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Да ли сигурно желиш да видиш ове твитове? Гледање твитова неће одблокирати @ABSStats.

  1. Job Vacancies, Australia

  2. National Regional Profile

  3. Supplementary Disability Survey

  4. Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth

  5. Private Hospitals, Australia

  6. Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables

  7. Engineering Construction Activity, Australia

  8. It's on! Get tickets here: Shout out to fab sponsors

  9. Migrant Data Matrices

  10. Characteristics of Australian Exporters

  11. August 9 is Census night – but what is the Census and how does it work? Watch, to find out more

  12. Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC)

  13. Microdata: Qualifications and Work

  14. The 2016 Agricultural Census is underway. If we send you a letter, complete it fast online!

  15. 2011 Census data showed 105,237 ppl experienced homelessness on Census night. Support our CEO in the

  16. The 2016 Agricultural Census is underway. If we send you a letter, complete it fast online!

  17. Methodological News

  18. Australian Demographic Statistics

  19. Labour Force, Australia, Detailed - Electronic Delivery

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