Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part I
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part I
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part I
http://www.husng.com veteran video producer Katipo is back from taking a break from poker and with this return vid he goes right up against a challenging opponent, SDoGOod. This video is the first part of a series of videos in which Katipo reviews over a dozen hyper turbo heads up sit n go games he played against SDoGOod on Black Chip Poker ranging from the $360 to the $1200 levels.
Katipo Spider NZ
Katipo Spider NZ
Katipo Spider NZ
On a trip to Birdling Flats, Canterbury, NZ, our mission was to find the endangered Katipo Spider, related to the Aussie Redback and the North American Black...
Katipo Hyper Turbo HUSNG Vs Very Aggressive Opponent
Katipo Hyper Turbo HUSNG Vs Very Aggressive Opponent
Katipo Hyper Turbo HUSNG Vs Very Aggressive Opponent
Katipo of http://www.husng.com plays hyper turbo heads up sit n gos at the $120 level on Black Chip Poker against an extremely aggressive opponent. Opponents who exhibit such extreme deviations from expected play require greater than normal adjustments to exploit and not be caught off guard. This video is also a great demonstration of our CoffeeHUD heads-up display add-on for PokerTracker 4, as Katipo uses it heavily to highlight his opponent's aggressive tendencies. More info on CoffeeHUD can be found here: http://www.husng.com/content/coffeehud
Katipo $360 Hyper Turbo on Black Chip Poker
Katipo $360 Hyper Turbo on Black Chip Poker
Katipo $360 Hyper Turbo on Black Chip Poker
Katipo of http://www.husng.com plays a hyper turbo husng match against a random with rather unusual 3 bet tendencies.
Katipo $1200 Hyper Turbo on Black Chip Poker
Katipo $1200 Hyper Turbo on Black Chip Poker
Katipo $1200 Hyper Turbo on Black Chip Poker
Katipo of http://www.husng.com plays a $1.2K hyper turbo husng match against a high stakes reg on the Black Chip Poker Network.
Katipo Plays Heads Up SNG vs a Heads Up Cash Pro (CoffeeHUD Featured)
Katipo Plays Heads Up SNG vs a Heads Up Cash Pro (CoffeeHUD Featured)
Katipo Plays Heads Up SNG vs a Heads Up Cash Pro (CoffeeHUD Featured)
In this free 30 minute video, Katipo of http://www.husng.com plays against a heads up cash pro in a heads up sit and go format. This video features extensive...
Katipo Hawk xc
Katipo Hawk xc
Katipo Hawk xc
Southern Katipo; dramatic entrance into enemy country.
Southern Katipo; dramatic entrance into enemy country.
Southern Katipo; dramatic entrance into enemy country.
Australian led troops arrive into Waimate via helicopter to set up a forward operating base deep in enemy territory and start patrolling through the streets.
Like us on Southern Katipo Facebook page to get up to date news on the exercise!
LEGO Technic Katipo - Contest Entry
LEGO Technic Katipo - Contest Entry
LEGO Technic Katipo - Contest Entry
Final video of my LEGO Technic Katipo, built for the Eurobricks TC6 Sbrick contest!
Walking - 2 L motors
Jaws - 1 M motor
Winch - 1 XL motor
Walking mechanism based on Sariel's octopod walker.
The Fleet Protection - Exercise Southern Katipo
The Fleet Protection - Exercise Southern Katipo
The Fleet Protection - Exercise Southern Katipo
Like us on Southern Katipo Facebook for up to date news on the exercise!
Action doesn't stop at the sea. The French Frigate FNS Prairal stands guard over the the ships involved in Exercise Southern Katipo.
Taking the fight to the enemy - Exercise Southern Katipo
Taking the fight to the enemy - Exercise Southern Katipo
Taking the fight to the enemy - Exercise Southern Katipo
The multinational forces engage the opposition in key locations in an effort to push them out to establish stability in Exercise Southern Katipo.
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part IV
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part IV
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part IV
We here at http://www.husng.com have been releasing the multiple parts of Katipo's epic review of his games played against a difficult opponent, SDoGOod. Today, we present the fourth installment in this series. Katipo has played SDoGOod at multiple stakes by this point, and in this video we see them move into the $1200 level.
Hold the line - Exercise Southern Katipo
Hold the line - Exercise Southern Katipo
Hold the line - Exercise Southern Katipo
Drama at the gates as the military personnel withstands simulated protests as part of training in Exercise Southern Katipo
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part II
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part II
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part II
This is the second part in http://www.husng.com veteran video author Katipo's series of reviews of hyper turbo heads up sit n go games that he played against a very strong opponent, SDoGOod. This video features games played on Black Chip Poker's $600 level.
See the first part here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vTAy9VdJqs
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part III
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part III
Katipo Hyper Turbos vs A Reg Part III
http://www.husng.com continues veteran video producer Katipo's series of reviews of hyper turbo heads up sit n go games against the challenging SDoGOod with this video, the third released in this series. This series of games was played on Black Chip Poker, and the games in this video were, like the games in the video before this, played at the $600 level.
For a refresher, the first and second parts are still available here on YouTube, and also on HUSNG.com's official home for these vids:
part 1 - http://www.husng.com/content/katipo-hyper-turbos-vs-sdogood-part-i
part 2 - http://www.husng.com/content/katipo-hyper-turbos-vs-sdogood-part-ii
Aerial views from Exercise Southern Katipo
Aerial views from Exercise Southern Katipo
Aerial views from Exercise Southern Katipo
Views across Canterbury of Air Force, Army and Navy assets in use on the exercise.
Trailer - Exercise Southern Katipo
Trailer - Exercise Southern Katipo
Trailer - Exercise Southern Katipo
Like our Southern Katipo Facebook page for live updates during the exercise! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Southern-Katipo/528545430565468 The biggest exerc...
Operation Southern Katipo - 10 Countires
Operation Southern Katipo - 10 Countires
Operation Southern Katipo - 10 Countires
Military exercise during November 2013 in the Timaru area. Planes, helicopters, ships, boats, trucks, soldiers, weapons, all the works. Filmed by timaruman
Prepping for D-Day - Exercise Southern Katipo
Prepping for D-Day - Exercise Southern Katipo
Prepping for D-Day - Exercise Southern Katipo
Follow the exercise unfold at Exercise Southern Katipo Facebook page!
As exercise Southern Katipo 2013 Kicks off, here's a snippet of the troops in preparation for the coming landing day at Timaru.
Katipo the Atumis glitcher (BEANS)
Katipo the Atumis glitcher (BEANS)
Katipo the Atumis glitcher (BEANS)
Katipo finds a small bean on the ground and eats it
Evacuees flee the south during Ex Southern Katipo
Evacuees flee the south during Ex Southern Katipo
Evacuees flee the south during Ex Southern Katipo
HMNZS Canterbury has been called in to assist the evacuation of New Zealand citizens who have been threatened by insurgent groups in the south of Mainlandia.
How to draw a katipo spider
How to draw a katipo spider
How to draw a katipo spider
How to draw a katipo spider
Katipo Sprayer Range
Katipo Sprayer Range
Katipo Sprayer Range
Hustler’s revolutionary new Katipo sprayer range launched in New Zealand 18 months ago.