- Order:
- Duration: 9:59
- Published: 25 Jun 2008
- Uploaded: 03 May 2011
- Author: Rybot9000
Brain, Mind and Consciousness (1/2)
Brain, Mind and Consciousness (1/2)
Brief overview of some ideas from Christoph Koch's book "The Quest For Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach" questforconsciousness.com Circuit Diagram of Visual System http Diagram of Visual Areas philosophy.hku.hk What a...
Genius Party (Limit Cycle) - Bustling [Kashiwa Daisuke - April #02]
Genius Party (Limit Cycle) - Bustling [Kashiwa Daisuke - April #02]
This is not my creation. I take no credit for it ! Original video and artist information, as well as download links can be found here: www.animemusicvideos.org...
Brain, Mind and Consciousness (2/2)
Brain, Mind and Consciousness (2/2)
Brief overview of some ideas from Christoph Koch's book "The Quest For Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach" questforconsciousness.com Circuit Diagram of Visual System http Diagram of Visual Areas philosophy.hku.hk What a...
Kolmogorov complexity with Python
Kolmogorov complexity with Python
The basics of Kolmogorov complexity, explained using the Python programming language. Download Python at www.activestate.com More information on Kolmogorov complexity: www.scholarpedia.org en.wikipedia.org www.scholarpedia.org talkorigins.o...
Human detection with computer vision techniques
Human detection with computer vision techniques
In this collection of short demo videos the Machine Vision Group @ University of Oulu presents its expertise in using image processing for eg automatic human or object detection and recognition. Check out what Scholarpedia says on our metho...
Ciberdelincuencia y Mafia. Internet en Andalucía. Wikipedia
Ciberdelincuencia y Mafia. Internet en Andalucía. Wikipedia
Organizaciones mafiosas preparan una nueva generación de ciberdelincuentes a los que financian estudios informáticos. Scholarpedia y Citizendium son dos nuevos grandes libros de consulta virtuales que se unen a la Wikipedia...
Re: What is it like to be an atom? : Panexperientialism Critique
Re: What is it like to be an atom? : Panexperientialism Critique
LordImmolation's issues with panexperientialism: 1) Leads to linguistic muddles - What is the difference between consciousness, experience, self-awareness? what is an atom conscious "of"? As long as propositions about consciou...
What is it like to be an atom? : Panexperientialism Critique
What is it like to be an atom? : Panexperientialism Critique
I present 10 reasons why I am not a panexperientialist. Some are more aesthetic, some are more logical. Either way I feel all the points deserve somewhat of a mention. 1) Leads to linguistic muddles - What is the difference between consciou...
Re: Re: What is it like to be an atom? : Panexperientialism Critique
Re: Re: What is it like to be an atom? : Panexperientialism Critique
1) Leads to linguistic muddles - What is the difference between consciousness, experience, self-awareness? what is an atom conscious "of"? As long as propositions about consciousness are linguistic we should make our terminology a...
FitzHugh-Nagumo model for axons, Maple simulation (2).
FitzHugh-Nagumo model for axons, Maple simulation (2).
This is a Maple simulation (converted to a GIF file and the turning it into Avi using Matlab). The simulation is a phase diagram of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model for de axons. It also shows the stimulus current and the menbrane potential. www.s...
Re: Consciousness as Illusion
Re: Consciousness as Illusion
Unconscious Determinants of Free Decisions (Published in Nature Neuroscience) www.psy.uni-muenchen.de www.scholarpedia.org An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume http Causality or Causation - The Fundamental Fact Plainly Ex...
FitzHugh-Nagumo model for axons, Maple simulation.
FitzHugh-Nagumo model for axons, Maple simulation.
This is a Maple simulation (converted to a GIF file and the turning it into Avi using Matlab). The simulation is a phase diagram of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model for de axons. It also shows the stimulus current and the menbrane potential. www.s...