- published: 28 Jun 2016
- views: 173377
Cédric Villani (born 5 October 1973) is a French mathematician working primarily on partial differential equations, Riemannian geometry and mathematical physics. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2010.
After attending the Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Villani was admitted at the École normale supérieure in Paris and studied there from 1992 to 1996. He was later appointed an assistant professor in the same school. He received his doctorate at Paris Dauphine University in 1998, under the supervision of Pierre-Louis Lions, and became professor at the École normale supérieure de Lyon in 2000. He is now professor at Lyon University. He has been the director of Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris since 2009.
Villani has worked on the theory of partial differential equations involved in statistical mechanics, specifically the Boltzmann equation, where, with Laurent Desvillettes, he was the first to prove how quickly convergence occurs for initial values not near equilibrium. He has also written with Giuseppe Toscani on this subject. With Clément Mouhot, he has also worked on nonlinear Landau damping. He has worked on the theory of optimal transport and its applications to differential geometry, and with John Lott has defined a notion of bounded Ricci curvature for general measured length spaces.
The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to two, three, or four mathematicians under 40 years of age at the International Congress of the International Mathematical Union (IMU), a meeting that takes place every four years. The Fields Medal is sometimes viewed as the highest honor a mathematician can receive. The Fields Medal and the Abel Prize have often been described as the "mathematician's Nobel Prize" (but different at least for the age restriction).
The prize comes with a monetary award, which since 2006 has been C$15,000 (in Canadian dollars). The colloquial name is in honour of Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields. Fields was instrumental in establishing the award, designing the medal itself, and funding the monetary component.
The medal was first awarded in 1936 to Finnish mathematician Lars Ahlfors and American mathematician Jesse Douglas, and it has been awarded every four years since 1950. Its purpose is to give recognition and support to younger mathematical researchers who have made major contributions.
Cedric is a Franco-Belgian comics series written by Raoul Cauvin, illustrated by Laudec Laudec and published by Dupuis in French and Cinebook in English.
The adventures of a young rascal, his family and his school. A hero close to the hearts of all children, funny yet tender at the same time. It is hard, very hard to be a little boy... between the mistress, the school shrink, nosy parents, rowdy pals, an odious niece, and a temperamental girl friend, Cédric finds it hard to keep his tranquillity. For the better part of it, granddad is always at hand, be it when badly hit or to hit badly. This children's new star is already a classic family comic which appeals with pleasure to all audiences.
Since 1989, 23 albums have been published by Dupuis. Cédric is one of the most popular French language comics according to the list of best selling new comics of the ACBD, with e.g. in 2006 alone 288,900 albums, putting Cédric at the fourth spot. By 2008, Cédric had dropped to the 8th position, still selling 273,000 copies that year. A series of animated cartoons based on the comic have been produced as well.
HEC Paris or école des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris is a European business school located in the southern suburbs of Paris, France. HEC is the business school of ParisTech and is considered one of the most prominent business schools in the world. It was ranked as the best business school in Europe seven times in the eight-year period between 2006 and 2013 in the Financial Times ranking, and ranked second in Europe in 2014 Among the most selective French grandes écoles, and traditionally seen as the most prestigious French business school, HEC offers its flagship Master in Management – Grande école program, MBA and EMBA programs, eleven specialized MSc programs, a PhD program, and many executive education offerings. It holds the Triple accreditation : AMBA, EQUIS, and AACSB.
HEC Paris was created in 1881 by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the model of French grandes écoles and has progressively become one of the most selective graduate schools in Europe. On average, it has been ranked as the best business school in Europe by the Financial Times since the ranking's inception.
What's so sexy about math? | Cédric Villani
Cédric Villani - 1/7 La théorie synthétique de la courbure de Ricci
Cédric Villani, mathématicien - On n'est pas couché - 22 février 2014 #ONPC
"Tout est mathématique", conférence Honoris Causa de Cédric Villani à HEC Paris
The Extraordinary Theorems of John Nash - with Cédric Villani
Cedric Villani - Histoire des mathématiques dans l'humanité - conférence en français
Spider-Man (Cédric Villani) - Numberphile
The Fields Medal (with Cédric Villani) - Numberphile
Cedric Villani et hypersensibilite
Stéphane Bern reçoit le mathématicien Cédric Villani dans A La Bonne Heure du 29 06 Part 1
Hidden truths permeate our world; they're inaccessible to our senses, but math allows us to go beyond our intuition to uncover their mysteries. In this survey of mathematical breakthroughs, Fields Medal winner Cédric Villani speaks to the thrill of discovery and details the sometimes perplexing life of a mathematician. "Beautiful mathematical explanations are not only for our pleasure," he says. "They change our vision of the world." TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles i...
A la fin des années 90, les liens entre transport optimal, entropie et courbure de Ricci étaient mis au jour (Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto, Otto-Villani); quelques années plus tard, ce liens étaient exploités pour démarrer l'étude systématique du "point de vue synthétique" de la courbure de Ricci (Lott-Sturm-Villani), un domaine en progression constante depuis lors. La résolution récente de plusieurs questions ouvertes majeures suggère que le moment est venu de faire un bilan; c'est l'objectif de ce cours. On y trouvera notamment une nouvelle preuve du théorème d'isopérimétrie de Lévy-Gromov (Cavalletti-Mondino). 26 octobre 2015
On n'est pas couché Laurent Ruquier avec Natacha Polony & Aymeric Caron Cédric Villani Livre «Théorème vivant», chez Grasset 22 février 2014 France 2 #ONPC Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité http://www.france2.fr/emissions/on-n-est-pas-couche Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC https://twitter.com/ONPCofficiel Continuez le débat sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/onpcF2
HEC Paris a eu l’honneur d’accueillir Cédric Villani, médaille Fields 2010, Directeur de l’institut Henri Poincaré et Professeur à l’université Claude Bernard Lyon1, pour lui remettre à l'issue d'une conférence donnée aux étudiants, le titre de Professeur Honoris Causa d'HEC Paris. A partir du thème de sa conférence : "Des triangles, des gaz, des prix et des hommes", Cédric Villani a tout d’abord montré que tout était "au fond" mathématique : "La mathématique s'incarne tout autour de nous. Notre monde en général et l'économie en particulier sont de plus en plus mathématiques".
Fields medal winner Cédric Villani takes us through the very special world of mathematical creation of John Nash, who founded several new chapters of game theory and geometric analysis in just a few revolutionary contributions that seemed to come from nowhere. Subscribe for regular science videos: http://bit.ly/RiSubscRibe On 23 May 2015, John Forbes Nash tragically died in a taxi accident, just after receiving the most prestigious award that a mathematician can dream of, the Abel Prize. This tragic episode was the last event in a life which was so full of amazing events that Nash became an icon of human genius, recipient of the Nobel Prize and hero of a Hollywood movie looking at his life marked by mental illness. But most of all, Nash was a prophet who founded several new chapters of...
Retour sur une grande controverse qui vit s’opposer deux géants de la science du XIXe siècle, Kelvin et Darwin, autour de la question, étudiée depuis si longtemps, de l’âge de la Terre. Les enjeux étaient scientifiques, culturels et religieux. Et, au centre de tout, une équation mathématique bien précise : trop belle pour être vraie ? Le mathématicien Cédric Villani, médaille Fields 2010, s’investit régulièrement dans la vulgarisation scientifique exigeante auprès de différents publics, en participant à des émissions télévisées ou radiophoniques ou encore au documentaire d’Olivier Peyon Comment j’ai détesté les maths. Il avait également parrainé le projet Omni de Patrice Moullet à la Maison des métallos, une longue série d’ateliers musicaux avec de jeunes polyhandicapés qui a donné lieu à...
Fields Medallist and math "celebrity" Cédric Villani is famous for wearing ornate spiders on his lapel. More Villani videos: http://bit.ly/Villani_Videos Cédric Villani website: http://cedricvillani.org His book Birth of a Theorem (Amazon): http://bit.ly/BirthOfATheorem Villani talks about his Fields Medal: https://youtu.be/Vp3sgYKULp0 Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumberphile We are also supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. NUMBERPHILE Website: http://www.numberphile.com/ Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Numberphile_Sub Videos b...
Cédric Villani won the Fields Medal in 2010. You can learn more in his excellent book Birth of a Theorem. More videos with Professor Villani coming soon. Charles Fefferman on Numberphile: https://youtu.be/j-dce6QmVAQ Nobel Prize medal: https://youtu.be/-wxawmjnRWY NUMBERPHILE Website: http://www.numberphile.com/ Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumberphile Videos by Brady Haran Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/numberphile Brady's videos subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/BradyHaran/ Brady's latest videos across all channels: http://www.bradyharanblog.com/ Sign up for (occasional) emails: http...
Interview de Cédric Villani par Thierry Brunel sur l'hypersensibilité
En ce lundi 29 juin, Stéphane Bern reçoit le mathématicien Cédric Villani pour sa lecture lors de la 20ème édition du Festival de la Correspondance de Grignan.
Si son nom vous dit vaguement quelque chose, son look atypique sorti tout droit du XIXe siècle, avec ses lavallières et son éternelle tête d'étudiant, va vous rafraîchir la mémoire. Ilustre mathématicien à seulement 37 ans, Cédric Villani joue de sa parure comme il jongle avec les chiffres. Détenteur en 2010 de la médaille Fields - l'équivalant du prix Nobel des mathématiciens - il est aujourd'hui directeur de l'Institut Poincaré. Le verbe précis, une sérénité assumée, il cultive son originalité par ses engagements et ses passions multiples comme la bande dessinée, à tel point que certains le surnomment " Marsu-Villani ", en référence au célèbre animal imaginé par Franquin. Et lorsque ce " matheux " original nous parle de sa discipline, c'est comme si l'art de " la mathématique " se révéla...
Plus d'infos sur le blog des acteurs du changement: www.cyriellehariel.com
From how deeply mathematics is embedded in our world to why the Boltzmann equation is his favorite one, we present a fascinating interview with Cédric Villani, director of Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, and 2010 Field's medallist .
A l’occasion du lancement officiel de la spécialité Génie Mathématique (GM) de l’INSA Rennes, le mathématicien Cédric Villani (Professeur de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon I et médaille Fields 2010), a accordé une interview aux représentants des élèves-ingénieurs GM. Dans cet extrait,le Directeur de l'Institut Henri Poincaré répond aux questions de Marie-Cécile Riom et Gabriel Jouan sur les mathématiques et leur impact dans le monde socio-économique. En bonus : Le message de Cédric Villani à la 1re promotion de Génie Mathématique de l'INSA Rennes www.insa-rennes.fr/gm
Très médiatisé, Cédric Villani, ambassadeur des mathématiques, directeur de l'Institut Henri-Poincaré, chercheur et enseignant à l'université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, a changé l'image de la discipline. Interview A.Fauritte - 11/10/16
Lauréat 2010 de la médaille Fields, directeur du prestigieux Institut Henri Poincaré à Paris, et professeur de mathématiques à l'université Lyon 1, Cédric Villani travaille actuellement sur une université numérique sur le web, entre autres...
ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos : http://bit.ly/radioE1 Cédric Villani, mathématicien, directeur de l’Institut Poincaré à Paris et enseignant chercheur à l’Université de Lyon, est l'invité de Caroline Roux ce vendredi. Un mathématicien "touche à tout", ouvert sur le monde, et surtout fasciné par la construction européenne. LE DIRECT : http://www.europe1.fr/direct-video Nos nouveautés : http://bit.ly/1pij4sV Retrouvez-nous sur : | Notre site : http://www.europe1.fr | Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Europe1 | Twitter : https://twitter.com/europe1 | Google + : https://plus.google.com/+Europe1/posts | Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/europe1/ ► Retrouvez le meilleur d’Europe 1 chaque jour en vidéo avec des extraits de toutes nos émissions : | Cyril Hanouna dans Les Pieds...