Fastenal Company is an American company based in Winona, Minnesota. Distributing goods used by other businesses, it has over 2,600 branches throughout the US, Canada, Mexico and Europe along with 13 distribution centers. Fastenal resells industrial, safety, and construction supplies and offers services including inventory management, manufacturing, and tool repair. Fastenal refers to itself as an industrial supply company, and Reuters calls it an industrial distributor.
Founded in 1967 by Bob Kierlin, it was incorporated December 24, 1968. Fastenal's offerings are purchased, not made. But as of 2009, the company has at least one cold heading manufacturing line. By 2004, 50% of product was processed steel.
It entered the Canadian market in 1994, as of 2009 Fastenal had retail sales outlets in every province and two Canadian distribution centers. As of 2009, Fastenal had established retail outlets in 14 of Mexico's states as well as a distribution center. It started its Mexico activities in 2001. Fastenal's Asian trading company, Fastenal Asian Sourcing and Trading Co, is a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise located in Shanghai, China, where it directs sourcing and import purchasing activities. Opening in 2001, Fastenal's Singapore location was its first site outside North America. By 2009, sales operations in this small city state were complemented by those in its larger neighbor Malaysia. Locally incorporated Fastenal Malaysia Sdn Bhd is associated with Fastenal's Malaysian activities. The company runs an A2LA accredited testing laboratory in this nation as of 2014,