Well, that's an interesting look! Eccentric Helena Bonham Carter steps out in ANOTHER bizarre outfit choice

She's known for her impressive on-screen talent.

But Helena Bonham-Carter is also rather renowned for her choice of attire - something she no doubt fueled when she stepped out in London on Wednesday.

The 50 year-old was seen in Islington, North London, sporting a typically eccentric ensemble while enjoying a stroll with a friend.   

Quirky style: Helena Bonham Carter was seen in Islington, North London, sporting a typically eccentric ensemble  on  Wednesday

Quirky style: Helena Bonham Carter was seen in Islington, North London, sporting a typically eccentric ensemble on  Wednesday

The multi-layered approach to style first consisted of a black and white floral dress, which she then covered with a black-and-white polka dot number.

She capped that with a pastel pink cardigan and a pair of long beads, while draping a handbag across her chest. 

Scraping her hair up into a messy high ponytail, she secured it with a bow while wearing black leather brogues and thick, green socks. 

Fashionista! The multi-layered approach to style first consisted of a black and white floral dress, which she then covered with a black-and-white polka dot number

Fashionista! The multi-layered approach to style first consisted of a black and white floral dress, which she then covered with a black-and-white polka dot number

Seemingly make-up free for the occasion, she proudly displayed her fresh-faced complexion as she chatted with her pal. 

Helena, who last appeared in Alice Through The Looking Glass, recently revealed she had to remain firm with co-star Sacha Baron Cohen when on set of Alice In Wonderland: Through The Looking Glass, which was released last month.

Speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald the 49-year-old said that the Borat star is 'totally unpredictable, like a hyperactive child sometimes.'

'He is very inventive, and he's fun, but ... I'm pretty direct with him. Sometimes I think what Sacha doesn't appreciate is that he's just telling a story,' she told the publication. 

Seemingly make-up free for the occasion, she proudly displayed her fresh-faced complexion

Seemingly make-up free for the occasion, she proudly displayed her fresh-faced complexion

'The weight isn't always on his shoulders. A lot of the time it's just playing the scene, not inventing the scene. He comes from such an improvisational background. He can't but help improvise. It's interesting.'

Despite their differing backgrounds in acting, the actress admits his performance as the half-clockwork, half-human master of the forth dimension is 'compelling'.

Helena plays Iracebeth, The Queen of Hearts, in the star-studded movie. 

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