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Phil Evans a retweeté
Flawed and "physically impossible" data was used to model the impact of
#Shenhua's Watermark mine on the groundwater below the Liverpool Plains. It's not too late to save your foodbowl from this damaging new#coal mine#NewEnglandVotes …Merci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Catch up on Dirt Radio - our show on
@3CR where host@esshg3 talks#SchoolStrike4Climate and what is happening in the Latrobe Valley with@prrsimons . PODCAST HERE>> … Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
It's plain to see that
@ScottMorrisonMP means inaction when saying action. Especially on the environment.#Auspol …Merci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners Council representative Murrawah Johnson: “When the country can’t speak for itself, we are here to protect it. That’s what our job is. We’re Traditional Owners but we’re also Traditional Custodians.”
#Adani#NoMeansNoMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
#FrackOffFriday to say#DontFrackTheNT to originenergy. @ Origin Energy …Merci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Territory Traditional Owners dig in over invasive fracking on 1 year anniversary of Gunner Government's disgraceful decision to allow fracking over more than half the NT
#ntpol The frack rigs don't roll in til July - still time to#banfracking@fanniebayMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Origin does not have free, prior & informed consent to frack on Alawa land! Stand with the people of Minyerri, sign the pledge to stop Origin fracking sacred land:
#DontFrackTheNT#ProtectCountry#StopOriginMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
@SeedMob & friends outside@originenergy to cette discussionMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
@SeedMob for#FrackOffFriday to#StopOrgin and their plan to frack the NT. Fracking is too dangerous for VIC (banned here) so why would you do it there? cette discussionMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
The maritime union has welcomed the granting of an exploration license for Australia’s first offshore wind project, saying it paves the way for the creation of thousands of quality regional jobs
#ausunions#auspol#climateaction …Merci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
What is a safe dose for chemicals? The answer is more difficult than regulators make it out as we found out on
@3cr Dirt Radio with Prof. Alfred Poulos a few weeks ago: …#InsectArmageddon#PesticideFreeMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Beneficial species, companion planting offer safer alternatives to pesticide use
#InsectArmageddon#PesticideFreeMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Friends of the Earth stalwart Anthony Amis has put together a map detailing pesticide use in Australia:
#InsectArmageddon#PesticideFreeMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Insects are dying at a rate 8 times faster than mammals. In Costa Rico modeling shows extinction in just 100 years, says FoE Campaigner
@anthonyamis8795#InsectArmageddon#PesticideFreeMerci. Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Worldwide, thetrend is for a huge decline in insects. Much of Australia's insects are not known by colonial science. How can scientists map decline in numbers of species they don't even know? Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Thousands in Melbourne turn out to
#DismantlePatriarchy Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer -
Phil Evans a retweeté
Be part of the
#feminist struggle | Join us in the streets on#InternationalWomensDay 8 March, and raise your voice to#DismantlePatriarchy as we shout out together "No#EnvironmentalJustice without#GenderJustice, no#SystemChange without#GenderJustice" … Twitter en tiendra compte pour améliorer votre fil. SupprimerSupprimer
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