The Sunday Crossword

Edit The Hindu 21 Nov 2015
Across. 1 Cheers received by Communist leader, quiet man in terrible event (11). 7 Grouse, not name for flightless bird (3). 9 Lavish smear filled in by artist (7). 10 Work silly dopes resisted (7). 11 Striker, cross about conflict, following heart (6,7). 13 Travel around, beginning to identify Polynesian language (5) ... Down ... ....

Did The Language You Speak Evolve Because Of The Heat?

Edit National Public Radio 06 Nov 2015
But other languages keep more vowels and open sounds ... Since bird species living in rainforests tend to sing songs with fewer consonant-like sounds, Maddieson thought that maybe the same would apply to human languages as well ... A sample from Oiwi TV, Hawaiian language news ... Hawaiian and Maori are light on consonants and developed in hot, tropical climates, but they also both came from an ancestor Eastern Polynesian language....

Are you ready to learn to speak Hawaiian?

Edit The Examiner 08 Jun 2015
Even if they didn’t offer Hawaiian as a language in your college, you can still learn a few words before you plan your next Hawaiian vacation ... Hawaiian is a Polynesian language, and there has been fear for decades it would become extinct due to contact with Westerners. The language is still ......

Rate of language evolution is affected by population size

Edit PNAS 27 Jan 2015
The effect of population size on patterns and rates of language evolution is controversial. Do languages with larger speaker populations change faster due to a greater ... We compare rates of gain and loss of cognate words for basic vocabulary in Polynesian languages, an ideal test case with a well-defined history....

Davao City's IP Mandatory Representative is set for Ka'gan

Edit Sun Star 06 Jan 2015
THE City Government of Davao is set to choose its indigenous peoples mandatory representative for the City Council. The term for the Ata ethno linguistic group, which is represented by Hon. Berino L. Mambo-o Sr., was within the period of January 2012 to January 2015 ... The Ka'gan shares the same language with the Tagakaolo, Mandaya, Mansaka and Kamayo. These languages belong to the Austronesian and Malayo-Polynesian language families ... No ... ....