- published: 09 Nov 2015
- views: 82342
SHK - Death Moon
SHK - Milky Way
Ausbildung SHK I Kreishandwerkerschaft Limburg
SHK - Follow Me
SHK & SJK singing Always
WorldSkills 2015: Gold für SHK-Anlagemechaniker Nathanael Liebergeld
[O2Jam] SHK - 死月 (사월)
Unique.- SHK (Extended Version)
SHK-TV Reportage: Kundendienst Techniker
Euroskills 2014 – Der Anlagenmechaniker SHK - die Europameisterschaft der Berufe
Ausbildung Anlagenmechaniker/-mechanikerin Sanitär, Heizung und Klima
Nathanael Liebergeld hat seinen Traum von einer Medaille wahr gemacht: Bei der Weltmeisterschaft der Berufe, den "WorldSkills 2015" hat der 21jährige SHK-Profi in der Disziplin "Plumbing and Heating" Gold geholt. Mehr Infos: http://www.zvshk.de/qlink/QL16216758
[O2Jam] SHK - 死月 (사월) 4월의 동음이의어인 사월(死月)을 제목으로 하여 봄의 변덕스러운 기운, 따스함과 싸늘함의 공존을 표현하고자 하였습니다. 당시 게임 플레이용 노트에서는 휘몰아치는 변속노트를 적용했습니다. (모바일로 넘어오면서 아쉽게도 변속구간 특유의 느낌은 상당부분 사라지게 되었습니다.) 후속작 死月 2 (사월 2)도 제작되었습니다. Homepage : http://soundholick.com Blog : http://blog.naver.com/soundholick
I was bored so I made a simple extended version of the great song from SHK: Unique. So awesome. I didn't change that many things because I think it's an awesome song as it is. =============================================================== Estaba aburrido y decidí hacer una version extendida de la canción de SHK: Unique No le he cambiado gran cosa porque me gusta tal como es. Enjoy It/ Disfrutenla! Don´t Forget to check the original version from SHK Channel Here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-1H52iTHRg No se olviden de ver la version original del canal de SHK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-1H52iTHRg
„Kundendienst Techniker“ ist eine privat gegründete Fachgemeinschaft SHK, bei der sich Handwerker und Installateure deutschlandweit über WhatsApp, Facebook und Co. zusammenschließen, austauschen und helfen. Die Gründer der Fachgemeinschaft waren bei SHK-TV in Düsseldorf zu Gast und haben von ihrem Projekt erzählt.
SHK-Anlagenmechaniker Dominik Engel ging im Wettbewerb für den Beruf „Anlagenmechaniker SHK“ an den Start und holte zwei Silbermedaillen – in der Einzel- und in der Gruppenwertung. Gratulation! Weitere Infos: http://www.zvshk.de/qlink/QL64216643
Early Sunday morning in the spring of 96
Chilling on the couch watching the bulls against the knicks
My honey marches in and ask if I think I'm slick
It seem she found my shirt with lipstick
I thought I could explain but then my story wouldn't stick
Incriminating pictures show me some other chicks
It happened once before and she was tired of the tricks
She ask me if I can spell the word evict
Why me lord situation looking kinda bad
Why me lord I lost the best girl I ever had
Why me lord I'm homeless and I'm feeling kinda sad
Why me why me why me why me
Why me lord how you member massa god so quick
Why me lord when trouble tek you pickney shirt a fit
Why me lord is just because you don't know when to quit
Why me why me why me why me
Just the other day when I was rolling with my crew
Made a little flex around by flatbush avenue
Calling to some honeys and sipping on my brew
That's when I saw the boys in blue
Pulled us to the side why I don't even have a clue
Looking for a reason and they finally found a few
A case of ammunition and a loaded thirty two
I can't believe what I'm going through
Why me lord here I am I gotta face the time
Why me lord though the evidence ain't even mine
Why me lord I swear I ain't guilty of the crime
Why me why me why me why me
Why me lord how you member massa god so quick
Why me lord when trouble tek you pickney shirt a fit
Why me lord is just because you don't know when to quit
Why me why me why me why me
Take heed never take advantage of the thing you need
Never let yourself be over come by greed
Walk the straight and narrow and you shall succeed
Get you act up to speed
And try no matter what it takes to give a next man a blye
Everybody else deserve a piece a the pie
Honesty the best policy no sell no samfie