Darkness Falls on the Dinosaurs

Edit New Yorker 14 Jul 2016
... threat of extinction in the Anthropocene, the geologic age wrought by humans, owe their very existence to the demise of the most charismatic of all megafauna, the dinosaurs, at the close of the Cretaceous period....

Tales of Seattle’s charismatic, controversial or curious megafauna

Edit The Seattle Times 12 Jul 2016
Whether it's an octopus beating or a neighborhood dispute over crows flocking to a home in Portage Bay, animals have made dozens of headlines over the past decade. Here are the most interesting stories The Seattle Times has covered ... ....

A Way Forward for Urban Zoos

Edit CityLab 07 Jul 2016
At the end of June, Buenos Aires, Argentina, made a radical announcement. after nearly 150 years, the city will shut down its zoo ... A Sociological Safari ... Related Story ... It may not contain the “terrific megafauna” that have long been the hallmark of the zoo experience, but as King points out, it’s often those large animals, like elephants and polar bears, for whom the zoo is most difficult and antithetical to their natural habitat....

Humans Now Drive Evolution On Earth, Both Creating And Destroying Species

Edit IFL Science 05 Jul 2016
When scientists examine the impact of humans on the planet, the focus is mainly on the extinction of species. But increasingly researchers are looking at the idea that humans, through animal domestication, relocation and hunting, have become an evolutionary driving force that has led to new species, new traits and novel ecosystems ... A Drive To Extinction ... This “megafauna extinction” began 50,000 years ago....

Climate change, not humans, killed off megafauna

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 02 Jul 2016
But they are fiercely divided over which caused the continent's megafauna to go extinct ... Lead author of the research Joe Dortch from the University of Western Australia said climate change appeared to be the culprit in the mass deaths of megafauna living in the Lancefield region 50,000 years ago ... He said even among the six study authors, opinion was divided about the cause of megafauna extinction globally....

Gene changes can save lives, but is it ethical?

Edit Khaleej Times 29 Jun 2016
But it has also been highly controversial. With the technology now reaching a milestone, discussions about its applications have reached fever pitch ... Charis Thompson of the University of California, Berkeley and the London School of Economics quipped that outcomes should not be decided by the "charismatic megafauna" - that is, the eminences who may be deservedly renowned in their scientific specialties, but remain far from omniscient ... ....

Oakland Zoo Celebrates World Giraffe Day (Oakland Zoo - East Bay Zoological Society)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Jun 2016
(Source. Oakland Zoo - East Bay Zoological Society). Press Release. 06/21/2016. Oakland Zoo Celebrates World Giraffe Day - Raises $3,000 for Giraffes in the Wild. Contact. ... Darren Minier, Zoological Manager of the African Savanna at Oakland Zoo states that, 'Much is still unknown about giraffes, one of the worlds' most charismatic megafauna, which has led to many misconceptions that may impede conservation efforts ... ABOUT OAKLAND ZOO.....

The Angle: Friends Like These Edition

Edit Slate 27 Jun 2016
The Supreme Court struck down abortion restrictions in Texas on Monday morning, with a 5-3 decision in the case of Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt ... "This isn’t just a women’s case about women’s rights and women’s health," Lithwick points out ... In the next few decades, zoos should shift their tactics, displaying fewer charismatic megafauna from far-flung ecologies and more endangered local animals, argues Matt Soniak ... For fun. Browse F....

Lions and Tigers Don’t Belong in Zoos. But Some Animals Do.

Edit Slate 27 Jun 2016
Black-footed ferrets once thrived on the North American prairie, with an estimated 5 million animals occupying some 100 million acres of land from Montana to New Mexico. In the 19th century, though, America’s expansion west devastated the species. Prairie was converted into farmland and settlements ... That would mostly leave zoos with less-charismatic megafauna and more small mammals, reptiles and birds, amphibians and invertebrates ... ....

River Life: Water is anything but simple

Edit The Florida Times Union 24 Jun 2016
Last month’s River Life column discussed how temperature impacts the marvelous diversity of life that occurs in the St. Johns River. Everything from those charismatic megafauna that everyone loves. sharks, dolphins and manatees; to the huge diversity of freshwater, estuarine and marine species. Some are microscopic while others can weigh more than 1,000 pounds, with everything in between ... But water is anything but simple. read more ... ....

“Pristine" Landscapes Haven’t Existed For Thousands Of Years, Says New Study

Edit IFL Science 23 Jun 2016
Over this period there were a series of collapses in biodiversity, with particular instances of extinctions of megafauna, non-domesticated land animals weighing more than 44kg. Between 50,000 to 10,000 years ago, at least 101 of the 150 groups of megafauna species became extinct. There is much debate as to whether the disappearance of megafauna such ......

Giraffes suffer ‘silent extinction’, wildlife advocates say

Edit The Times of India 23 Jun 2016
BANGKOK. Wildlife advocates called to protect the dwindling populations of wild giraffes, whose numbers have fallen by 40 per cent over the past 15 years ... According to GCF, giraffes are often overpassed for protection or advocacy when compared to rhinos or African elephants, despite elephant populations being 5.6 times higher, Efe news reported ... "Giraffes are the forgotten megafauna ... Stay updated on the go with Times of India News App....

Climate big player in Patagonian ice age mammal extinction 12,000 years ago (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Jun 2016
Led by the University of Adelaide's Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), the study revealed that it was only after the climate warmed, long after humans first arrived in Patagonia, that the large animals known collectively as megafauna suddenly died off ... 'Instead, more than 1,000 years of human occupation passed before a rapid warming event occurred, and then the megafauna were extinct within a hundred years,' said Cooper....