp - Adoled (the Ocean) (Led Zeppelin cover) Show do Planet Hemp - 100% hardcore Show do Planet Hemp - Act 3 - A Invasão do Sagaz Homem Fumaça Show do Pla...
Os Cães Ladram mas a Caravana Não Pára. (1997) [Gravadora:Sony Music, Produção Mario Caldato Jr] Faixas: 1. "Zerovinteum" 5:18 2. "Queimando Tudo" 2:55 3. "Hip Hop Rio" 2:34 4. "Bossa" 0:25 5. "100% Hardcore" 2:47 6. "Biruta" 3:35 7. "Mão na Cabeça" 3:25 8. "O Bicho Tá Pegando" 2:54 9. "Adoled (The Ocean)" 3:07 10. "Seus Amigos" 1:43 11. "Paga Pau" 3:20 12. "Rappers Reais" 3:24 13. "Nega do Cabelo Duro" 2:04 14. "Hemp Family" 3:28 15. "Quem Me Cobrou?" 2:04 16. "Se Liga" 6:52
A Invasão do Sagaz Homem Fumaça, lançado no ano 2000, é o quarto e último álbum de estúdio da banda Planet Hemp. Considerado pela crítica como o melhor álbum do grupo, é também considerado o menos comercial. Produzido por Mário Caldato Jr. e pela própria banda, co-produzido por David Corcos. "12 Com Dezoito" 0:00 "Ex-quadrilha da Fumaça" (3:04) "Test Drive de Freio de Camburão" (6:09) "Procedência C.D." (9:41) "Stab" (11:39) "Four Track" (16:05) "Gorilla Grip" (17:01) "Contexto" (19:10) "Dz Cuts" (22:55) "Raprockandrollpsicodeliahardcoreragga" (25:56) "Quem Tem Seda?" (29:49) "É Isso Que Eu Tenho no Sangue" (32:45) "Quarta de Cinzas" (36:37) "HC3" (40:02) "O Sagaz Homem Fumaça" (42:21)
We have always loved Hemp so when we got this opportunity to film an interview with a local farmer that makes a living off of it we couldn't pass it up. It is by far the most versatile plant on the planet and it also has the highest nutritional value of any food. It can help cure cancer, eliminate our need for oil, and solve the worlds hunger problems. If you were stranded on an island and all you had was a handful of hemp seeds, you could not only survive, but you would prosper. It is food, clothes, & medicine. Please share this video and help spread the love of the hemp! Filmed and Edited by Matt Pidutti. Music by PUDS. www.pudsbrand.com www.purityhemp.com
Nathan Williams and Wavves talk about episodes of Martin, not being able to see Vampire Weekend live at Lollapalooza, and growing up in foster homes. You really should watch this insanity. SUBSCRIBE to the Rock it Out! Blog Twitter: http://twitter.com/rockitoutblog Facebook: http://facebook.com/rockitoutblog Website: http://consequenceofsound.net/category/cos-presents-rock-it-out-blog/ Hosted by: Pat Levy Filmed by: Sami Jarroush Lollapalooza Music Festival line up: The Cure Mumford & Sons The Killers Nine Inch Nails Phoenix The Postal Service Vampire Weekend Queens of the Stone Age The Lumineers Kendrick Lamar New Order Eric Church Knife Party Steve Aoki Steve Angello Ellie Goulding Thievery Corporation Grizzly Bear Lana Del Rey Flux Pavilion Band of Horses Major Lazer Hot Chip Azealia...
Deap Vally talk about beating up The Black Keys, touring with Queens of the Stone Age and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, how to dress at a festival, and getting joints from Jimi Hendrix's son. SUBSCRIBE to the Rock it Out! Blog Twitter: http://twitter.com/rockitoutblog Facebook: http://facebook.com/rockitoutblog Website: http://consequenceofsound.net/category/cos-presents-rock-it-out-blog/ Filmed by: Pat Levy Lollapalooza Music Festival line up: The Cure Mumford & Sons The Killers Nine Inch Nails Phoenix The Postal Service Vampire Weekend Queens of the Stone Age The Lumineers Kendrick Lamar New Order Eric Church Knife Party Steve Aoki Steve Angello Ellie Goulding Thievery Corporation Grizzly Bear Lana Del Rey Flux Pavilion Band of Horses Major Lazer Hot Chip Azealia Banks Local Natives Tw...
Outspoken hemp advocate and author Doug Fine talks about how hemp is transforming industries in remarkable and sustainable ways. Doug’s charisma and energy shine through as he inspires us to reconnect with the earth. Key Takeaways: – What prompted Doug to drop out of traditional urban society and raise goats – Hemp as a superfood – Hemp can be used as a fuel – Using hemp as a superior form of concrete, called Hempcrete and more You can also check out the full interview at CannaInsider.com HERE: http://www.cannainsider.com/doug-fine/
Also, download the free audiobook DMT: The Spirit Molecule here: http://amzn.to/1eqPaim Joe Rogan - The number one reason why Marijuana is Illegal is because the Pharma Cartel does not want you to grow your own Medicine. The Declaration of Independence was written on Hemp. The first car ever made ran on Hemp oil. Hemp seeds are also the healthiest food on the planet with the highest protein content out of any plant. Marijuana Facts: As part of the "War on Drugs", U.S. gives hundreds of millions of dollars per year of military aid to Colombia War on Drugs results in the arrest of 1 million Americans each year. Your tax money is spent on maintaining and expanding the prison infrastructure required to continue this policy Marijuana is not addictive. Only 1% of Americans smoke it on...
multiple sclerosis is a serious disease, and many times presciption meds help but don't make all the symptoms go away. This is an interview with a M.S. patient, B.H. McGee, who uses marijuana to ease his pain, and has seen other amazing results from using the most powerful plant on the planet, Hemp. Obviously the name is fake, but the story is real, and please listen closely to hear an amazing story about god's good green herb. Sorry for the audio quality mix, some things are tough to hear, but please listen and pass the information on, that Cannabis really does do things medicinally, no matter what lies the Government and pot opposers tell. Thanks for watching my videos and special thanks to Mr. Bong Hash McGee! Viva La Revolucion-Capn Cannabis
Sam and Ze about Political songs, the single Money, David Bowie, Bjork More video's: http://www.FaceCulture.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/_FaceCulture Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FaceCulture Video interview with the dj duo N.A.S.A. FaceCulture spoke with Sam Spiegel and Ze Gonzalez about their first record The Spirit of Apollo, the featuring artists, a charity walk, the song Spacious Thoughts, meeting other artists, remix album, space aviation, friendship, Planet Hemp and the single Money. (12/02/2009)
Norma Jean's Full Set @ Tomcats West on 4/15/16 www.outcastpro.com Make sure to Subscribe for HD Live Videos, Stream Videos, Music Videos & more! Shot & Edited by Taylor Bryant of Outcast Productions _________________________________________________ FOLLOW US: Facebook: http://Facebook.com/OutcastPro Website http://OutcastPro.com Twitter: https://Twitter.com/OutcastPro Instagram: https://Instagram.com/OutcastPro DONATE TO US: To help us better our equipment to therefore bring you better sounding and looking videos! Paypal email: outcastXproductions@gmail.com
Oh, yeah
Somebody's Heine' is crowdin' my icebox
Somebody's cold one is givin' me chills
Guess I'll just close my eyes
Oh yeah, all right, feels good inside
Flip on the tele'
Wrestle with Jimmy
Something is bubbling behind my back
The bottle is ready to blow
Say it ain't so
Your drug is a heart-breaker
Say it ain't so
My love is a life-taker
I can't confront you, I never could do
That which might hurt you so try and be cool
When I say, "This way is a water slide away from me
That takes you further every day, hey, so be cool"
Say it ain't so
Your drug is a heart-breaker
Say it ain't so
My love is a life-taker
Dear Daddy, I write you, in spite of years of silence
You've cleaned up, found Jesus, things are good or so I hear
This bottle of Steven's awakens ancient feelings
Like father, step-father, the son is drowning in the flood
Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Say it ain't so
Your drug is a heart-breaker
Say it ain't so