The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Prank Calls C-SPAN (VIDEO)
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Prank Calls C-SPAN [
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Prank Calls C-SPAN [VIDEO]
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Prank Calls C-SPAN [VIDEO]
On Tuesday (March 17) the
Fresh Prince made a very special call to C-SPAN.
During a morning segment of
Washington Journal, normally dedicated to discussing congressional
affairs, a very devious caller recited the The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song in monologue form.
It takes a good 20 seconds before the station realizes the prank and disconnects the call.
The caller, who identifies himself on-air and on YouTube as
Jack Strickland, states, “I just want to
make it clear I’m calling from Bel-Air but I’m originally from
Philadelphia, specifically
Philadelphia.” How did they not see that one coming!
Strickland continues his amazing monologue as “
Iran Negotiations: How Much
Influence Should
Have?” displays on the screen.
“I was actually discussing this issue with a friend of mine recently when I was in
Philly, it
occurred on a basketball court,” the caller says. “At some
point during the conversation, a couple of
guys who were up to no good essentially started causing trouble in my neighborhood.”
He manages to sneak in one more line from the iconic ’90s theme song rap before the network cuts him
off and gets back to the business at hand.
Host Pedro Echevarria doesn’t even break a smile.
You can watch the hilarious video above.
Add "
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" impersonators to the growing list of bizarre C-SPAN callers.
During a segment on the
Iran nuclear negotiations on Wednesday, a prank caller who identified himself
as Jack Strickland managed to recite about 20 seconds of the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song
before the staff of C-SPAN’s "Washington Journal" caught on.
After noting that he was from
West Philadelphia,
Will Smith’s fictional home on the popular
television show, the caller dove into the recognizable parts of the song.
“I was actually discussing this issue with a friend of mine when I was in Philly, it occurred on a
basketball court. At some point during the conversation, a couple of guys who were up to no good
essentially started causing trouble in my neighborhood," the caller said.
"I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, and said ‘You’re moving in with your auntie and
uncle in Bel-Air,’” he continued.
C-SPAN then cut off the caller, but the prank did manage to get host Pedro Echevarria to crack a
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Prank Calls C-SPAN [VIDEO]
Gets Pranked with Funny 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air'
C-SPAN prank caller recites 'Fresh Prince' theme
Caller trolls C-SPAN by quoting 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' on air
Caller trolls C-SPAN, quotes 'Fresh Prince'
'Fresh Prince'
Prank Called Into C-SPAN And
It Was Amazing