- published: 22 Mar 2018
- views: 13337
Aaron Yan (traditional Chinese: 炎亞綸; simplified Chinese: 炎亚纶; pinyin: Yán Yǎlún), born Aaron Wu Keng-Lin (traditional Chinese: 吳庚霖; simplified Chinese: 吴庚霖; pinyin: Wú Gēnglín; born November 20, 1987) in Taiwan, is a Taiwanese Mandopop singer, commercial model and actor. He is the youngest member of Taiwanese Mandopop boy band Fahrenheit.
He can speak and understand Mandarin, Taiwanese Hokkien, English and Japanese. He was a sophomore at Chinese Culture University, majoring in Journalism and News Broadcasting. However, because his career had greatly affected his academics and learning environment, he transferred to Jinwen University of Science and Technology, majoring in English. In October 2010, Aaron announced that he had quit schooling to focus on his career instead. Having injured his knee previously, Aaron is also exempted from serving in the national army.
At a young age, his family moved to Connecticut,U.S., where he stayed for his primary school education for about five years. He then moved back to Taiwan for further education.
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip", "promotional video", "song video", "song clip" or "film clip". Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.
當我們祈願 從宇宙洪流中 找尋明天的座標 總在昨日的原點 發現心之所向 歌迷千呼萬喚 炎亞綸重回原點找回初衷 回送暖心情歌 《最想去的地方》MV重現亞綸流浪追尋自我的心路歷程 炎亞綸近四年專注於戲劇上挑戰自我,久未發行完整音樂作品與聽眾見面,讓苦守等待的歌迷們紛紛喊話,要他快回唱片圈,而這些期待的聲音亞綸都聽到了,在3/30發行全新EP《最想去的地方》,回送給所有的歌迷朋友。在籌備期間,亞綸才透露自2014年後因為「興趣變成工作」導致失去熱忱而困惑,在今年,亞綸回到原點找回對音樂的熱情,因此這次發行EP對他來說意義非凡,走過這段自我尋找的旅程,重拾初衷回到「最想去的地方」,不論站在甚麼舞台,都可以用初心演唱歌曲回送給每一位支持他的人。 EP同名暖心主打《最想去的地方》由徐世珍填詞,曾為林宥嘉創作「飛」、「勿忘你」的香港新銳音樂人林家謙譜曲,旋律中散發著初春溫暖氣息,是亞綸從初聽DEMO就愛上的歌曲,連工作人員都透露他會不時哼唱旋律,喜歡的程度可見一斑!此外,《最想去的地方》也是亞綸誠摯暖心獻唱給歌迷的真情告白,敘述著自己這兩年在流浪中沉靜與自我尋找的心情,愛的表現有各種形式,默默的思念或關心的愛總是純粹動人,就像是歌迷默默守護著他一樣,一向關心世界大小事的亞綸也企盼每個人都可以用這樣的心情為世界注入更多愛與溫暖。而《最想去的地方》MV則是亞綸繼《1/2》後再度與陳映之導演合作,劇情主軸敘述著一段自我追尋的旅程,亞綸身處宇宙洪流中迷失方向,在廣袤的大地流浪,男孩就像自我初心的投射,在純真互動中發現明天的座標,邁步向前後才體悟一路的追尋正是重回原點、重拾初衷,彷似亞綸近期的心路歷程。 「最想去的地方」數位收聽 KKBOX》https://kkbox.fm/bsL75R friDay音樂》https://goo.gl/oTBznG myMusic》http...
20180314 完全娛樂 更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂YouTube頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/user/SETShowBiz/
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願繁華閱盡,我只與你相守一生… 鐘漢良、江疏影、炎亞綸深情共演 電視劇《一路繁花相送》 睽違歌壇兩年 炎亞綸溫暖獻聲演唱主題曲「最久的瞬間」 電視劇《一路繁花相送》改編自知名小說家青衫落拓之同名作品,金鷹獎得主劉淼淼導演,由鐘漢良、江疏影、炎亞綸、李晟、李銘順主演。劇情講述男女主角路非(鐘漢良飾)與辛辰(江疏影飾)自相識、相愛、錯過、尋回,在緣分作弄下曲折的愛戀過程。主題曲「最久的瞬間」由劇中飾演男女主角好友林樂清的炎亞綸溫暖獻唱! 近年全心投身於多部戲劇拍攝工作的亞綸,已有近兩年的時間沒發表中文音樂作品,這次亞綸不僅「獻身」演出,更「獻聲」演唱戲劇主題曲-最久的瞬間,一次給足粉絲們視聽覺雙重感受!主題曲隨戲劇片花釋出後,引發網路上戲迷、樂迷的高度詢問。「最久的瞬間」由張簡君偉、Oliver共同譜曲,王博填詞,歌曲緊扣《一路繁花相送》故事主軸,描寫這段「初次相見就淪陷」、「對視一眼就永遠」命中注定的緣分,就算滿途荊棘,終會重逢,成全一路繁花的燦爛時刻!亞綸在配唱歌曲時,投射劇中角色情感,溫暖而誠摯的嗓音見證這段刻骨銘心的愛情。亞綸也有感而發表示:「花朵綻放的時間短暫卻是生命的開始,如同人生中許多精彩時刻都像煙火般稍縱即逝,但格外難忘。」希望透過這首歌曲,提醒大家珍惜每次闖進你生命中的美好時刻,那些瞬間都將化為一生難忘的永恆印記。 數位收聽 [最久的瞬間] KKBOX:https://kkbox.fm/0sLUlq friDay音樂:https://goo.gl/Pw9TA6 myMusic:https://goo.gl/YN1GDJ Apple Music/iTunes:https://goo.gl/jLPQGy 炎亞綸Facebook粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/aaronyanmusic/ 最久的瞬間 / 炎亞綸 (電視劇「一...
線上音樂收聽炎亞綸「DRAMA」專輯 - 【KKBOX】http://kkbox.fm/Fa0qzY 【myMusic】http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/201151 【Omusic】http://www.omusic.com.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1195949 【Spotify】http://open.spotify.com/album/0y26pHLIas4ETZXnIMWHDG 【iTunes】https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/drama-ep/id883179327?l=zh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►更多炎亞綸相關影片請訂閱華研官方YouTube頻道: http://goo.gl/tvmB3m ►炎亞綸 官方Facebook粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/aaronyanmusic --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這不是我 That's not me 曲:鄭楠 詞:陳信延 一整天 那麼累了 我還跑了 九十分鐘 這劇情 那麼沉重 我卻看到 差一點笑了 家就在 下個路口 我怎麼了 還會走錯 聖誕節 過了多久 我還在過 情人節快樂 照理來說那時候 沒有誰我都能一個人生活 為甚麼在妳走後 我卻變得 不像我 只不過聽到歌 眼就要紅 這不是我 一定不是我 一想到妳 心就要痛 這不是我 我沒那麼弱 愛過應該變得成熟 和平的分手應該是種收穫 緊握回憶要做甚麼 這...
【 欢迎订阅芒果TV精选频道: https://goo.gl/ukUNyx 】 《芒果捞星闻》YouTube更新时间:每天更新 节目简介:全娱乐资讯一手捞尽!这里有芒果独家、这里有娱乐鲜料,每日《芒果捞星闻》即时送达,不定期特别策划、大事件直播;整合所有形态娱乐讯息,建立芒果娱乐资讯阵地! 《芒果捞星闻》 每日合集官方播放列表: https://goo.gl/UETKfK 《芒果捞星闻》 新鲜爆料 官方播放列表: https://goo.gl/ETewuc ♥♥ 欢迎订阅湖南卫视其他官方频道 ♥♥ 【 湖南卫视官方频道: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW 】 【 歌手官方频道: https://goo.gl/ii2a3S 】 ♥♥ 更多官方信息 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ♥♥ 《歌手2018》官方Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HNTVSingerOfficial/ 中国湖南卫视官方Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hntvchina 中国湖南卫视官方Twitter: https://twitter.com/HUNANTVCHINA ★★更多其他湖南卫视精彩节目【官方超清1080P】★★ 《歌手2018》完整版 官方播放列表:https://goo.gl/UaCm1t 《快乐大本营》 官方播放列表:https://goo.gl/ZB35Pj 《天天向上》 官方播放列表:https://goo.gl/29P4QQ 《声临其境》 官方播放列表:https://goo.gl/3bRxsk 《老袁二姐带娃记》 官方播放列表:https://goo.gl/9t68Hn 《萌仔萌萌宅》 官方播放列表:https://goo.gl/VEJ9YK 《重返地球》 官方播放列表:https://go...
炎亞綸「The Moment-紀念日-」日本版專輯 3/6正式發行:http://aaron.ponycanyon.co.jp/ 炎亞綸官方Facebook粉絲頁: http://www.facebook.com/aaronyanmusic 線上收聽「紀念日」全專輯 - 【KKBOX】: http://tw.kkbox.com/album/PmzrVyZ6hS9K430F1f0V0091-index.html 【My music】: http://www.ezpeer.com/#!http://www.ezpeer.com/album/album.php?cd_id=158443 【Omusic】: http://mozart.omusic.com.tw/omusic_cms/index.php?view=album&album;_id=41046 總會有些人 有些事 有些時刻 是怎麼樣也不想忘記的 炎亞綸 「紀念日」 給生命中每個閃閃發亮的紀念日 華研唱片王治平、郭文宗、呂禎晃金曲三強音樂人聯手完美雕塑 炎亞綸首張個人專輯 「紀念日」 10/3(三) 開始預購 10/19正式發行 F.I.R阿沁割愛獻出完美曲作。炎亞綸忍淚把歌唱進心裡。一段橫跨過去、現在、未來的"長途思念"之旅。 紀念日 曲:阿沁 ( F.I.R) 詞:陳信延 有 多久了 我們沒見面 但閉上雙眼 還有錯覺 妳吻我 那瞬間 還在唇邊 陽光依舊 像回憶般溫熱 是這場風 讓細節 復活了 那時候 誰都沒 想過永恆 我要永遠記得 那一天 我勇敢了 在這同樣地點 擁抱妳的那一刻 突然覺得很感激 我能活著 我要永遠記得 那一天 妳微笑了 眼中閃著淚水 說妳不怕孤獨了 哭著對我說 不停對我說 妳多麼愛我 妳 不見了 但妳的背影 像這場風景 裝在眼裡 一伸手 差一點 就抱住妳 落葉依舊 秋來了就...
線上收聽《下一個炎亞綸》專輯- 【KKBOX】http://kkbox.fm/0a0jlU 【myMusic】http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/87768 【Omusic】http://music.fetnet.net/albumpage.php?album_id=1018493 【Spotify】http://open.spotify.com/album/6vWE6HDvxGh6q7z1Y4ww1O ►iTunes購買[下一個炎亞綸]專輯: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/xia-yi-ge-yan-ya-lun-the-next-me/id549054669?l=zh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►更多炎亞綸相關影片請訂閱華研官方YouTube頻道: http://goo.gl/tvmB3m ►炎亞綸官方Facebook粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/aaronyanmusic --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 下一個我 曲﹕饒善強 詞﹕陳信延 聽到第一個我說做人要誠懇 偏偏第二個我剛剛穿好保護色 第三個我 在幹什麼 靜靜 看著 兩個我 在拔河 第四個我熱血沸騰 徹夜唱著歌 第五個我卻賴在床上一直癱瘓睡著 第六七個我 到哪裡呢 難道背叛我了 一邊笑得瘋了 一邊哭得累了 判若 兩人 快要放棄了 快要虛脫了 下一 個我 又是 什麼 角色 一邊溫馴愛著 一邊激烈恨著 心能有幾顆 我痛得快死了 ...
(originally trimmed and uploaded by 齊小獅) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu5YzyuHgOk
Original fancam vid: 小恶zoing@tudou
This is the live performance in the Korean Drama Awards from part of Aaron Yan and G.NA singing the song "half" which is from a taiwanese drama called "Fall In Love With Me"
Aaron Yan -- Unstoppable Sun OST del dorama taiwanes 'Just You' donde él es el protagonista, espero que les guste:) PD: Esta es la version corregida. http://www.dailymotion.com/Kimkaty15 También subo videos en dailymotion:)
NOTICE: Please credit www.dearaaronyan.tumblr.com if using our English subs to sub or translate into your own languages. (Original video cr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBSppbRSbK0)
credit from weibo Just Reupload ^^
線上音樂收聽炎亞綸「DRAMA」專輯 - 【KKBOX】http://kkbox.fm/Fa0qzY 【myMusic】http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/201151 【Omusic】http://www.omusic.com.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1195949 【Spotify】http://open.spotify.com/album/0y26pHLIas4ETZXnIMWHDG 【iTunes】https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/drama-ep/id883179327?l=zh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►更多炎亞綸相關影片請訂閱華研官方YouTube頻道: http://goo.gl/tvmB3m ►炎亞綸 官方Facebook粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/aaronyanmusic --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這不是我 That's not me 曲:鄭楠 詞:陳信延 一整天 那麼累了 我還跑了 九十分鐘 這劇情 那麼沉重 我卻看到 差一點笑了 家就在 下個路口 我怎麼了 還會走錯 聖誕節 過了多久 我還在過 情人節快樂 照理來說那時候 沒有誰我都能一個人生活 為甚麼在妳走後 我卻變得 不像我 只不過聽到歌 眼就要紅 這不是我 一定不是我 一想到妳 心就要痛 這不是我 我沒那麼弱 愛過應該變得成熟 和平的分手應該是種收穫 緊握回憶要做甚麼 這...
13TH July: Since going solo from Fahrenheit, Taiwan artist, Aaron Yan held his first solo concert in Hong Kong, titled ,"Aaron Yan Insomnia music concert."
13.03.2015 Chia Nan Üniversitesi Konseri That's Not Me Performansı, Tainan // Chia Nan University Concert That's Not Me Performance, Tainan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AaronYanTurkey Blog: http://aaronyanturkey.blogspot.com.tr/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AaronYanTurkey Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user27385988 Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/AaronYanTurkey We don't own anything except the subtitles that we made for Turkish Fans. All the rights belong to their respective owners.
Subbed by Zoe, owner of www.dearaaronyan.tumblr.com Please visit/follow for more Aaron Yan updates! c: Please leave a comment if you appreciate my subbing. :3 Special thanks to www.daehyunsbabyelf.tumblr.com for helping me out with some of the translating workload.
Ah Bu trình diễn Tình Yêu Dư Thừa trong tập 10 của Global Chinese Music standings lists phát sóng ngày 4/10 ^^
Click on the "CC" button for English subtitles. On this episode of "The Iconoclast" (偶像万万碎), Gui Gui Wu Yingjie (鬼鬼吴映洁) and Aaron Yan (炎亚纶) reunite for the mystery variety show "Crime Scene" (明星大侦探), eight years after acting together in the mystery drama "Mysterious Incredible Terminator" (霹雳MIT). NOTE: "Single dogs" (单身狗) is a Chinese slang term for "single people". "Dog food" refers to the cute interactions of a couple that the single dogs "feed on". 来自 湖南卫视芒果TV光放频道 HunanTV Official Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s3xZB4yWiY NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. I only own the English subtitles.
cr: @aayan1120 ig cr video YouTube https://youtu.be/S-BSw--nemo
(uploaded by www.dearaaronyan.tumblr.com)
(uploaded by dearaaronyan.tumblr.com, DO NOT REUPLOAD)
2016花蓮夏戀嘉年華 花蓮/花蓮市六期重劃區 2016/07/16
(uploaded by www.dearaaronyan.tumblr.com) english translation of highlights: http://dearaaronyan.tumblr.com/post/151486091205/translation-of-jesse-tang-x-aaron-yan-facebook
cr: @炎夏家坏狐狸 http://vdisk.weibo.com/lc/jt1X6HLoZsFfztaV6
[VIDEO] 13.02.2018 Aaron 炎亞綸 ETToday canlı yayını "Star Keyboard Hand" 《明星鍵盤手》 için pazarda satıcılık yaptı. Konsept/Tema: Çin Yeni Yılı alışverişi. ____________________________________ Aaron 炎亞綸 a market salesman for ETToday live broadcast "Star Keyboard Hand" 《明星鍵盤手》 Concept/Theme: Chinese New Year shopping. ____________________________________ ETToday Video Link: https://boba.ettoday.net/video/229/94/70358 Facebook Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/ETtodaySTAR/videos/1590435381053295/ ____________________________________ #AaronYan #aaronyan #YanYaLun #yanyalun #WuGengLin #wugenglin #WuKengLin #wukenglin #AhBu #ahbu #abu #炎亞綸 #炎亚纶 #吳庚霖 #阿布 ____________________________________ cr: ETToday
[INTERVIEW] 2017.04.14 Aaron Yan X if I Know Translations: dearaaronyan.tumblr.com ***** 1. “Kiss, Love and Taste” is a drama about cooking. Aaron: Yes, but it also consists of a love story. (Do you like cooking when you are free?) Aaron: Yes, I like cooking but I don’t. ***** 2. In “Kiss, Love and Taste”, does the character you portray spread warmth to others? Aaron: Yes. (Are you someone who spread warmth to others in real life?) Aaron: 50 50. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I don’t, it depends on the weather. ***** 3. Are you and Amber Kuo a couple in the drama? Aaron: No, it’s unrequited love. (How many times have you collaborated with Amber Kuo?) Aaron: This is my first time. I’m very happy and was looking forward to collaborating with her, I can see that she works very ...
Cr: 噓!星聞
NOTICE: Please credit www.dearaaronyan.tumblr.com if using our English subs to sub or translate into your own languages. (Original video cr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBSppbRSbK0)
It is always a happy environment when they get together
This was a Facebook live video for a variety show called 明星鍵盤手
30.10.2017 Aaron Yan ile Bubble Röportajı: Ruh ikizini bulmayı umuyor. ____________________________ Bubble Interview with Aaron Yan: He hopes finding his soulmate. // 泡泡專訪炎亞綸:希望找到靈魂上契合的另一半 ____________________________ Orjinal // Original Video: http://tw.iqiyi.com/v_19rrdpmu8s.html ____________________________ #AaronYan #aaronyan #YanYaLun #yanyalun #WuGengLin #wugenglin #WuKengLin #wukenglin #AhBu #ahbu #abu #炎亞綸 #炎亚纶 #吳庚霖 #阿布 #BubbleRöportajı #bubbleröportajı #BubbleInterview #bubbleinterview ____________________________ cr: iQiYi 爱奇艺
27.12.2017 【O!What / O!Mei) Röportajı】 Aaron Yan: İnsanlar mükemmel değildir. _________________________________ 【O!What / O!Mei Interview】 Aaron Yan: Humans can not be perfect. // 【O!Mèi有问题】炎亚纶:人不可能是完美的 _________________________________ O!What Link: https://www.owhat.cn/community/community.html?articleid=20640 Miaopai Link: https://www.miaopai.com/show/6A2SPly5ZUPm6zBTyheej8FDFJj09WG~wCNXUA__.htm _________________________________ #AaronYan #aaronyan #YanYaLun #yanyalun #WuGengLin #wugenglin #WuKengLin #wukenglin #AhBu #ahbu #abu #炎亞綸 #炎亚纶 #吳庚霖 #阿布 #Röportaj #röportaj #Interview #interview #O!What #OWhat #owhat #O!Mei #OMei #omei _________________________________ cr: O!What
Aaron talks about ‘Fall in Love With Me’; Worked hard on training his body; Hopes to portray more dark roles; Ideal type of girl
(subbed and uploaded by dearaaronyan.tumblr.com)
-English Subs & Subs en español- Aaron Yan Quick Questions and Answers for SELF Magazine / Aaron Yan Preguntas y Respuestas Rapidas para la Revista SELF Traducción Aaron Yan Puerto Rico/ No tome sin permiso / Translations Aaron Yan Puerto Rico / Don't take without permission. Original video link: https://v.qq.com/x/page/e0535hdtp29.html
(uploaded by www.dearaaronyan.tumblr.com)
Shots of the premiere of "Refresh Man"