- published: 01 Mar 2009
- views: 663305
Say Hi (previously known as Say Hi to Your Mom) is a Seattle-based indie rock band formed in Brooklyn in 2002 by Eric Elbogen. Say Hi's albums are mostly recorded at Elbogen's home, with him playing all of the instruments and providing vocals.
Eric Elbogen was born in 1976 and grew up in San Fernando Valley, California. He attended UCLA. He then moved to Brooklyn, New York and created Say Hi to Your Mom in 2002.
He plays a Fender Jazzmaster guitar.
Elbogen most often tours as a solo act, but occasionally employs friends to accompany him as his backing band.
Their fourth release, Impeccable Blahs, was written almost entirely about vampires, though Star Trek is also mentioned. The song "Angels and Darlas" is a reference to Angel and Darla from the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff Angel both created by Joss Whedon.
With the release of their fifth album The Wishes and the Glitch, the band shortened their name to "Say Hi". This was done because the earlier name reflected an aesthetic that no longer matched the band's tastes.
Say Hi November was white, December Was Grey
Habits (Stay High) | Cover | BILLbilly01 ft. Violette Wautier
Say Hi (To Your Mom) - Impeccable Blahs [Full Album]
say hi! Tokyo Train2 oa 6-11-2558
Say Hi "Devils"
Tove Lo - Habits (Stay High)
Say Hi - Bleeders Digest(full album)
Say Hi To Your Mom - Numbers & Mumbles (Full Album)
Mel - I Say Hi (Official Video)
4th track of the new album oohs and aahs from say hi, formely say hi to your mum bringing you all time greats such as numbers and mumbles and the amazing impoeccable blahs, remember them Produced by Barsuk Records
Get the song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/habits-stay-high-feat.-violette/id1024194903 WE GOTTA STAY HIGH!!! YEAH! and don't forget to share :p --------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks to Violette Wautier (Shes Awesome!!!, check out her channel!) Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/VioletteWautier Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Violettethevoice Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/VioletteWautier ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out my page: http://www.facebook.com/BILLbilly01page Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BILLbilly01 Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/BILLbilly01 ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ☆┌─┐ ┌─...
0:00 1. These Fangs 3:14 2. Snowcones and Puppies 7:39 3. Blah Blah Blah 11:06 4. Sad, But Endearingly So 15:20 5. She Just Happens to Date the Prince of Darkness 22:16 6. Prefers Unhappy Endings 26:23 7. Angels and Darlas 29:55 8. Not as Goth As They Said We Are 34:38 9. Sweet Sweet Heartkiller 37:56 10. The Reigning Champ of the Teething Crowd
ออกอากาศ ทุกวันศุกร์เวลา 00.15 - 01.00 น.
The first video from the new Say Hi full length Um, Uh Oh. Directed by Carlos Lopez. ""Devils" is more of a rock song than previous Say Hi tracks, so it makes sense that Say Hi's Eric Elbogen would chose a classic rock 'n' roll/blues myth — selling your soul to the devil — as the storyline for its video. It also plays into the song's lyrics, where Elbogen struggles against inescapable anger and bitterness. But both the song and its video are a lot more lighthearted than that description sounds — notice how Elbogen tries not to laugh even as he's falling into the fiery pits of hell." - Stereogum [2/9/11]
Listen to Tove Lo’s album 'QUEEN OF THE CLOUDS’ here http://po.st/QOTC Directors: Motellet Producer: Martin Roeck Hansen DP: Max Rangner Make-up: Julia Conrah Styling: Möllard Möllard Production assistant: Fredrik Bjelke I eat my dinner in my bathtub Then I go to sex clubs Watching freaky people getting it on It doesn't make me nervous If anything I'm restless Yeah I've been around and I've seen it all I get home, I got the munchies Binge on all my Twinkies Throw up in the tub, then I go to sleep And I drank up all my money Dazed and kinda lonely You're gone and I gotta stay high All the time to keep you off my mind Ohoh ohoh High all the time to keep you off my mind Spend my days locked in a haze Trying to forget you babe, I fall back down I gotta stay high all my life to forget I'm mi...
1. The Grass Is Always Greener 2. It's A Hunger 3. Creatures Of The Night 4. Transylvania (Torrents Of Rain, Yeah) 5. Lover's Lane (Smitten With Doom) 6. Teeth Only For You 7. Time Travel Part One 8. Pirates Of The Cities, Pirates Of The Suburbs 9. Galaxies Will Be Born 10. Volcanoes Erupt 11. Cobblestones
Say Hi To Your Mom - Numbers & Mumbles (Full Album) 720p Released Sometime in 2004 1. Pop Music of the Future 0:00 2. A Hit In Sweden 3:03 3. Super 6:10 4. Hooplas Involving Circus Tricks 9:47 5. Let's Talk About Spaceships 13:53 6. A Kiss to Make it Better 16:53 7. But She Beat My High Score 19:41 8. Your Brains vs.My Tractorbeams 21:50 9. I'm So Tired 24:55 10. The Key of C 27:04 Say Hi To Your Mom - Numbers & Mumbles (Full Album) Paul Eberhardt / Huntington Beach, Ca.
Leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! Thanks. Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpvnO0p9KvU —————————————————————————————————————— 10% OFF Code: omgitsbirdman http://www.kontrolfreek.com/ TWITTER: http://twitter.com/OMGItsBirdman 2ND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/OMGItsBirdman2 IG: http://instagram.com/omgitzbirdman STREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/omgitsbirdman Outro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWX9-74_EuU ——————————————————————————————————————— Disclaimer: The videos on this channel are for entertainment purposes. They are made under the context of satire, parody, and comedy and are created under the guidelines of fair use for criticism purposes. Please do not attack, bully, or harass anyone you see in the videos. That is not the intended purpose of them....
KEXP and Seattle Center present Concerts at the Mural with Say Hi live at the Mural Amphitheater. Recorded 8/20/10. cameras: James Bailey, Jim Beckmann, Justin Wilmore, Patrick Richardson Wright edits: Zachary Young
Eric Elbogen and his touring version of Say Hi rolled into Uneven Studio on a dark Saturday night last February. The band's fatigue was evident from the moment they trudged into the studio, but luckily dissipated as soon as tape started rolling. These three live songs sound amazingly distinct from one another -- warm, velvety bass lines on one, sharp, cracking drums on another, fuzzy, driving guitars on the next. "Dots On Maps" is as good as any Mile Marker recording we've had thus far, and "Devils" has enough attitude to shake a stick at. Give a listen below, download if you wish, and come back for more next week. Download the full session for free at www.heyreverb.com
★ Donations appear on the stream! ► https://goo.gl/zL6Lrd LIVESTREAMS 6 DAYS A WEEK AT 8pm est League of Legends LIVE STREAM GAMEPLAY 1080P 60FPS. SUBSCRIBE to LIVESTREAM ► https://goo.gl/1nglbV SUBSCRIBE to YOUTUBE ►https://goo.gl/GbYUdx SPONSOR ► https://goo.gl/gdTgGg MERCH STORE ► https://goo.gl/wSq8BS DOWNLOAD MY NOTIFICATION EXTENTSION: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/definch-youtube-extension/ohfoiaihnnbejdckdphfpjbipibhgdob HI THERE I'M FINCH & I STREAM ALMOST EVERY DAY AT 10am AEST. I'm Australian and I like to murder things. My chat is really weird and I love it. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ D̲o̲n̲a̲t̲e̲ ♥ Donations of $2 or more will appear on the stream + trigger a song alert using the following link: https://goo.gl/8uGXTC (YOU DO NOT NEED PAYPAL NOR A TWITCH A...
ออกอากาศ ทุกวันศุกร์ เวลา 00.15 - 01.00 น.
***ออกอากาศทางช่อง 3 ทุกวันศุกร์ เวลา 00.15-01.00น.***
รายการ Say Hi ย้อนหลัง 17 05 2557 เที่ยวญี่ปุ่น
★ Donations appear on the stream! ► https://goo.gl/zL6Lrd LIVESTREAMS 6 DAYS A WEEK AT 8pm est League of Legends LIVE STREAM GAMEPLAY 1080P 60FPS. SUBSCRIBE to LIVESTREAM ► https://goo.gl/1nglbV SUBSCRIBE to YOUTUBE ►https://goo.gl/GbYUdx SPONSOR ► https://goo.gl/gdTgGg MERCH STORE ► https://goo.gl/wSq8BS HI THERE I'M FINCH & I STREAM ALMOST EVERY DAY AT 10am AEST. I'm Australian and I like to murder things. My chat is really weird and I love it. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ D̲o̲n̲a̲t̲e̲ ♥ Donations of $2 or more will appear on the stream + trigger a song alert using the following link: https://goo.gl/8uGXTC (YOU DO NOT NEED PAYPAL NOR A TWITCH ACCOUNT!) "What do my donations go towards?" I do this full-time, so it goes towards being able to sustain myself and continue streaming as...
ออกอากาศทาง ช่อง3 ทุกวันศุกร์ เวลา 00.15 - 01.00 น.
So buzzfeed decided to talk about feminism with an unfunny feminist comedian. Then a female Youtuber decided to do a response, triggering my reaction to both. If there's already a social law out there like "Ape's Law" Please inform me because I want to regularly use this concept to describe the insane rantings of some feminists. Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEu6BpEkKSw APA article on PTSD: http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2006/11/ptsd-rates.aspx Rachel's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3DKMyJze1I Also, yes I know I used where instead of were in my thought experiment and I feel stupid. But still, you know what I meant.
You can learn how to play some of my arrangements on flowkey: http://tinyurl.com/p3m7e37 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viktoriya-Yermolyeva-vkgoeswild/134411767159 my FB page, with gigs announcements and stuff like that. Just an old video of me answering some common questions, because I think I'm not gonna be able to answer all mails I'm getting. Some things changed since that video, I do take requests now.
http://www.soompi.com SNSD gave an exclusive interview to Soompi prior to their SM TOWN Live World Tour in NY (at the Madison Square Garden) on Oct. 23, 2011!
All my best advice on what to say at your job interview. I will tell you how to answer the most common job interview questions. I’ll give you the grammatical structures to use when answering questions about your work experience, and also share with you vocabulary and phrases that will impress your interviewer. I recommend you prepare for your job interview by learning phrases you can repeat in your interview and also by practising your answers to these common questions. Get a friend to ask you the questions and make sure that you answer them in English! You can follow my advice about how to answer job interview questions whether you are looking for a job in an English-speaking country or you are being interviewed in English for a job in your home country. Good luck with your interview – I...
www.soompi.com We got a chance to interview Tiffany and Jessica of Girls' Generation in english and they wanted to say "hi" to everyone Interview Link : http://www.soompi.com/news/soompi_gets_to_know_jessica_and_tiffany_of_snsd
Official interivew of Deathstars saying hi to their fans and album release info Subscribe to Deathstars: http://bit.ly/subs-deastrs-yt Subscribe to Nuclear Blast: http://bit.ly/subs-nb-yt As of today, November 4, 2011, DEATHSTARS' best of compilation "The Greatest Hits On Earth" is available everywhere. The album also contains two BRAND NEW tracks showcasing the future musical direction of the iconic death glam outfit! Get the best of sampler on Nuclear Blast's mailorder: http://bit.ly/deathstarsNB or on iTunes incl. bonus video: http://bit.ly/vAeHEK Band Info: http://www.nuclearblast.de/deathstars
Come Say Hi on Tumblr :) tinycanadianeh.tumblr.com/
let play some Smite 100MonkeysGamer refer-a-friend link: https://www.freedom.tm/via/100Monkeysgamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJsbcrMDnCI Thinks for stopping by my you-tube channel:) be sure to comment and like and for daily content and more!!:) I'm 19 years old and I live in madras Oregon, I love playing games and taking to new people and other cool thing to on my channel. thank you Follow me EVERYWHERE! Tweet me! twitter https://twitter.com/100monkeys13 Like me on Facebook! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Victor.Bonilla.77398 Check out my pics! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
I wish I could spy on you
See inside your brain
Take away the pain
I wish I could spy on you
See inside your brain
Take away the pain
Sittin' here
Thinkin' 'bout things
Wondering what will be (what will be)
So confused
Feel so used
Am I being screwed
Am I screwing you
Say hi
Hi to me
'Cause I'm dying not to feel a thing
Say hi
Hi to me
Cause I know I made you feel used
I wish I could spy on you
See inside your brain
Take away the pain
It's just a small case of paranoia
I do enjoy you
Especially when your pants are on the ground
What will be
Oh maybe
Take a look at me
Say hi
Hi to me
Cause I'm dying not to feel a thing
Say hi
Hi to you
Cause I know I made you feel used
Say Hi
Hi to me
Cause I'm dying not to feel a thing
Say hi
Hi to you
Cause I know I made you...
Sitting and thinking
About those days
When we spent running around
In circles
Was it worth it
I ask myself this everyday
Why I'm staying so long
We're not together now
And I'm happy when you just stop to say hello
Say hi
Hi to me
Cause I'm dying not to feel a thing
Say hi
Hi to you
Cause I know I made you feel used
(I can't stop the rain from falling)
Say Hi
Hi to me
(I can't stop my tears from dropping)
You never did it
You couldn't say hello
(I can't stop the rain from falling)
Say hi
Hi to me
(I can't stop my tears from dropping)
You never did it
You couldn't say hello
(I can't stop the rain from falling)
(You'll never ever be alone)
(I can't stop my tears from dropping)
(I can't stop the rain from falling)
(You'll never ever be alone)
(I can't stop my tears from dropping)
When you know
When you go
You'll never ever be alone
(I can't stop the rain from falling)
(I can't stop my tears from dropping)
(You'll never ever be alone)
When you know
When you go
You'll never ever be alone
When you know
When you go