Why we've stopped believing in elections
Waleed Aly 6:03 PM There is an historic rejection of the political establishment under way.
The Australian election is a health hazard
Greg Baum 8:28 PM Enough is enough; indeed, this time it's too much.
Seven years and itching for insights
Aubrey Perry 6:00 PM What is the role of guilt in Australia's culture and identity?
Pay up or take a chance on education
Peter Goss and Julie Sonnemann 6:00 PM Canberra fiddles, again, as the school system smoulders.
War on youth is real and it's time to get even
Jessica Irvine 8:10 PM No young person can realistically expect to enjoy the same spoils being enjoyed today by the baby boomer generation.
Don’t ban photos of skinny models
Vanessa Friedman 3:00 PM Who should control body image, after all?
Why I fear for our health system
Brian Owler 6:53 AM I am deeply concerned what the next three years will bring for health care if the last three years is any guide.
The marginal morality of buying votes
Peter Martin 11:43 AM Elections are all about giveaways, right? And just who pays for all the promises?
The weak spot in airport security
John Coyne The situation in arrival and departure halls may need revolutionary change.
The letter most candidates won't answer
Fiona Stanley I recently wrote to more than 1000 candidates in the Federal election. Not everyone replied.
Dying to choose, choosing to die
Rodney Syme The path to legalising physician-assisted death is now open.
Affordable housing is a key election issue
PHILIP FREIER The critical shortage of affordable housing in Australia has a corrosive effect on social and economic well-being
Keeping them honest: voting for the Senate
Emma Buckley Lennox Australian voters are lazy. But if we want to ensure our new Senate "keeps the bastards honest" we're going to have to learn to count.
More than 1.5m young people set to vote
Sammi Taylor With the federal election this weekend, local MPs will use their last few campaign days to scramble for votes.