Category: Review

Kim Scipes: Latin America’s Radical Left

A Review of Latin America’s Radical Left: Challenges and Complexities of Political Power in the Twenty-first Century, and We Created Chavez: A People’s History of the Venezuelan Revolution

Paul Buhle: Two Books On Labor

An old question: is there a vital “workerism,” self-guided and instinctively radical, apart from socialist, communist or other left-wing political groups and can it make great reforms, even hold power in a workplace or city or national state?

Robert Hunziker: America’s Purple Politics

America’s illusory two-party system is so badly corrupted and perverted with such lowly debauchery, undermining any semblance of democracy, it is like a reign of terror that has emerged underneath people’s noses. There is no election when both parties are one. It’s Purple Politics buttoned up. Deep down, people understand this rigged system only too well.

Staughton Lynd: People Power

Review of “People Power: The Community Organizing Tradition of Saul Alinsky”

Andrew Cockburn: Kill Chain: The Rise of High-Tech Assassins

Jeremy Kuzmarov reviews Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins by Andrew Cockburn: “Andrew Cockburn, the Washington editor of Harper’s magazine, provides a chilling history of American high-tech-warfare and assassination missions and their pitfalls exemplified in this incident dating to the Vietnam War.”

Liz Carlisle: Lentil Underground

Mike Reizman reviews Lentil Underground: “if lentils are grown as part of a diverse sequence of crops that keep weed pressure at bay farmers don’t need to use any chemicals.”

Staughton Lynd: American Gandhi

American Gandhi: A.J. Muste and the History of Radicalism in the Twentieth Century By Leilah Danielson Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014 Review by Staughton Lynd and Andy Piascik American Gandhi: A.J. Muste and the History of Radicalism in the Twentieth Century is the most comprehensive and thoroughly- researched account of the life of A.J. Read more…

Staughton Lynd: Anarchism, Marxism, And Victor Serge

A review of Anarchists Never Surrender: Essays, Polemics, and Correspondence on Anarchism, 1908-1938, ed. and translated by Mitchell Abidor

Daniel Hellinger: Review: Steve Ellner’s Latin America’s Radical Left

These collected essays successfully contextualize the issues confronting the movements, parties, and governments of Latin America’s radical left

Jane LaTour: Feminism Unfinished; What Women Want

Two terrific books have arrived at the same time and serve as complementary entry points to a similar topic. Feminism Unfinished…

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