
Dye DAM Magazine Coupler Installation
This is a quick video showing how to install the Dye DAM Magazine Couplers on to the Dye D...
published: 16 Jan 2013
author: JonoT86
Dye DAM Magazine Coupler Installation
Dye DAM Magazine Coupler Installation
This is a quick video showing how to install the Dye DAM Magazine Couplers on to the Dye DAM Magazines. Rather easy but this is a great video on how to do th...- published: 16 Jan 2013
- views: 367
- author: JonoT86

Magpul MagLink Magazine Coupler Unboxing
The MagLink is a coupler for PMAG 30 and PMAG 30 M3 magazines which allows the user to att...
published: 16 Jun 2012
author: NCGUNS
Magpul MagLink Magazine Coupler Unboxing
Magpul MagLink Magazine Coupler Unboxing
The MagLink is a coupler for PMAG 30 and PMAG 30 M3 magazines which allows the user to attach two magazines together for more efficient speed reloads, and to...- published: 16 Jun 2012
- views: 7169
- author: NCGUNS

Magpul MagLink PMAG Coupler Review (HD)
Full write up will be posted shortly at: www.facebook.com/mrgunsngear....
published: 10 Nov 2012
author: Mrgunsngear
Magpul MagLink PMAG Coupler Review (HD)
Magpul MagLink PMAG Coupler Review (HD)
Full write up will be posted shortly at: www.facebook.com/mrgunsngear.- published: 10 Nov 2012
- views: 2107
- author: Mrgunsngear

Dye DAM Box Rotor UnBoxing Setup Review
The Dye Assault Matrix 320 Round Box Rotor has finally arrived!
Blair from Outpost 43 Pai...
published: 29 May 2014
Dye DAM Box Rotor UnBoxing Setup Review
Dye DAM Box Rotor UnBoxing Setup Review
The Dye Assault Matrix 320 Round Box Rotor has finally arrived! Blair from Outpost 43 Paintball shows you what comes in the box, how to setup the loader, how to sync the rotor to your gun and we show you the setup in action. Our verdict is that the box rotor is as perfect and reliable as the regular rotor from Dye Paintball. The Dye Dam Box Rotor is awesome! Get yours today from www,outpost43.co.nz- published: 29 May 2014
- views: 1805

DIY - Homemade Magazine Coupler for all sizes -
How to make your own magazine coupler using household objects. This video isn't so much a...
published: 23 Mar 2013
DIY - Homemade Magazine Coupler for all sizes -
DIY - Homemade Magazine Coupler for all sizes -
How to make your own magazine coupler using household objects. This video isn't so much a how to, but an idea of what to use when creating a mag coupler. I experimented with several items, and found only one to do the job the best.- published: 23 Mar 2013
- views: 2

MFT Classic M16 magazine coupler.
Great guy I work with offered me a couple of ar15/m16 mag couplers. He bought them for rug...
published: 15 Nov 2012
author: Moonfood78
MFT Classic M16 magazine coupler.
MFT Classic M16 magazine coupler.
Great guy I work with offered me a couple of ar15/m16 mag couplers. He bought them for ruger mini 14 mags and said the mags were to thin for his mags ...so b...- published: 15 Nov 2012
- views: 104
- author: Moonfood78

Please Subscribe Today! Dye Assault Matrix Coupler- More Info Here http://www.amazon.com/d...
published: 07 Feb 2013
author: ProEdgePBTV
Please Subscribe Today! Dye Assault Matrix Coupler- More Info Here http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009WADHRM/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_til?tag=wwwproedgepco-20&camp;=0&c...;- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 329
- author: ProEdgePBTV

Dye Assault Matrix (DAM) Mag-Fed First Strike Capable Full Auto Paintball Marker Review
Buy Here!: http://www.hustlepaintball.com/Dye-Paintball-DAM-Assault-Matrix-Tactical-Full-A...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: HustlePaintball
Dye Assault Matrix (DAM) Mag-Fed First Strike Capable Full Auto Paintball Marker Review
Dye Assault Matrix (DAM) Mag-Fed First Strike Capable Full Auto Paintball Marker Review
Buy Here!: http://www.hustlepaintball.com/Dye-Paintball-DAM-Assault-Matrix-Tactical-Full-Auto-First-Strike-Mag-Fed-Marker The Dye Assault was announced short...- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 120703
- author: HustlePaintball

Output coupler sales@dmphotonics.com
Output coupler sales@dmphotonics.com
To request a quote for standard or custom output cou...
published: 09 Jan 2014
Output coupler sales@dmphotonics.com
Output coupler sales@dmphotonics.com
Output coupler sales@dmphotonics.com To request a quote for standard or custom output couplers email to sales@dmphotonics.com Sample specs: Description of optical component Output coupler Drawing # -- Part Number /CAT# /Stock code# BK7_OC_D25_T12.7_HR620nm_AR620 Batch# or Lot# BK7_OC_D25_T12.7_HR620nm_AR620 Qty in this delivery 2 pieces I. Material Lot BK7 optical grade BK7#37-OC/23 II. Polishing parameters Specification Actual data Nominal Tolerance Diameter, mm 25 +0.0/-0.1 meets Thickness, mm 12.7 +0.0/-0.1 meets Wedge, deg 1 -- meets Surface accuracy, waves at 633nm 1/10 -- meets Surface quality, scr/dig 20/10 -- meets III. Coating parameters Specification Actual data (measured/ extrapolated) Nominal Tolerance HR coating R= 98% (+0.5/-1%) at 620nm AR coating at 620nm at wedged part Description of optical component Output coupler Drawing # -- Part Number /CAT# /Stock code# BK7_OC_D25_T12.7_HR1.25um_AR1.25 Batch# or Lot# BK7_OC_D25_T12.7_HR1.25um_AR1.25 Qty in this delivery 2 pieces I. Material Lot BK7 optical grade BK7#19-OC/35 II. Polishing parameters Specification Actual data Nominal Tolerance Diameter, mm 25 +0.0/-0.1 meets Thickness, mm 12.7 +0.0/-0.1 meets Wedge, deg 1 -- meets Surface accuracy, waves at 633nm 1/10 -- meets Surface quality, scr/dig 20/10 -- meets III. Coating parameters Specification Actual data (measured/ extrapolated) Nominal Tolerance HR coating R= 99% (+0.5/-1%) at 1.25um AR at 1.25um coating at wedged part http://www.dmphotonics.com/ah_ay/OC%20mirror.htm Starter kit enables easy femtosecond lasing Femtosecond Kit from Del Mar Photonics http://www.dmphotonics.com/fs_TiSapphire/FemtoStart_Ar-pumped.htm The Femtosecond Kit FemtoStart from Del Mar Photonics represents an excellent compromise between time and cost. Containing all necessary optical and mechanical elements together with a thorough instruction, it enables the user to achieve stable femtosecond lasing after a short period of time. FemtoStart kit can be used as introductory system in colleges and universities for undergraduate and graduate training. FemtoStart Kit is an excellent tool for research groups who would like to learn more about opportunities of using femtosecond laser pulses in a variety of applications including physics, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, new material research, semiconductor physics and optical communications, space research and medicine. Basic FemtoStart Kit's configuration correspond to 100, 50 or 20 femtosecond Ti : sapphire lasers. Optional configurations are also possible. FemtoStart kit has several advantages compared to fixed setups; e.g. repetition rates may be varied from 70 to 140 MHz. We recommend 5 W diode pumped solid state (DPSS) laser (Verdi from Coherent or Millenia from Spectra-Physics) as a pumping source, however any Ar-ion laser or diode-pumped solid-state laser with 3 -- 5W output power will do the job. An output coupler (OC) is a partially reflective mirror used in lasers to extract a portion of the laser beam from the optical resonator. Lasers operate by reflecting light between two or more mirrors which have an active laser medium between them. The medium amplifies the light by stimulated emission. For lasing to occur, the gain of the active medium must be larger than the total loss, which includes both unwanted effects such as absorption, and the intentional release of energy through the output coupler. In other words the laser must attain threshold. There are two important properties of the output coupler: Radii of curvature The output coupler may be either flat or curved, depending on the design of the optical cavity. The face of the output coupler facing into the cavity is the side with the applied partially reflective coating. This is the side which partially determines the laser modal properties. If this inner surface is curved then so must be the outer surface. This will stop the OC performing as a lens. The curvature of the outer surface can be designed to give a collimated laser output. This outer surface generally has an anti-reflection coating applied to maximise the output power. Reflectivity Depending on the gain of the medium, the amount of light the OC needs to reflect back can vary widely. Helium-neon lasers require around a 99% reflective mirror to lase, while nitrogen lasers have an extremely high gain (they are "superradiant") and do not require any OC (0% reflective). The reflectivity of any OC will vary with wavelength. A particular mirror may have a tuning range as low as a 10nm or so. For this reason the spectral properties of the OC are important to consider when a laser cavity is being assembled. output coupler transmission optical output coupler output coupler design of unstable cavities znse output coupler output coupler mirror output coupling- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 2

Dye DAM Magfed Paintball Adventures 4/12/14
This is the first video I've posted since I've gotten a Dye DAM. I am playing a game calle...
published: 14 Apr 2014
Dye DAM Magfed Paintball Adventures 4/12/14
Dye DAM Magfed Paintball Adventures 4/12/14
This is the first video I've posted since I've gotten a Dye DAM. I am playing a game called Attack the Eagle's Nest at www.paintballadventures.com . Paintball Adventures is by far the best paintball location in North-East Florida, and if you haven't checked them out, you need to do so now. I film all my paintball games using a garmin virb, and I highly recommend the camera. I'm not a paid advisor for Paintball Adventures, the are simply the best field in Jacksonville. More gameplay to come, please like and subscribe!- published: 14 Apr 2014
- views: 192

Torque Adjustment of a Conductix-Wampfler TYPE CN Magnetic Coupler
This is a brief instructional video specifically designed to provide visual clarity to any...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Torque Adjustment of a Conductix-Wampfler TYPE CN Magnetic Coupler
Torque Adjustment of a Conductix-Wampfler TYPE CN Magnetic Coupler
This is a brief instructional video specifically designed to provide visual clarity to any qualified industrial maintenance or technical professional wishing to adjust the output torque of a Conductix-Wampfler TYPE CN Magnetic Coupler.- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 37

DIY Magazine Clamps (Mag Couplers) for AK-47
Home-made clamps/couplers for AK-47 magazines....
published: 31 Jan 2013
author: Wolf\'s Airsoft
DIY Magazine Clamps (Mag Couplers) for AK-47
DIY Magazine Clamps (Mag Couplers) for AK-47
Home-made clamps/couplers for AK-47 magazines.- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 216
- author: Wolf\'s Airsoft

2014 Run Or Dye, Aerial Video
Watch in HD.
The Minneapolis / St Paul 2014 Run Or Dye was awesome and we were very lucky ...
published: 30 Apr 2014
2014 Run Or Dye, Aerial Video
2014 Run Or Dye, Aerial Video
Watch in HD. The Minneapolis / St Paul 2014 Run Or Dye was awesome and we were very lucky to get some great footage. If you see yourself or a friend feel free to tag them. don't forget to: LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE for more awesome videos. Check Us out on Facebook. Contact us with any idea for an aerial Photo / Video shoot you might have. proairphotography@gmail.com www.proairphotography.com- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 405
Youtube results:

Dye DAM maintenance
I'm Ray from the Antwerp Wraiths, Today i'm bringing you a maintenance video about the DYE...
published: 14 May 2013
author: antwerp wraiths
Dye DAM maintenance
Dye DAM maintenance
I'm Ray from the Antwerp Wraiths, Today i'm bringing you a maintenance video about the DYE D.A.M assault matrix. You'll need your Allen keys, Dye slick lube ...- published: 14 May 2013
- views: 193
- author: antwerp wraiths

DYE Assault Matrix: Programming Dwell & ROF / iPad iPhone DAM manual app
Just a short video showing the FREE DAM iPad & iPhone app for viewing your manual and how ...
published: 27 Jul 2013
author: wcpclan
DYE Assault Matrix: Programming Dwell & ROF / iPad iPhone DAM manual app
DYE Assault Matrix: Programming Dwell & ROF / iPad iPhone DAM manual app
Just a short video showing the FREE DAM iPad & iPhone app for viewing your manual and how to program your Dwell settings and Rate of Fire. Hope you enjoyed, ...- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 144
- author: wcpclan

[MOD] The Strypede - Highly Modified Nerf Stryfe
This is for sale right now: http://www.freewebstore.org/Coop772/Blasters/cat1237263_112528...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: Coop772
[MOD] The Strypede - Highly Modified Nerf Stryfe
[MOD] The Strypede - Highly Modified Nerf Stryfe
This is for sale right now: http://www.freewebstore.org/Coop772/Blasters/cat1237263_1125286.aspx ------------------------------------------ Progress thread w...- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 11061
- author: Coop772

Dye Snow T1 Goggles Overview
Here today we are going to take a quick look at the Dye Snow T1 Goggles. Dye Paintball has...
published: 01 Feb 2013
author: JonoT86
Dye Snow T1 Goggles Overview
Dye Snow T1 Goggles Overview
Here today we are going to take a quick look at the Dye Snow T1 Goggles. Dye Paintball has been making paintball goggles for years now and they want to take ...- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 186
- author: JonoT86