- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 56897
A tokamak (Russian: токамак) is a device that uses magnetic field to confine plasma in the shape of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that move around the torus in a helical shape. Such a helical field can be generated by adding a toroidal field (traveling around the torus in circles) and a poloidal field (traveling in circles orthogonal to the toroidal field). In a tokamak, the toroidal field is produced by electromagnets that surround the torus, and the poloidal field is the result of a toroidal electric current that flows inside the plasma. This current is induced inside the plasma with a second set of electromagnets.
The tokamak is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices, and is one of the most-researched candidates for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power. Magnetic fields are used for confinement since no solid material could withstand the extremely high temperature of the plasma. An alternative to the tokamak is the stellarator.
How to create Sun on Earth? What are the principles that ITER and Wendelstein 7-X operate on? Subscribe - http://bit.ly/1kziu8X Sources: Wiki: Tokamak - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak Stellarator - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellarator Nuclear fusion - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fusion Pics: ITER - http://www.ideen2020.de/wp-content/uploads/slideshow-gallery/5_tokamak_stellarator_a_RGB.jpg W-7X - http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/10/26/17/2DCE762200000578-0-image-a-1_1445880883149.jpg Thumbnail - http://www.ideen2020.de/wp-content/uploads/slideshow-gallery/5_tokamak_stellarator_a_RGB.jpg Music: New Land - ALBIS from Youtube Musics Library
On 20th January 2016, the first high-speed colour videos from the COMPASS tokamak discharges were recorded by a new fast CMOS camera of the Photron Mini UX100 type. In ohmically heated plasmas in a divertor configuration and deuterium as a working gas, the videos of 1 000-20 000 frames per second revealed formation of the plasma column, its shaping and refilling by the gas puffing, and also a plasma-wall interaction resulting in dust particles propagating across the vacuum vessel of the tokamak. Dne 20. ledna 2016 byla prostřednictvím nové rychlé CMOS kamery typu Photron Mini UX100 zaznamenána první barevná videa výbojů tokamaku COMPASS. V ohmicky ohřívaných plazmatech s divertorovou konfigurací a deuterium jakožto pracovním plynem, ukázala videa o 1 000-20 000 snímcích za sekundu formová...
In this episode of our show, 34 countries spend over 13 billion euros on 42 hectares to reach 150 million degrees with one tokamak. North to south, from St Petersburg to France, we travel in search of the sun. SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! http://bit.ly/1MgFbVy FOLLOW US RTD WEBSITE: http://RTD.rt.com/ RTD ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RT_DOC RTD ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary RTD ON DAILYMOTION http://www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc RTD ON INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/rt_documentary/ RTD LIVE http://rtd.rt.com/on-air/
BEST VIEWED IN HD 720P. This visualization was created using simulations run on the supercomputers at the National Center of Computational Sciences and shows the expected operation of the ITER fusion reactor. This reactor is currently being built by a global coalition in Cadarache, France and is expected to begin the first experiments in 2020. To produce fusion reactions, the fuel must be heated to a temperature of over one hundred and fifty million degrees -- more than ten times the temperature of the sun's core. An initial plasma is formed and heated by driving an electric current through the fuel gas in the tokamak chamber. When the plasma reaches a sufficient density and temperature, the injectors are turned on. These very energetic beam ions are trapped by the magnetic field and c...
Faster fusion exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2015: http://sse.royalsociety.org/2015/faster-fusion/. Discover the promise of fusion power. Visit the Faster fusion exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2015: http://sse.royalsociety.org/2015/ Video thumbnail: A ring-shaped tokamak device traps a plasma. Larger tokamaks can harness fusion, the reaction that powers the stars. Credit: Tokamak Energy.
View inside the ASDEX upgrade tokamak (Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment) by the Max Planck Institute, Germany. Source- http://www.ipp.mpg.de/~Albrecht.Herrmann/myk_www/ More info- http://www.ipp.mpg.de/ippcms/eng/for/projekte/asdex/index.html Wiki- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASDEX_Upgrade
Kernfusion auf der Erde wäre wohl die Lösung für unser Energieproblem. Aber was braucht man dazu?!? und können wir das überhaupt bauen?!? Hier ein kleiner Einblick in das Tokamak-Prinzip eines Fusionsreaktors. Kategorie: General Hier kommst du direkt zum nächsten Video: http://bit.ly/234IDyv » ALLE KANÄLE Wirtschaft: http://www.thesimpleeconomics.de Mathe: https://www.youtube.com/TheSimpleMaths Biologie: http://www.thesimplebiology.de Physik: http://www.thesimplephysics.de Chemie: http://www.thesimplechemics.de » MEHR VON UNS Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thesimpleclub Facebook: http://fb.thesimpleclub.de Alex auf Instagram: http://alex.thesimpleclub.de Nico auf Instagram: http://nico.thesimpleclub.de » WAS IST THE SIMPLE CLUB? Wir sind der Meinung, dass Bildung Spaß machen muss...
Plasma in the Tore Supra Tokamak, France. Plasma temperature 10^8 K (100 million kelvin), plasma density 1 bar. More info- http://www-drfc.cea.fr/gb/cea/ts/ts.htm http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/17/1/6
Why are you still in bed?
You think it's still alright
Should quit while I'm ahead
While it's alright
Stop holding tight
I can't get over this
'Coz I'm useless
And my mind says
I don't belong with you
I guess I need to
Take my cue
It's so empty and tense
It ain't alright
Am I making sense
I hope it's alright
We'll see the light
'Can't stay here in the dark
Where I'll drown in tears
Dont' wanna cry no more
'Can't stay here in the dark
Where I'll drown in tears
Dont wanna cry no more
Let's just close the door