- published: 10 Sep 2016
- views: 1
Znamenny Chant (Russian: Знаменное пение, знаменный распев) is a singing tradition used in the Russian Orthodox Church. Znamenny Chant is unison, melismatic liturgical singing that has its own specific notation, called the stolp notation. The symbols used in the stolp notation are called kryuki (Russian: крюки, 'hooks') or znamena (Russian: знамёна, 'signs'). Often the names of the signs are used to refer to the stolp notation. Znamenny melodies are part of a system, consisting of Eight Modes (intonation structures; called glasy); the melodies are characterized by fluency and well-balancedness.(Kholopov 2003, 192) There exist several types of Znamenny Chant: the so-called Stolpovoy, Malyj (Little) and Bolshoy (Great) Znamenny Chant. Ruthenian Chant (Prostopinije) is sometimes considered a sub-division of the Znamenny Chant tradition, with the Muscovite Chant (Znamenny Chant proper) being the second branch of the same musical continuum.
Znamenny Chants are not written with notes (the so-called linear notation), but with special signs, called Znamëna (Russian for "marks", "banners") or Kryuki ("hooks"), as some shapes of these signs resemble hooks. Each sign may include the following components: a large black hook or a black stroke, several smaller black 'points' and 'commas' and lines near the hook or crossing the hook. Some signs may mean only one note, some 2 to 4 notes, and some a whole melody of more than 10 notes with a complicated rhythmic structure.
☦ O Heavenly King (znamenny chant) ☦ On our channel you can hear the news of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church in particular, to listen to the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox Prayer and hymns, prayers and canons troparia and Orthodox chants and prayers rare Subscribe to our channel Orthodox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoks2TfiDgfs0-1NquhKVDQ
☦ Open to Me the Doors of Repentance (znamenny chant) ☦ On our channel you can hear the news of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church in particular, to listen to the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox Prayer and hymns, prayers and canons troparia and Orthodox chants and prayers rare Subscribe to our channel Orthodox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoks2TfiDgfs0-1NquhKVDQ
☦ O Lord Of Hosts (znamenny chant) ☦ On our channel you can hear the news of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church in particular, to listen to the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox Prayer and hymns, prayers and canons troparia and Orthodox chants and prayers rare Subscribe to our channel Orthodox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoks2TfiDgfs0-1NquhKVDQ
☦ Stichera of the Ninth Hour of Christmas Eve (znamenny chant) ☦ On our channel you can hear the news of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church in particular, to listen to the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox Prayer and hymns, prayers and canons troparia and Orthodox chants and prayers rare Subscribe to our channel Orthodox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoks2TfiDgfs0-1NquhKVDQ
God is With Us (znamenny chant) ☦ On our channel you can hear the news of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church in particular, to listen to the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox Prayer and hymns, prayers and canons troparia and Orthodox chants and prayers rare Subscribe to our channel Orthodox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoks2TfiDgfs0-1NquhKVDQ
A Helper and Protector (znamenny chant), "Choir of the Valaam" ☦ On our channel you can hear the news of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church in particular, to listen to the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox Prayer and hymns, prayers and canons troparia and Orthodox chants and prayers rare Subscribe to our channel Orthodox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoks2TfiDgfs0-1NquhKVDQ
Because someone else uploaded it with lots of dead air!
. SACRED CHORAL MUSIC Hallelujah : Russian Orthodox Chant (See also "Dante's Prayer") .
. SACRED CHORAL MUSIC Now The Powers Of Even - Great Lent & Holy Week Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir http://bestchoir.ru/en/ .
Lesson teaching Znamenny Chant. Learning the signs, notes and Tones Pt.1
Lesson teaching Znamenny Chant. Learning the signs, notes and Tones Pt.3
Lesson teaching Znamenny Chant. Learning the signs, notes and Tones Pt.4
Lesson teaching Znamenny Chant. Learning the signs, notes and Tones Pt.5
Уникальный видеофильм. Смело и дерзновенно для 2002-го года! Вечерня под день памяти св. равноап. кн. Ольги. Знаменное пение. Богослужение состоялось 23 июля 2002 года в храме Казанской иконы Божией Матери с. Пучково (Московская обл.) в рамках 2-го Регентского съезда под руководством Кустовского Е.С. Руководители хоров - Глеб Печенкин и Дионисий Коротких (ныне иеромонах Павел). Чтецы - Владимир Стрельбицкий, Дионисий Коротких и Глеб Печенкин. Певцы - любители знаменного пения. Видеосъемка - Евгений Кустовский. Богослужение, зафиксированное в видеофильме, явилось толчком для проведения Всероссийских практических съездов любителей знаменного пения и семинаров, прошедших в московском регионе с 2003 г. Благодарим Евгения Кустовского за организацию этого уникального богослужения и предс...
Божественная Литургия, состоявшаяся 6 ноября 2009 года в Архиерейской домовой церкви во иия св. свщмч. Гермогена, патриарха Московского и всея Руси, в Свято-Успенском Жировичском монастыре (Беларусь). Служение возглавил игумен Ермоген. Клирос - Певчая станица учеников и выпускников Знаменно-певчей школы для отроков под руководством Глеба Печенкина.
MILLENNIUM OF BAPTISM IN RUSSIA. Hymns Of The All-Nigth Vigil. Izvođač: NICOLAI MATVEYEV. Naslov: HYMNS OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH. The Choir Of The Moscow Church "The Joy Of All The Afflicted". 1.Bless The Lord, O My Soul. (Greek chant) (P.Chesnokov). Solists: Lydia Kovaleva, Pyotr Skuznichenko, Vyacheslav Turchaninov. 2."Blessed Is The Man" (P.Chesnokov). 3."Lord, I Cry Out To You" 2'nd tone, Sticharion for Sunday (minor Kiev chant) Dogmatic in the 2nd tone, "The Shadow Of The Law Has Passed" (G. Lvovsky) 4."O Gladsome Radiance" (P.Ivanov-Radkevich) 5."Forgive Our Sins" (G.Rutov) 6.Lesser Doxology (P.Chesnokov) Solists:Lydia Kovaleva, Alevtina Filatova, Pyotr Skuznichenko. 7. "Praise The Name Of The Lord" (A.Grechaninov) Solists: Ludmilla Shishkova, Lydia Diche...
Orthodox Shrines of the Russian North: The Kirillo-Belozersk Monastery. Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir, Igor Ushakov, director. Russian Compact Disc (2011). Track list below. May all the people of the world be blessed! Image of Christ Pantocrator courtesy of Orthodoxy-icons.com. You can learn more about St. Cyril and the Valaam Men's Choir at the following links: http://oca.org/saints/lives/2014/06/0... http://www.hymn.ru/valaam/index-en.html [0:00] Blazhen muzh (Blessed is the man) [Znamenny Chant] (arr. A. Popov) [5:13] Svete tikhij (O gladsome radiance) [Znamenny Chant] (arr. A. Popov) [9:42] Prepodobne otche nash Kirille (Our Holy Father Cyril) [Little Vespers, "Glory", in tone VI] (arr. A. Popov) [14:57] Ot junosti moeja (From My Youth) [Antiphon, in tone I...
Choral Conference Keynote address by Abbot Sergei (Shatrov) on Znamenny Chant
Sobor - Collection of Liturgical Hymns of the Orthodox Churches of Different Nations. http://www.orthodoxmusic.ru/alb86.e.html?request_id=38 Georgian chant 1. Polyelaion chant 2. Come, let us worship 3. Magnification for the Nativity of Christ 4. The glory of all the world 5. O Heavenly King Serbian chant 6. Serbian hymn to the Mother of God 7. Troparion to St. Nina Bulgarian chant 8. Sunday troparion and hymn to the Mother of God Serbian chant 9. O victorious leader of triumphant hosts Bulgarian chant 10. The Cherubic hymn Serbian chant 11.Serbian communion hymn tone one Georgian chant 12.Troparion to St. George the Victorious Bulgarian chant 13. Hymns to the Holy Trinity by St. Gregory of Sinai Znamenny chant 14. Stanza for the veneration of the Shroud Various chants 1...