- published: 07 Sep 2014
- views: 857
Kosher wine (Hebrew: יין כשר, yayin kashér) is grape wine produced according to Judaism's religious law, specifically, Jewish dietary laws (kashrut).
To be considered kosher, a Sabbath-observant Jew(s) must supervise and handle the entire winemaking process, from the time the grapes are crushed until the wine is bottled and any ingredients used, including finings, must be kosher. Wine that is described as "kosher for Passover" must have been kept free from contact with chametz, examples being grain, bread and dough.
When kosher wine is produced, marketed and sold commercially, it would normally have a hechsher ("seal of approval") of a kosher certification agency, or of an authoritative rabbi who is preferably also a posek ("decisor" of Jewish law), or be supervised by a beth din ("Jewish religious court of law").
In recent times, there has been an increased demand for kosher wines and a number of wine producing countries now produce a wide variety of sophisticated kosher wines under strict rabbinical supervision, particularly in Israel, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Chile and Australia. Two of the world's largest producers and importers of kosher wines, Kedem and Manischewitz, are both based in the Northeastern United States.
Kashrut (also kashruth or kashrus, כַּשְׁרוּת) is the set of Jewish religious dietary laws. Food that may be consumed according to halakha (Jewish law) is termed kosher /ˈkoʊʃər/ in English, from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the Hebrew term kashér (כָּשֵׁר), meaning "fit" (in this context, fit for consumption).
Among the numerous laws that form part of kashrut are the prohibitions on the consumption of unclean animals (such as pork, shellfish (both Mollusca and Crustacea) and most insects, with the exception of certain species of kosher locusts), mixtures of meat and milk, and the commandment to slaughter mammals and birds according to a process known as shechita. There are also laws regarding agricultural produce that might impact on the suitability of food for consumption.
Most of the basic laws of kashrut are derived from the Torah's Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Their details and practical application, however, are set down in the oral law (eventually codified in the Mishnah and Talmud) and elaborated on in the later rabbinical literature. While the Torah does not state the rationale for most kashrut laws, many reasons have been suggested, including philosophical, practical and hygienic.
Wine (from Latin vinum) is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes or other fruits. Due to a natural chemical balance, grapes ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, water, or other nutrients.Yeast consumes the sugar in the grapes and converts it to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts produce different styles of wine. These variations result from the complex interactions between the biochemical development of the grape, the reactions involved in fermentation, the terroir (the special characteristics imparted by geography, geology, climate and plant genetics) and subsequent appellation (the legally defined and protected geographical indication used to identify where the grapes for a wine were grown), along with human intervention in the overall process.
Wine has been produced for thousands of years. The earliest evidence of wine to date was found in the country of Georgia, where 8000-year old wine jars were uncovered. Traces of wine have also been found in Iran with 7,000-year-old wine jars and in Armenia with the 6100-year old Areni-1 winery, which is considered to be the earliest known winery by far. The earliest form of grape-based fermented drink however, was found in northern China, where archaeologists discovered 9000-year old pottery jars. Wine had reached the Balkans by c. 4500 BC and was consumed and celebrated in ancient Greece, Thrace and Rome. Throughout history, wine has been consumed for its intoxicating effects, which are evident at normal serving sizes.
Kosher Wines 101
Wine Snobs Taste Kosher Wine
What is kosher wine? - TmWTV Episode 42
Exploring Kosher Wines For Pesach With Expert Moishe Meyer
Kosher Wine Tasting for Passover - Episode #655
Kosher wine
Finding a Delicious Kosher Wine w/ Lettie Teague
Kosher Food And Wine
Harvesting & Pressing Grapes for Kosher Winemaking
Kosher Wine c 2016
Wine of the Weekend: Kosher Wine
Herzog Kosher winery trip & Wine tasting
Kosher wine in California
An Alternative To Your Holiday KOSHER Wine | Liquor Run
How to make Kiddush Wine/Juice (non-Mevushal)
Winecast: Kosher Wine Redux
Israeli wine producers showcase non-Kosher wines in Paris
Mordy Dicker- Trends in Kosher wine
Are Kosher Wines the Steals of this Era? - Episode #297
Sweeter Than Kosher Wine
Kosher Wines
Kosher Wine
The Kosher Wine Review
Disgorge kosher wine
Kosher Wine Uncorked - 2015
TJ Douglas, co-owner of The Urban Grape reveals the new age of kosher winemaking in this beginner's tutorial. If you still believe that all kosher wines are strictly from Israel and taste like grape soda, this segment is targeted to you. TJ gives recommendations of quality wines from different growing regions around the world that are certified kosher, and explains terminology and process in layman's terms.
http://JewintheCity.com Is kosher wine just the sweet stuff from Passover or can kosher wine rival the non-kosher stuff? These wine snobs find out! Director of Photography: Elie Gabor elie@eliecreative.com Produced by Seth Feldman
With so many of us wondering on the best wine choices for the Arba Kosos, VIN News photographer Shimon Gifter paid a visit to The Wine Cave in Williamsburg for a crash course on wines, wine glasses and all things oenological. In this exclusive VIN News video, owner and wine expert Moishe Meyer explains the subtle differences in taste between wines from France and California and the key to pairing wine with foods: choosing lighter wines for more delicately flavored foods, heavier wines for bolder foods and even which wines go best with pizza. “What goes great with fish, lemon, right?” asks Meyer. “But you can’t bite into a lemon on its own. But if its blended and you put it on the fish it tastes delicious.” Holding up a bottle of wine with a grapefruity, more acidic flavor, Meyer pro...
Gary Vaynerchuk is joined by his dad Sasha to pair some Kosher wines with Matzoh and Gefilte fish.
יֵין-נֶסֶךְ הוא יין שנוּסַך לעבודה זרה, ועל כן אסור מדאורייתא בשתייה או בהנאה Idolatry (along with idolater) is widely used as a snarl word by followers of Abrahamic religions to attack both followers of other religions, and also, ironically, atheists. The Old Testament and the Qu’ran are both excellent sources for attack, having plenty of passages on this topic that are well suited to quote-mining, for example: "But to the cowards, unbelievers, detestable persons, murderers, the sexually immoral, and those who practice magic spells, idol worshipers, and all those who lie, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. That is the second death.” Revelations 21:8
Just in time for Passover, WSJ wine expert Lettie Teague goes on a hunt for delicious kosher wines.
City Winery Assistant Kosher Winemaker Yanky Drew gives us a look at the kosher winemaking process, including how grapes are harvested, pressed and racked.
Kosher wine is so much more than Manischewitz! While great for celebrations kosher wines can also be great every day drinking. Check out some great ones at Wine Riot.
Herzog Wine Cellars Herzog Kosher winery romantic trip The French may think they own the bragging rights to wine history, but Jewish winemakers were making wine over 5,000 years ago when the ancient Gauls drank only water with dinner. In fact, the Jews may have the oldest codified relationship to wine of any people on earth. Shaulina Productions would like to thank you for watching our video! Please comment, like. To contact us about filming your events or business commercials or for more information please visit our home page at http://WWW.SHAULINA.COM We also have a Video Blog called Whats New LA and you can go there by clicking the link below seen here http://WWW.WHATSNEWLA.INFO http://www.whatsnewla.info http://www.shaulina.com
PLEASANTON -- Forget the Manischewitz: the Livermore Valley plans to pass the Cabernet at the table. The Chabad of the Tri-Valley and Mitchell Katz Winery are jointly jumping into the kosher winemaking business, just in time for the Jewish new year. Rosh Hashana begins Sept. 16 and the Chabad and winery announced they have begun production of a kosher cabernet sauvignon they hope to enjoy by the start of the next high holidays. "Traditional kosher wine is very sweet and not considered a table or drinkable wine," said Daniel Kozak, a member of the Chabad who helped put together the partnership. "While it is used for a lot of observances or at holidays, it is not a wine you want to drink on a regular basis." So the Chabad and Katz are tossing out the Concord grapes and ultrasweet...
Today we explored a kosher Cabernet Sauvignon from Golan, an alternative to the more name brand kosher wines out there. Learn more about this great kosher option! Pick up a bottle at http://www.totalwine.com/wine/red-wine/cabernet-sauvignon/golan-cabernet-sauvignon/p/8331750. Check out last week's incredible PROSECCO value prop at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPuCrnBr5qI&index;=7&list;=PLZmwH_mAVD-AmnGieH6xOlpX3NbCyH42Z! Thanks for watching! If you liked this video, SUBSCRIBE to our channel! Find T&H; here: Email: info@theoandharris.com Snapchat: theoandharris Instagram: http://instagram.com/theoandharris Facebook: http://facebook.com/theoandharris Twitter: http://twitter.com/theoandharris We’re always open to questions, phone calls, meet-ups in the New York City/NJ area - we can’t w...
Reissuing an early cast on Kosher wine. Now it’s leaner, clearer and overall better.
Israeli wine producers showcased their Kosher, and non-Kosher wines at a tasting session in Paris Monday. Duration: 00:46
Mordy Dicker, from Royal Wine Corp., talks about trends in Kosher wine. For more information please visit www.JINSIDER.com.
Kosher wines have a cloud over their heads and to be honest they have deserved it up to about 3-4 years ago. Gary Vaynerchuk tastes what should be 3 serious Kosher wines!
Featured song from "The Yankles" Motion Picture. Available on iTunes. Written and performed by Zev Brooks. "The Yankles" Motion Picture available on iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, Vudu and other online retailers. www.yankles.com
Gary Vaynerchuk is joined by his dad Sasha to pair some Kosher wines with Matzoh and Gefilte fish.
Reissuing an early cast on Kosher wine. Now it’s leaner, clearer and overall better.
The esteemed wine critic Daniel Rogov relates his approach to reviewing wine and tastes 4 Kosher wines with Gary Vaynerchuk.
Jewish Cooking in America, Season 1 Episode 20 Courtesy of Maryland Public Television
Gary talks about Kosher wines and a few fun facts too. Sit back and relax and ENJOY!
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Though South African wine has exploded in the global market, the next major frontier of the African wine industry may be found at the north end of the continent. Morocco has the largest wine production in the Muslim world and is just beginning to reach the global market. To get to know how Morocco has come to create a beverage that most of its citizens are religiously prohibited from drinking, we are joined by Didier and Hallie Pariente of Exotic Imports LLC. They give us a taste several varietals, we get to understand the historical foundation of the industry, and learn about how the old-world techniques have brought the most out of the terroir. GUEST BIO: Exotic Imports was founded in 2005 by French-born entrepreneur Didier Pariente with the purpose of bringing fine ...
Italy makes some of the most interesting wines in the world and today Gary Vaynerchuk tastes four wines that many would say are the wine most Americans are drawn to, the Super Tuscans.
This is one of my favorite recipes. It’s so good, so unexpected and works well for a family dinner, kids lunch or Shabbat. It’s a great recipe to get the flavors of BBQ even if you live in a small apartment or it’s the dead of winter. I’m using a 100% grass fed and pastured 2nd cut brisket of beef from KOL Foods. (www.KOLFoods.com) I pair it with a nice merlot from Casa del Cielo courtesy of our friends at KosherWine.com (http://bit.ly/1Bpzcs8). You must have patience for this recipe, as it needs to cook for at least eight hours, but that patience will pay off. Just be careful to make more than you think you’ll need, because once your guests taste this they’ll be going back for more and more. L’Chaim . . . Avi Please be sure to subscribe to me. :-) www.facebook.com/aviskosherkitchen w...
This past week, an event titled “Haircuts in Halacha” was held for rabbonim and barbers at Estreia. The program featured a shiur for rabbonim and barbers presented by Rav Avi Wiesenfled, rosh kollel of Ganei Geulah in Yerushalayim and author of Haircuts in Halacha and Kashrus in the Kitchen. Topics discussed included: “What is the minimum length that hair may be cut?” “Pencil peyos: a worldwide problem,” and “Who’s at fault, the barber or the customer?” (http://matzav.com) Tonight, Wednesday evening, there will be a special event titled ‘Haircuts in Halacha’, which will be held at the Estreia Restaurant Event Hall at 978 River Ave. Doors open at 7 PM and the presentation will get under way at 7:30. The presenter from Eretz Yisrael, Rav Avi Wiesenfeld, has discussed the various halachos...
Gary Vaynerchuk and the Works dive into various Pinot Noir clones and do some blending.
This is a classic recipe from Spain. Paella is said to refer to the actual pan that the food is cooked in. A large flat round pan with shallow sides. Everything in the dish is cooked in one layer. It is cooked by adding ingredients bit by bit to create a colorful and flavorful mélange of epicurean excitement. I’m using a 100% pastured free range chicken from KOL Foods. (www.KOLFoods.com) I pair it with a nice chardonnay from Casa del Cielo courtesy of our friends at KosherWine.com (http://bit.ly/1Bpzcs8). To serve, put the pan in the middle of the table and let everyone take a portion into their plate, they can squeeze the lemon wedge into their portion and enjoy. I like to serve a fresh seasonal green salad with it. This recipe has become a family favorite, especially for during the we...
Malbec is on fire and South America is taking full advantage and credit for this and you know what, good for them. Gary Vaynerchuk explores 4 new world Malbec wines for you today. LURKERS join us!
Gary Vaynerchuk found these wine's fascinating. Sit back and find out why.
How did we get from the good old fashioned traditional heavy sweet kiddush wine, to a wide variety of Chardonnay, Merlot & Cabernet Sauvignon dry wines? Joseph Zakon shares with us the story of the youngest wine maker in the US and maybe worldwide, who triggered a revolution in the world of Kosher wine. Know what your'e getting into when you buy your choice of wine for this Passover
A Fathers Day Wine Tasting – Episode #692
Rabbis Zvi Goldberg and Tzvi Rosen, STAR-K Kashrus Administrators, discuss kosher wine, liqueur, beer, etc. and the Torah's perspective on drinking responsibly, especially on Purim.
Gabriel Geller from Royal Wine helps you choose the perfect wine to serve during your seder. For information on any JOY of KOSHER featured recipes, visit us at http://www.joyofkosher.com Twitter | https://twitter.com/joyofkosher Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/joyofkosher/ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/joyofkosher