13. Learning: Genetic Algorithms
13. Learning: Genetic Algorithms
13. Learning: Genetic Algorithms
MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2010 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-034F10 Instructor: Patrick Winston This lecture explores genetic ...
Mod-01 Lec-38 Genetic Algorithms
Mod-01 Lec-38 Genetic Algorithms
Mod-01 Lec-38 Genetic Algorithms
Design and Optimization of Energy Systems by Prof. C. Balaji , Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel...
Genetic Algorithm - explained in 4 minutes
Genetic Algorithm - explained in 4 minutes
Genetic Algorithm - explained in 4 minutes
Short introduction to the facts of using genetic algorithms in financial markets. Please review www.whentotrade.com for more details. Watch a GA live in intr...
A genetic algorithm learns how to fight!
A genetic algorithm learns how to fight!
A genetic algorithm learns how to fight!
For more details about the neural network, the programming, click here : http://doublezoom.free.fr/programmation/AG_Exemple_Fighting.php (french) This is an ...
EVOLUTION [V6] - Learn to Walk (genetic algorithm & Neural Network)
EVOLUTION [V6] - Learn to Walk (genetic algorithm & Neural Network)
EVOLUTION [V6] - Learn to Walk (genetic algorithm & Neural Network)
Sticky Creatures learn to walk Evolution perforemed by Genetic Algorithm Brain with Neural Network [from V6 there are muscles (angle constrains)] executable:...
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms
A simple explanation of how genetic algorithms work.
Genetic algorithm. Learning to jump over ball.
Genetic algorithm. Learning to jump over ball.
Genetic algorithm. Learning to jump over ball.
Automated design of motion strategy using genetic algorithm and neural network. Learning simple creature to jump over ball.
Solving the traveling Santa Claus problem with Genetic Algorithm: Tutorial by Student Dave
Solving the traveling Santa Claus problem with Genetic Algorithm: Tutorial by Student Dave
Solving the traveling Santa Claus problem with Genetic Algorithm: Tutorial by Student Dave
In the previous video I show the "optimal" shortest path Santa Claus would use to visit every country in the world. Here, I show how I did it using Genetic A...
Air Man versus Genetic Algorithm
Air Man versus Genetic Algorithm
Air Man versus Genetic Algorithm
A simple genetic algorithm was used to produce sequences of gamepad inputs for fighting Air Man in the NES game Mega Man 2. Fitness of each candidate solutio...
Genetic Algorithm Fish
Genetic Algorithm Fish
Genetic Algorithm Fish
http://metivity.com evolution of fish. each fish is a neural net. The purpose of this application is to develop a "killer fish" - a fish that eats maximum pi...
Orbs learn to fight: neural network, genetic algorithm and simulated annealing
Orbs learn to fight: neural network, genetic algorithm and simulated annealing
Orbs learn to fight: neural network, genetic algorithm and simulated annealing
Two different types of orbs learn how to fight each other through neural network, genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm. Every orb use neural n...
Mona Lisa approximated with 150 circles through hill climbing genetic algorithm
Mona Lisa approximated with 150 circles through hill climbing genetic algorithm
Mona Lisa approximated with 150 circles through hill climbing genetic algorithm
approximates Mona Lisa using 150 circles in hill climbing genetic algorithm. This early version of my genetic algorithm implementation had a flaw that caused...
Mod-01 Lec-15 Optimization II (Genetic Algorithms)
Mod-01 Lec-15 Optimization II (Genetic Algorithms)
Mod-01 Lec-15 Optimization II (Genetic Algorithms)
Artificial Intelligence by Prof. Deepak Khemani,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,IIT Madras.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in.
AI Simulation (Genetic algorithm with Neural networks)
AI Simulation (Genetic algorithm with Neural networks)
AI Simulation (Genetic algorithm with Neural networks)
Visit: http://exploreai.blogspot.co.uk/
After developing a Model for a Neural Network, I used it within a simulation. By giving the creatures an opportunity to reproduce I have created a genetic algorithm. Their 'DNA' will change over time and their brain will make them behave differently. Only the best adapted will make it to food constantly and so their DNA will spread through the population. When a creature reproduces, 80% of is offspring are exact clones of the original, the other 20% have slight changes to their DNA or 'mutations'. Some of the mutations may improve the creatures chance of survival; but most properly won't.
To read more
Evolving virtual creatures using neural networks and genetic algorithms
Evolving virtual creatures using neural networks and genetic algorithms
Evolving virtual creatures using neural networks and genetic algorithms
Virtual creatures evolve using neural networks and genetic algorithms
Artificial Intelligence --- Genetic Algorithm Explanation
Artificial Intelligence --- Genetic Algorithm Explanation
Artificial Intelligence --- Genetic Algorithm Explanation
This is a simplified explanation with an example of a genetic algorithm. I made this video for a project in my Artificial Intelligence class and was limited ...
Karl Sims - Evolving Virtual Creatures With Genetic Algorithms
Karl Sims - Evolving Virtual Creatures With Genetic Algorithms
Karl Sims - Evolving Virtual Creatures With Genetic Algorithms
Auto adaptable walking robot with genetic algorithm
Auto adaptable walking robot with genetic algorithm
Auto adaptable walking robot with genetic algorithm
Bachelor Thesis at BFH-TI from Lukas Frei and Urs Hochstrasser.
Genetic evolution of a wheeled vehicle with Box2d
Genetic evolution of a wheeled vehicle with Box2d
Genetic evolution of a wheeled vehicle with Box2d
A genetic algorithm continuously generates new vehicles based on the one that traveled the farthest. The physics are provided by a Box2d implementation. See ...
Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB
Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB
Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB
Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB using Optimization Toolbox. I discussed an example from MATLAB help to illustrate how to use ga-Genetic Algorithm in Optimization...
QWOP - genetic algorithm
QWOP - genetic algorithm
QWOP - genetic algorithm
This video features genetic algorithm learning to play game QWOP. Only few runners from many generations are shown.
Key presses are encoded to two chromosomes, first is used if runner is leaning towards, second one if leaning back.
Try to play QWOP on http://www.foddy.net/Athletics.html .
Manuel Delanda, "Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture"
Manuel Delanda, "Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture"
Manuel Delanda, "Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture"
"Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture", Speaker: Manuel Delanda, Date: April 9, 2004, Art and Technology Lecture Series.
Genetic algorithm playing tetris
Genetic algorithm playing tetris
Genetic algorithm playing tetris
This is an early version of my genetic algorithm tetris solver for 16-899 ACRL. The video is sped up to show 8 generations. The colored bars near the top (be...