It's Tautog Time!

Edit 31 Oct 2015
Tautog (tautoga onitis), which are also referred to as blackfish, are members of the wrasse family that live along the Atlantic coast from Nova Scotia down to northern Florida, but generally tend to be most prevalent between Cape Cod and Virginia. These stout bodied fish are a favorite of anglers of all ages ... Its body ranges in color from a mottled dark green to black, with larger specimens often displaying a white chin ... ....

VIMS provides research experience for undergraduates (College of William and Mary)

Edit noodls 07 Aug 2014
(Source. College of William and Mary) VIMS provides research experience for undergraduates. College students from around the nation showcased their summer research projects for an audience of faculty, staff and students at William & Mary's Virginia Institute of Marine Science on July 30 ... The REU Experience ... in marine science ... Paige Bippus ... Microsatellite analyses of tautog, Tautoga onitis, population structure off the Atlantic coast....