
The Hon. Scott Morrison MP was sworn in as Treasurer on 21 September 2015 and serves on both the Expenditure Review Committee and National Security Committee of Cabinet.

Mr Morrison was first elected to the House of Representatives as the Federal Member for Cook, in southern Sydney in NSW in November 2007.

Immediately prior to becoming Treasurer, Mr Morrison was Minister for Social Services where he served on the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet and drove major budget reforms. This followed his role as Minister for Immigration and Border Protection  where he implemented the Government’s highly successful border protection policies and served on the National Security Committee of Cabinet.

In opposition Mr Morrison served in various portfolios including Immigration, Citizenship, Productivity, Population, Infrastructure, Housing and Local Government.

Prior to entering politics, Mr Morrison worked as a CEO and senior executive in various industry bodies and government agencies, including Managing Director of Tourism Australia, State Director of the Liberal Party in NSW and National Policy and Research Manager for the Property Council of Australia.

Minister Morrison holds an Honours degree in Applied Economic Geography from the University of NSW.

Minister Morrison is married to Jenny. They have two young daughters, Abbey and Lily, and they live together in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire.