30 June 2016

Death toll in Istanbul airport attack rises to 41

By Alex Lantier, 30 June 2016

The massacre is the tragic yet predictable outcome of the NATO powers' backing of Al Qaeda-linked forces in their war for regime-change in Syria.

EU maintains hard line toward UK over Brexit

By Johannes Stern, 30 June 2016

While officially expressing dismay over the result of the Brexit referendum, EU leaders now see it as an opportunity to turn the EU into an aggressive military power.

Candidates line up in UK Conservative leadership contest

By Julie Hyland, 30 June 2016

Brexit vote highlights deepening crisis in global economy

By Nick Beams, 30 June 2016

Brexit crisis poses disintegration of United Kingdom

The way forward after the Brexit referendum

UK Labour right wing mounts leadership challenge against Corbyn

By Chris Marsden, 30 June 2016

The coup against Corbyn is considered vital to the ability of the British ruling class to safeguard its interests globally.

Oppose the coup plot against Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn

Thousands turn up for cancelled “Remain in EU” rallies throughout the UK

By our reporters, 30 June 2016

The purpose of those addressing the rally was to exploit the frustration and anger of young people at the referendum result and its consequences.

More on the UK Brexit referendum »

Spanish interior minister used state apparatus to topple opponents

By James Lerner, 30 June 2016

The “Fernándezgate” recordings, which show Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz conspiring against political opponents, expose the disintegration of democratic forms of rule in Spain.

Spain’s elections intensify crisis of bourgeois rule

Law-and-order campaign follows sentencing in Stanford sexual assault case

By Eric London, 30 June 2016

The California state legislature is poised to enact new mandatory sentencing laws that will greatly expand the prison population and the police powers of the state.

North American summit dominated by Brexit fallout and geopolitical rivalries

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 30 June 2016

Obama took a direct swipe at China, warning that if the three North American countries did not act together, other countries in Asia would write the rules of global trade.

Trudeau blocks inquiry into Canada’s role in torture of Afghan detainees

Dow Chemical slashes 2,500 jobs ahead of DuPont merger

By our reporter, 30 June 2016

The layoffs, which will hit workers in Michigan, North Carolina and Japan, are just the beginning of the bloodletting being prepared by the merging chemical giants.

Australian artists and industry professionals oppose funding cuts

By Eric Ludlow, 30 June 2016

Consecutive Labor and Coalition governments have slashed millions of dollars in funding to a range of artistic disciplines and cultural institutions.

New in Russian

Бойня в Оахаке и взрыв классовой борьбы в Мексике

Нил Хардт, 30 июня 2016 г.

Возрождение классовой борьбы, выразившееся в протестах мексиканских учителей, является частью растущей радикализации рабочих по всему миру.

New in Spanish

Con enorme abstención, el derechista PP gana las elecciones españolas

Por Alejandro López, 30 junio 2016

La elecciones españolas del 26 de junio ahora confirman la profundo inauina popular y el colapso del sistema bipartidista que domina la vida política española desde el colapso del régimen fascista de Franco.

New in Turkish

Brexit referandumunun ardından ileriye giden yol

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (Britanya), 30 Haziran 2016

Britanya’nın Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyeliği üzerine referandumun sonucu, Britanya, Avrupa ve dünya politikasında, büyük bir istikrarsızlık ve siyasi çalkantı dönemini haber veren, altüst edici bir olaydır.

İstanbul havalimanındaki bombalı saldırılarda onlarca kişi öldürüldü

Patrick Martin, 30 Haziran 2016

Hükümet, Erdoğan’a, AKP’nin önderliğini sürdürmesine olanak verecek şekilde, “partili” cumhurbaşkanı haline gelmesine geçit vermek için bir anayasa değişikliğini meclise sunacak.

New in French

Des tensions éclatent au sommet de l’UE à Bruxelles à propos du « Brexit »

Par Johannes Stern et Alex Lantier, 30 juin 2016

L'Union européenne fait pression de façon agressive pour que la Grande-Bretagne accélère le processus de retrait et de renégociation des traités et relations commerciales avec le bloc des vingt-sept membres restants.

Deux porte-avions américains déployés dans des exercices de guerre dans l'ouest du Pacifique

Par Peter Symonds, 30 juin 2016

Cette démonstration de force démontre que les États-Unis sont prêts à escalader leur confrontation avec la Chine après la décision imminente qui sera rendue quant à la contestation judiciaire par les Philippines des revendications maritimes de Beijing.

New in German

EU beharrt auf harter Haltung gegen Großbritannien

Von Johannes Stern, 30. Juni 2016

Offiziell wird das Ergebnis des Brexit-Referendums bedauert, mittlerweile aber auch als Chance gesehen, die EU zu einer aggressiven Militärmacht auszubauen.

Rechter Putsch gegen Corbyn erreicht große Mehrheit

Von Julie Hyland, 30. Juni 2016

Das Motiv der Rechten in der Labour Party ist nicht ihre angebliche Befürchtung, dass Corbyn keine Unterhauswahl gewinnen könne, sondern ganz im Gegenteil, dass sie seinen Sieg sehr wohl für möglich halten.

Brexit-Krise gefährdet Einheit Großbritanniens

Von Steve James, 30. Juni 2016

Die Scottish National Party sondiert bei der EU, ob Schottland nach dem Austritt Großbritanniens weiterhin Mitglied bleiben könnte.

ThyssenKrupp und Tata: Stahlfusion auf Kosten der Arbeiter

Von Dietmar Henning, 30. Juni 2016

Ende letzter Woche meldete das Manager Magazin, dass die Verhandlungen des ThyssenKrupp-Konzerns und des indischen Mischkonzerns Tata, ihre beiden Stahlgesellschaften zusammenzulegen, kurz vor dem Abschluss stehen.

Other Languages


Sanders’ “political revolution” revealed: Nationalist reaction and support for Clinton

30 June 2016

The sorry and reactionary outcome of Sanders’ “political revolution” is not only his own total integration into the Democratic Party, but his emergence as spokesman for its most nationalist wing.

Earlier Perspectives »

Arts Review

Charles Blow of the New York Times
The right-wing, racialist attacks on the film Free State of Jones

By David Walsh, 30 June 2016

Free State of Jones, about a white farmer in Mississippi who led an insurrection against the Confederacy from 1863 to 1865, has come under sharp attack from the “new right” of identity politics advocates.

Free State of Jones: Three cheers!

By Joanne Laurier, 28 June 2016

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

The international significance of the Australian election

By Peter Symonds, 30 June 2016

The political volatility and instability of Australian politics is another symptom of the deepening crisis of global capitalism, sharply expressed in the British vote to leave the European Union.

The Greens’ Adam Bandt promotes a ruling coalition with Labor

By Patrick Kelly, 30 June 2016

The Greens MP has reassured the ruling elite of the Greens’ commitment to a “stable” and “responsible” parliament.

The Australian Labor Party and the “Gonski” school funding fraud

By Chris Sinnema—SEP candidate for the Senate in Victoria, 30 June 2016

While Labor’s planned education funding is a hoax, its plans for regressive new measures against public school teachers are immediate and real.

Download the Socialist Equality Party How-To-Vote card

28 June 2016

Australian election
Socialist Alliance: A pseudo-left ally of the Greens

Glen Lazarus Team promotes nationalism and xenophobia

SEP rallies present socialist answer to war and austerity

US presidential candidate Jerry White addresses SEP election rallies in Australia

Participants at SEP rallies speak about war, Brexit, the social crisis

More on the Australian federal election »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Video: SEP Presidential candidate Jerry White discusses US elections, lessons of Sanders campaign

29 June 2016

Clinton’s right-wing economic agenda and the fight for socialism

Socialist Equality Party election campaign: Naomi Spencer for West Virginia House of Delegates, 16th District!

22 June 2016

The West Virginia floods and America's class divide

Social roots of the West Virginia floods

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »


Further steps in finding an Earth-like planet outside the solar system

By Bryan Dyne, 29 June 2016


Teachers union reaches agreement with Mexican government as blockades spread

By Neil Hardt, 29 June 2016

The Oaxaca massacre and the eruption of class struggle in Mexico

Obama’s war in Iraq and the third battle of Fallujah

By Thomas Gaist, 29 June 2016

US Congressional report on Benghazi leaves roots of attack in the dark

By Bill Van Auken, 29 June 2016

State Department Syria memo: Setting the stage for war with Russia

Seventy-five years since the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union

The 2016 US Elections

Elizabeth Warren campaigns with Clinton as possible running mate

By Josh Varlin, 28 June 2016

Clinton seizes on Brexit vote to tout her credentials as defender of Washington’s global interests

More the 2016 US elections »

Workers Struggles

Grocery workers vote to strike in Southern California

By Jake Dean and Toby Reese, 28 June 2016

UAW exposes secret 2014 deal with Volkswagen to recognize union

By Shannon Jones, 28 June 2016

IG Metall trade union backs Volkswagen board

By Dietmar Henning, 28 June 2016

25 years ago: Scores killed in Yugoslav civil war

Combat planes deployed by Yugoslav federal armed forces bombed Slovenia’s main airports in Ljubljana on June 28, 1991, in the first concerted air attack in Europe since World War II.

More »

50 years ago: Military coup in Argentina

On June 28, 1966 President Arturo U. Illia was overthrown in a military coup and replaced with a three-man military junta, which named retired General Juan Carlos Ongania as the new chief of state.

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75 years ago: US government raids Minneapolis Trotskyists

On June 27, 1941 FBI agents and US marshals raided the headquarters of the Socialist Workers Party, then the American section of the world Trotskyist movement, in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

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100 years ago: Mass strike in Germany over Liebknecht conviction

Responding to the secret trial and conviction of Karl Liebknecht for his revolutionary opposition to the First World War, 55,000 workers in Berlin took strike action on June 29, 1916.

More »

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

The Socialist Equality Party (Germany) stands candidates for the Berlin state elections

By Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 31 May 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!