
Interview with Barry Cassidy, ABC Insiders

8 May 2016

BARRIE CASSIDY: Now we'll go straight to Cronulla where we're joined this morning by the Treasurer, Scott Morrison. Treasurer, good morning. Welcome. SCOTT MORRISON, TREASURER: Good morning, Barrie, and happy Mother's Day everybody. BARRIE CASSIDY: Now, you go into this election with a big lead on seats, courtesy of Tony Abbott, but the polls are […]

Doorstop interview, Emu Heights

7 May 2016

FIONA SCOTT: Well it’s great to be here today at Morgan’s and Zokoko Coffee and Chocolate here in Emu Plains, it’s wonderful to have such enterprising and innovative businesses here in Western Sydney like Dean and Michelle Morgan and their family.  This Budget has been fabulous for people in Western Sydney and our business growth, […]

Doorstop interview – North Lakes, QLD

6 May 2016

LUKE HOWARTH: Well ladies and gentleman, I'm Luke Howarth – Federal Member for Petrie. I want to welcome the Treasurer of Australia, the honourable Scott Morrison to the Petrie electorate. He's visited us many times here and I want to welcome him to Bowmaker Realty. Bowmaker Realty of course is a great local business - […]

Interview with Jonsey & Amanda, WFSM

4 May 2016

AMANDA: High incomes earners and small businesses will be the biggest winners. Joining us now is the Treasurer himself, Scott Morrison, or ScoMo, as many of the media want to call him, ScoMo, good morning. TREASURER: Good morning Amanda, nice to be with you, and you Jonesy. JONESY: Hello ScoMo, I like the fact that […]

Interview with Fitzy & Wippa, Nova

4 May 2016

FITZY: One man who didn't sleep much as well, when you're delivering the budget it's a big night and you've gotta get up early and do all these interviews; it is our Treasurer, Scott Morrison. Welcome to the show Scotty! TREASURER: G'Day guys, how you doing? WIPPA: Good Scotty. We first met in Gymea. TREASURER: […]

National Press Club Address and Q&A session

4 May 2016

National Press Club Address - Budget 2016 - Slides [PDF 3MB] TREASURER: Thank you very much Chris. It's always good to be here at the Press Club and be amongst so many good friends. It's wonderful to be here with so many of my colleagues here today. I want to thank them very much for […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

4 May 2016

RAY HADLEY: We go straight to Canberra and the Treasurer is online. Scott Morrison, good morning to you. TREASURER: G'day Ray, good to be with you. HADLEY: Well um, I think you've come out of this pretty good. How do you feel after reflection over night? TREASURER: Well the job I had to do last […]

Interview with Neil Mitchell, 3AW

4 May 2016

NEIL MITCHELL: Treasurer good morning. TREASURER: Good Morning Neil. MITCHELL: Ok, I was told the price of going to the doctor is going up, your reaction to that – because of the Budget. TREASURER: Well I see no reason why people would say that Neil. MITCHELL: Cos you’ve frozen the fixed rebate. TREASURER: Well this […]

Interview with Michael Brissenden, ABC AM

4 May 2016

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: For more I'm joined by the Treasurer Scott Morrison. Treasurer welcome back to the program. TREASURER: Thanks Michael. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: This Budget could be described by some and has been described by some as cautious. Is this what Malcolm Turnbull had in mind when he promised economic leadership the country wasn't getting under […]

Interview with Leon Byner, AM, 5AA

4 May 2016

LEON BYNER: Treasurer Scott Morrison, good morning. TREASURER: G'day Leon. Sorry it's been a while since we've been on; been a bit busy. BYNER: Well I bet you have. First of all before I get to the Budget, got to talk quickly about Kidman, You don't realise I think how excited people were when you […]

Interview with David Speers, Sky News

3 May 2016

DAVID SPEERS: Now three years ago going into the last election the Coalition was talking a lot about Labor’s debt and deficit disaster, about the need to fix the Budget. Here we are before this coming election and you have tonight announced we are not going to get back to surplus during the next term […]

Interview with Louise Yaxley, PM, ABC

3 May 2016

LOUISE YAXLEY: Scott Morrison given today's Budget, where are we on the Budget emergency scale? TREASURER: What we're in the middle of is a transition of our economy from the mining investment boom to a more diversified stronger economy and tonight's Budget is a national economic plan to support that transition, to support jobs and […]

Interview with Leigh Sales, 7.30, ABC

3 May 2016

LEIGH SALES: With me now though, straight from the floor of the House is the Treasurer, Scott Morrison. Thank you very much for racing straight up. TREASURER: Good evening, Leigh. SALES: When we look at the key economic data, inflation, growth, spending, the deficit, don't voters have to ask themselves, what has been the point […]

Interview with Mark Riley, Seven News

3 May 2016

MARK RILEY: Scott Morrison, thanks for joining us. TREASURER: Thanks Mark. RILEY: You say with this Budget that we're going to do what we can afford; so we can afford ten years of business tax cuts but none for people earning between $37,000 and $87,000. Why? TREASURER: Well, we are doing something for people in […]

Interview with Ross Greenwood, 2GB

3 May 2016

ROSS GREENWOOD: Scott Morrison who was only just finishing delivering his maiden speech to Parliament, his maiden Budget speech, I should say, and he joins me now. Scott, many thanks. Just give for people who will never get the experience to do that, you stood up in our Parliament House, the House of Representatives, and […]

Interview with Catherine McGrath, SBS World News

3 May 2016

McGRATH: Treasurer, this is an election budget, but is slugging smokers and high-income earners the way to do it? TREASURER: It's not an election budget. It's not just another budget. It is a national economic plan for jobs and growth for a stronger new economy. Our economy is transitioning from the resources investment boom through […]

Interview with Hugh Riminton, Network Ten

3 May 2016

RIMINTON: Mr Morrison congratulations on your first budget. TREASURER: Thank-you Hugh. RIMINTON: Now for all the promises though of economic leadership, and that was what Malcolm Turnbull offered as the key reason topping Tony Abbott, the one big idea in this budget seems to be to cut taxes on small business, what are you going […]

Budget lock-up press conference

3 May 2016

TREASURER: Well first of all thank you all for joining us. Can I particularly acknowledge Mathias Cormann, Finance Minister. Mathias and I have been working steadfastly together on this now for many months as is the normal practice, and I'm pleased that he can join me here today, and it was good to have the […]

Doorstop interview, Parliament House

3 May 2016

TREASURER: There are many important days in the Australian Parliament and this day is no different. This day is very important for Australia because what Australia needs at this very sensitive time in our economic transition is a national plan for jobs and growth that will reassure every Australian about the path we're on to […]

Doorstop interview, Queanbeyan

2 May 2016

TREASURER: Well it’s great to be here with Peter, it’s even greater to be here at Lintek with Carl and Renata, the shareholders of this incredibly innovative company, here in Queanbeyan. Lintek is a company with around $6 million dollar turnover, but importantly they want to be a company with a $10 million turnover. In […]

Interview with Laurie Oakes, Channel 9, Weekend Today

1 May 2016

LAURIE OAKES: Treasurer, welcome to the traditional pre-budget interview. TREASURER: Great to be here with you, Laurie. OAKES: There's a lot riding on this Budget. People say in fact the election result could ride on it. Are you nervous? TREASURER: What is riding on it is the successful transition of our economy from the mining […]

Press conference, Canberra

29 April 2016

TREASURER: I’m looking forward next week to bringing down a Budget which will be focused on growth and jobs. A stronger new economy that is going to provide a plan that Australians know the country needs to ensure we move from the mining investment boom to a more diversified, stronger, new economy. That is what […]

Joint press conference, Queanbeyan Police Station, Queanbeyan, New South Wales

27 April 2016

THE HON. DR PETER HENDY MP (MEMBER FOR EDEN-MONARO): As usual it is a great honour to have the federal Treasurer Scott Morrison here today to announce some very important news for the Police in New South Wales. We also have Russell Matheson who is the Member for Macarthur, we have Scott Weber who is […]

Interview with Geraldine Doogue, ABC RN Breakfast

26 April 2016

GERALDINE DOOGUE: Treasurer good morning and welcome to Breakfast. TREASURER: Good morning Geraldine. Good to be with you. DOOGUE: Could we go first to that interplay between negative gearing and capital gains tax. The Grattan Institute has found that these tax incentives combined cost the public purse $11.7 billion a year and it’s recommending some […]

Doorstop interview, Canberra

26 April 2016

TREASURER: Well good morning. It’s a week away from the Budget.  The Budget has three important tasks - first one is to stick to our plan for growth and jobs. That is what is needed to support the Australian economy as we move from the investment phase of the mining boom to our more diversified […]

Doorstop interview, Penshurst, Sydney

24 April 2016

PRIME MINISTER: Well thank you very much. It is great to be here David and with Scott Morrison the Treasurer. The Mignacca family, Julian and Kim, are a great example of Australians who invest in order to get ahead. Julian and Kim bought an investment property in Cronulla which they rented out. They sold that […]

Joint doorstop interview, Wodonga, Victoria

22 April 2016

TREASURER: It's great to be here in Wodonga and it is great to be here supporting Sophie and I am very keen to ensure and to recommend that getting Sophie back into Parliament is the best thing that could happen for Indi, it is the best thing that could happen for regional Victoria. To have […]

Doorstop interview, The Australian Technology Park, Sydney

21 April 2016

PRIME MINISTER: Very good. Well now, cyber security. This cyber security strategy sets us up for a much more secure future online, which is absolutely critical to Australia continuing to enjoy the benefits of the 21st century economy. So this is a matter of national security. But it is also, as I said in my […]

Interview with Leigh Sales, 7.30, ABC

20 April 2016

SALES: Treasurer thank you for coming in. TREASURER: Thanks Leigh. SALES: Is it fair to say that the only reason the coalition has moved on this is because Labor forced your hand? TREASURER: Of course not. I mean, we initiated the ASIC capability review last July. Now at that time, the opposition was opposed to […]

Interview with David Speers, Sky News

20 April 2016

DAVID SPEERS: Treasurer Scott Morrison joins me now. Thank you very much for your time. TREASURER: Thanks David. SPEERS: Now, you have called this a levy, $121 million to boost ASIC's funding and resources. One man's levy is often another man's tax. Is this Scott Morrison's first tax increase? TREASURER: The banks are paying to […]

Joint press conference, Parliament House, Canberra

20 April 2016

TREASURER: I'm pleased to be joined by the Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer today to make a series of announcements. The Australian banking and financial system touches every Australian every day, sometimes that is for the better and sometimes that is for the worse; sometimes it can be positive, sometimes, regretfully, it can be negative. The […]

Interview with Chris Kenny, Sky News Viewpoint

17 April 2016

CHRIS KENNY, PRESENTER: Treasurer Scott Morrison. Thanks for joining us, Scott. TREASURER: Thanks Chris. KENNY: Treasurer, look fascinating week we have all got ahead of us but especially for you with a Budget just two weeks away. We had the Moody’s rating agencies this week come out with a report about Australia’s budgetary situation and […]

Doorstop interview, Sydney

15 April 2016

TREASURER: It's a very difficult day in Townsville today as you would just have learnt with the Employment Minister and Ewen Jones announcing the Government providing the federal entitlements guarantee to support the 700 or so workers affected by the decision and the outcome up there at Queensland Nickel. All our thoughts are with all […]

Doorstop interview, Sydney

14 April 2016

TREASURER: Well, welcome everyone to the Shire, it’s great to be here in the Shire at Modular Walls with Nick Holden the investor and the proprietor of this fantastic business which employs around 35 people here and it is a growing business. This year it is on track to reach a turnover of $10 million, […]

Interview with Michael Brissenden, ABC AM

14 April 2016

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: Good morning Michael. BRISSENDEN: As you heard the IMF said bold action is needed. Is what you're preparing for the budget going to be bold enough? TREASURER: What it will ensure is that we drive jobs and growth for a strong, new economy. That's what the budget is designed […]

Interview with David Speers, Sky News Agenda

13 April 2016

DAVID SPEERS: Joining us now is Treasurer Scott Morrison, live from Sydney. A very good afternoon to you, Treasurer. Thank you for joining us. Can I just start on company tax? Today we've seen Bill Shorten back a public letter, an open letter from union leaders, academics and others saying now is not the time […]

Doorstop interview, Perth

12 April 2016

TREASURER: I am very pleased to see today's National Australia Bank monthly business survey and I will quote it to you, it says, "the NAB monthly business survey produced a strong result in March. A jump in both business conditions and confidence this month provides more assurance the Australian economy is weathering the global challenges […]

Doorstop interview, Sydney

11 April 2016

TREASURER: The good news is Australia's economy continues to make its way, certainly conditions are tough around the world and later this week [inaudible] and others will be gathering in Washington and Kelly O'Dwyer will be representing me at that meeting because obviously as we prepare for the Budget this is where I need to […]

Doorstop interview, Melbourne

8 April 2016

TREASURER: What we know about Bill Shorten is he doesn’t respect royal commissions. He didn’t respect the Cole Royal Commission when he was a Minister because he abolished the Australian Building and Construction Commission which the Cole Royal Commission recommended. The Heydon Royal Commission says that the Australian Building and Construction Commission should be restored […]

Interview with Fran Kelly, ABC RN Breakfast

8 April 2016

FRAN KELLY: Scott Morrison. Thank you very much for joining us. TREASURER: G’day Fran, good to be here with you. KELLY: I thought I saw your face pale when I reminded you it was less than a month to the Budget. TREASURER: Not at all. KELLY: You are in the thick of it though – […]

Interview with David Speers, Sky News

7 April 2016

DAVID SPEERS: Good afternoon Treasurer, thank you for your time. So, what do you say calls for a Royal Commission into the Banking Sector? TREASURER: Well, it strikes me that Bill Shorten is engaging in a massive distraction campaign here. He seems to be unaware that there actually is a regulator, or cop on the […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

4 April 2016

HADLEY: Treasurer good morning. TREASURER: G’day Ray, good to be with you. HADLEY: Good to be with you. COAG. The Premier and Chief Ministers rejected the Prime Minister’s proposal for them to levy their own income tax to pay for health and education. Do you see it as an embarrassing outcome as I’ve detailed this […]

Interview with Michael Brissenden, ABC AM

4 April 2016

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: Good morning, Michael. BRISSENDEN: Asking the states to levy their own taxes was never going to fly, was it? Why do it? TREASURER: The Prime Minister called the states and territories' bluff last Friday by putting forward that proposal. What was basically put out there was the opportunity for […]

Interview with Leigh Sales, ABC 7.30

31 March 2016

LEIGH SALES: Treasurer, thank you for joining us TREASURER: Thanks, Leigh. SALES: You're having dinner with the state treasurers tonight, presumably to soften them up for tomorrow. As concisely as you can, can you please tell us what exactly will you propose to them at COAG tomorrow? TREASURER: This is part of a new chapter, […]

Press conference, Sydney

30 March 2016

TREASURER: Morning everyone. The most significant challenge facing the Australian economy today is our transition from the investment phase of the mining boom to a new economy with strong growth, a more diversified economy that's tapped into the opportunities of the future. This is the single-mined focus of the Turnbull Government's economic plan and strategy. […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

29 March 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: G'day Ray. HADLEY: Well, I think we have to go back in time to all the things that happened last Monday week. You were on my program of course before the announcement. You were on exactly the time you are on now, approaching half past the hour, half past […]

Interview with David Speers, Sky News

22 March 2016

DAVID SPEERS: Treasurer, thank you very much for your time, I just want to start on this tax debate ahead of the Budget. You did warn a month ago that leaving bracket creep unchecked would be a drag on growth, in fact Treasury modelling was released showing the GDP would be .35 of a per […]

Press conference, Sydney

21 March 2016

TREASURER: It’s been great to be here to announce the release of our Backing Australian FinTech paper here today, and to particularly be back here at Stone and Chalk, who have been a tremendous innovator of bringing the whole FinTech sector together. I want to acknowledge all those that play a role in that, as […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

21 March 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: G'day Ray, how are you? HADLEY: Good thank you! The latest Newspoll figures show the Government has a two-party preferred lead of 51 – 49 however the general satisfaction rating for the Prime Minister drops – a concern? TREASURER: Well, what it also shows is that the Prime Minister […]

Press conference, Canberra

18 March 2016

TREASURER: Good morning everyone. Well, for some months now we have been working with states and territories first consulting them last year to deal with the issue of critical infrastructure asset sales and the application of those arrangements for non-state owned enterprise investors. While things are continuing to occur up there in the Senate, in […]

Joint press conference, Parliament House, Canberra

16 March 2016

PRIME MINISTER: Well good day to you all. Now as you know our future prosperity depends on innovation, competition, productivity. That's how Australia is able to enjoy and seize the great opportunities of the 21st century. Now right at the heart of innovation is competition. I mean, they're linked, competitive firms, the more competitive firms […]

Interview, CNBC

15 March 2016

QUESTION: Thanks so much for chatting to us. Of course risk takers are growth makers – how is Australia going to be a risk taker to of course revive pre-crisis growth levels? TREASURER: Well, we are growing at 3 per cent real a year. This puts us ahead of all of the G7. It puts […]

Q&A, Australian Financial Review Business Summit, Melbourne

15 March 2016

QUESTION: Thank you, Treasurer. At the end – it was a great way to end it [your speech] – the need to reward the risk takers, so that they can become the growth makers. You've gone into, you've got a Budget which is in a pretty entrenched deficit – very hard to get out of. […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

14 March 2016

RAY HADLEY: The Treasurer Scott Morrison joins me every Monday. I think he is on the road on the way back to Canberra. Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: Good morning. Yes I am just down near Lake George, pulled over to the side. HADLEY: Beautiful. TREASURER: Good to be with you. HADLEY: Ok, thank you. We […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

7 March 2016

RAY HADLEY: Good morning to you. TREASURER: G'day Ray. RAY HADLEY: Nice to talk to you. Look, I just want to deal firstly with an issue not part of what you deal with on a daily basis and that relates to the front page of the Australian. In fact the front page of every newspaper, […]

Interview with Michael Brissenden, ABC AM

3 March 2016

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: Good morning, Michael. BRISSENDEN: So can we assume from this that any changes to negative gearing are off the table for you now? TREASURER: Well, the Government continues to finalise its assessment of all things because what we do, is we don't rush out there like those opposite have […]

Doorstop interview, Canberra

3 March 2016

TREASURER: The release by BIS Shrapnel, a very damming report into the impacts of Labor's negative gearing policy, I think bears out what the Government has been saying. It is going to hit growth, it is going to hit house prices, it's going to force rents up – some 70,000 people forced into rental stress […]

Press conference, Canberra

2 March 2016

TREASURER: Today's December quarter National Accounts show once again that Australia continues to successfully manage the transition from the largest resources investment boom in our history to broader-based growth and, in turn, secures Australia's economic future. In the face of global uncertainty and strong head winds, our economy continues to transition and grow. Real GDP […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

29 February 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: G'day Ray. I'm glad you missed me. HADLEY: Are you out of witness protection? TREASURER: Oh, that's a bit cheap, mate. HADLEY: No, that was Dennis Shanahan. TREASURER: Last Monday, I was meeting with Treasury officials at 9 o'clock and we had a special Party Room meeting at 9.30 […]

Doorstop interview, Shanghai

29 February 2016

TREASURER: (audio begins)…part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda to assist Australian entrepreneurs enter into this market but also what we have announced today is teaming up with the New South Wales Government to team up with stone & Chalk which over the last six months has proved to be a remarkable success in […]

Interview on CNBC Shanghai

26 February 2016

PRESENTER: Earlier today we were speaking to Hank Paulson, who made some remarks saying there is increasing interest and scrutiny on China. How well do you think the leaders are managing this economy? TREASURER: This is a good opportunity for G20 to get a better understanding of the current issues here. The Australian economy has […]

First meeting of the FinTech Advisory Group, Parliament House, Canberra

24 February 2016

PRIME MINISTER: Well, Scott and Wyatt, Kelly, it’s great to be here, to have here our FinTech Advisory Group. Financial Services is one of the, and Christopher, the Minister, the Minister himself. It’s good that we are all here; we’re here to listen to you because we’ve put together an Innovation and Science Agenda which […]

Interview with Ben Fordham, 2GB

23 February 2016

BEN FORDHAM: Let’s go right now to the Treasurer Scott Morrison who is on the line from Parliament House, Canberra. Scott Morrison, good afternoon. TREASURER: G’day Ben. FORDHAM: You’re not a popular man this afternoon. TREASURER: Well, the Treasurer is a hard job but there are a number of facts Ben I have to run […]

Interview with Neil Mitchell, 3AW

19 February 2016

NEIL MITCHELL: In the studio with me, Scott Morrison, good morning. TREASURER: G’day Neil, how are you? MITCHELL: Can we shoot the bloody unicorn? Can we ban the unicorn today? TREASURER: I’m happy to use whatever language is going to help people. I am simply saying this, that in the past, people have tried to […]

Interview with Michael Brissenden, ABC AM

18 February 2016

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Treasurer Morrison, good morning. TREASURER: G'day Michael. BRISSENDEN: In the few months we've all been discussing this, the rhetoric has changed somewhat hasn't it? Tax reform will now be modest and roll out over many, many years. Why? TREASURER: The threshold question the Government had to finalise was a tax mix switch: that […]

Interview with Lisa Wilkinson, Today, Channel 9

18 February 2016

LISA WILKINSON: Good morning to you Treasurer. TREASURER: G’day Lisa. WILKINSON: Five months and we are yet to see any change in the way the economy has been handled just more mounting debt. Whatever happened to that budget emergency? TREASURER: What we have announced is of course the big innovation package last year. What we've […]

Interview with David Koch, Sunrise, Channel 7

18 February 2016

DAVID KOCH: Treasurer Scott Morrison joins us now. Treasurer, I was so excited about your press club lunch delivery yesterday. I tuned in but it was the same old, same old. Blame the states, cut back on the spending – nothing new at all. TREASURER: Well, David, the good news that I outlined yesterday which […]

Interview with Leigh Sales, ABC 7.30

17 February 2016

LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: And with me now from Canberra is the Treasurer, Scott Morrison. Thank you very much for your time, Treasurer. You're 5 months into the job as Treasurer; today in this major address what you offered was a walk through the state of the economy and the challenges ahead. Is it logical for […]

Doorstop interview, Logan, Queensland

16 February 2016

TREASURER: Well, it is great to be here with my good colleague Bert van Manen once again. Bert and I actually met here many, many years ago before he came into Parliament in 2007. So, it is great to be here at Kellie’s wonderful coffee shop and to be trained by Tegan and Brianne on […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

15 February 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer, Scott Morrison, G'day. TREASURER: G'day Ray, from The Shire. I had to head back because of that shocking traffic on General Holmes Drive. HADLEY: Well, yeah, he was on his way to the studio, the Treasurer, and we got word that you were stuck in it and there is no apparent reason […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

8 February 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: G'day Ray. HADLEY: Well, it's going to be the bulk of the interview today after what the Prime Minister said on Friday and said over the course of the weekend about the GST. We have been talking about the GST, and I know you haven't defined what you are […]

Doorstop interview, Canberra

8 February 2016

QUESTION: Treasurer, you said to Ray Hadley just then that the intention with the GST was always to fund tax cuts – either company or personal. How does that square with the idea that the GST was supposed to be a states tax - raised by the states for the states? TREASURER: Everyone will have […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

1 February 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: G’day Ray, good to be with you. HADLEY: Good to be with you. Well, we start every week the same way. TREASURER: Yeah, good way to start the week. HADLEY: GST. One of the things I heard Kieran Gilbert comment on this morning on Sky News, and I think […]

Doorstop interview, Canberra

1 February 2016

QUESTION: First up, are you disheartened by this morning's Newspoll which appears to show a majority of voters don't support an increase to the GST? TREASURER: It is important you do what is right for the country. I have had a bit of experience with this. I remember before the 2013 election turn backs actually […]

Doorstop interview, Sydney

29 January 2016

TREASURER: It’s great to be here in my home city of Sydney and it’s always looking fabulous and to be joining with this very important conference today which is bringing asset managers and leaders from all around the world to focus on the real opportunities that are happening right here in this country. We have […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

25 January 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer good morning. TREASURER: Good morning Ray. HADLEY: Well you seem to have to say the same thing every week. You said the same thing last Monday, you said it again on Sky News and they are making a hullabaloo out of it today to say that there will be no tax reform […]

Interview with Peter Van Onselen & Paul Kelly, Sky News Australian Agenda

24 January 2016

PETER VAN ONSELEN: As mentioned off the top of the program, our main guest today is the Treasurer Scott Morrison, thanks very much for going here. SCOTT MORRISON: G'day, gentlemen. PETER VAN ONSELEN: Can I start by, I guess, building off the second half of Paul's editorial there? How important is it to you and […]

Interview with David Koch, Channel Seven Sunrise

22 January 2016

DAVID KOCH: Federal treasurer Scott Morrison joins me now. Good morning to you. TREASURER: Good morning David. KOCH: It is a constant theme of mine - it annoys the hell out of me that everyone is so glass half empty at the moment when in fact things are actually pretty good. How sound is the […]

Interview with Kim Landers, ABC AM

22 January 2016

KIM LANDERS: Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: Good morning Kim. LANDERS: How is the global share market volatility and slowing Chinese economic growth affecting your decisions as you prepare that Budget? TREASURER: Well let’s talk about China first. We have 6.9 per cent growth in China. What is interesting about that is that is 50 per […]

Doorstop interview, Canberra

21 January 2016

QUESTION: Minister there is a pretty ugly pre-selection battle brewing in NSW, does Craig Kelly have your support in his seat of Hughes? TREASURER: I said that pretty plainly yesterday in The Australian so I will refer you to those comments. What I am focused on though is the Australian economy and jobs in the […]

Bloomberg Trending Business

21 January 2016

RISHAAD SALAMAT: Treasurer Scott Morrison joins us exclusively from Canberra. Treasurer, thank you so much for joining us today. People should keep cool heads here, well is there a sense of panic do you think with China slowing down? TREASURER: No not in Australia because our relationship with China both economically and more broadly has […]

Interview with Kieran Gilbert, SKY News First Edition

18 January 2016

KIERAN GILBERT: Treasurer thanks so much for your time. As I say the ASX forecast to fall further, shudders right around the world on global markets. What do you think is going on here? TREASURER: Well it is still very early days and the analyst reports that are out and the commentary that is there […]

Interview with Ray Hadley, 2GB

18 January 2016

RAY HADLEY: Treasurer Scott Morrison has been joining me every Monday since the Coalition won the 2013 election. Despite his huge work load he says he will continue to appear on the program in election year 2016. He is in the studio now. Treasurer, good morning. TREASURER: G’day Ray, nice to be back. HADLEY: Good […]

Interview with Neil Mitchell, 3AW

18 January 2016

NEIL MITCHELL: Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison, good morning. TREASURER: Good morning Neil and happy new year to you and your listeners. MITCHELL: Thank you. Treasurer, oil $30 a barrel, Iran is talking today about releasing more. Should petrol prices drop further in Australia? TREASURER: I think all Australians would expect that if the global oil […]