Il Veni Creator Spiritus, in italiano Vieni Spirito Creatore è un inno liturgico dedicato allo Spirito Santo ed attribuito a Rabano Mauro, arcivescovo di Magonza, del IX secolo.
Giovanni Vianini, Direttore della SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS ha registrato il Veni Creator.
La versione più conosciuta è quella gregoriana, ma è stato musicato anche da numerosi autori di musica polifonica e classica.
Viene regolarmente cantato nell'ufficio delle Lodi e dei Vespri della festa di pentecoste e viene spesso accostato alla sequenza Veni Sancte Spiritus.
Oltre che a pentecoste, viene anche cantato in particolari avvenimenti solenni per invocare lo Spirito Santo, quali in occasione del conferimento del sacramento della confermazione, durante l'elezione del nuovo Papa dai cardinali nella ...
published: 24 May 2010
Veni Creator Spiritus – Gregorian chant
#EspírituSanto #Pentecostés
Hymn to the Holy Spirit
Himno al Espíritu Santo
Donaciones: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ZBZ7KZH4MFBHY
VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS (Himno de Pentecostés –siglo IX)
Ven, Espíritu Creador,
visita las almas de tus fíeles
y llena de la divina gracia los corazones,
que Tú mismo creaste.
Tú eres llamado el Paráclito,
don de Dios Altísimo,
fuente viva, fuego, caridad
y espiritual unción. (…)
Enciende con tu luz nuestros sentidos;
infunde tu amor en nuestros corazones;
y con tu perpetuo auxilio,
fortalece nuestra débil carne. (…)
Por Ti conozcamos al Padre,
y también al Hijo;
y que en Ti, Espíritu de entrambos,
creamos en todo tiempo.
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come
from thy bright heav'nly throne;
come, take possession of our souls,
and make th...
published: 22 May 2020
Gregorian chant: Veni Creator Spiritus (Lyric Video)
You like our content and you want to help us keep posting (you can donate as little as 1$ ):
Special thanks to our patrons:
Kazuma Mizu
Patricia Blassingame - George Sherratt
Adam Rawson - A Harris
Chosen of Nurgle - Kawaii Firekeeper
Dan Bowers - Adrian Rusch
Xander Jansen - Carlos González
Ethan Lane
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adorationcross
Facebook: https://facebook.com/adorationofthecross
About the chant:
One of the most widely used hymns in the Church, Veni, Creator Spiritus, is attributed to Rabanus Maurus (776-856). It is used at Vespers, Pentecost, Dedication of a Church, Confirmation, and Holy Orders and whenever the Holy Spirit is solemnly invoked. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who re...
published: 25 Mar 2019
Veni Creator Spiritus • With English Translation By Adrian Fortescue
Finally! A Catholic hymnal that doesn't mimic or “build upon” Protestant hymnals: http://www.ccwatershed.org/hymn
- - -
The Brebeuf hymnal is a 932-page Pew Book.
- - -
published: 22 May 2015
Hymnus: Veni, creator Spiritus
gp#115 The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex - see http://gregoriana.sk/graduale/ for description.
If you would like to encourage me to continue this work, please comment, like, subscribe... or follow me: https://twitter.com/GradualeProject, https://www.facebook.com/gradualeproject
Look for the chant in Graduale Romanum (1974), p. 848
Look for the recordings of the Graduale Project on http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/marekklein or check on your favorite music store. Want to receive my Newsletter? http://eepurl.com/dcHskf Want to receive my Newsletter? http://eepurl.com/dcHskf
published: 19 May 2015
Hymnus VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, Visione spartito, due versioni, SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS, Dir. Giovanni Vianini, Milano, Italia
Immagini, codice, spartito e ascolto, Hymnus VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, Visione spartito, due versioni, SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS, Dir. Giovanni Vianini, Milano, Italia, www.cantogregoriano.it
published: 22 Jun 2009
Il Veni Creator Spiritus, in italiano Vieni Spirito Creatore è un inno liturgico dedicato allo Spirito Santo ed attribuito a Rabano Mauro, arcivescovo di Magonz...
Il Veni Creator Spiritus, in italiano Vieni Spirito Creatore è un inno liturgico dedicato allo Spirito Santo ed attribuito a Rabano Mauro, arcivescovo di Magonza, del IX secolo.
Giovanni Vianini, Direttore della SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS ha registrato il Veni Creator.
La versione più conosciuta è quella gregoriana, ma è stato musicato anche da numerosi autori di musica polifonica e classica.
Viene regolarmente cantato nell'ufficio delle Lodi e dei Vespri della festa di pentecoste e viene spesso accostato alla sequenza Veni Sancte Spiritus.
Oltre che a pentecoste, viene anche cantato in particolari avvenimenti solenni per invocare lo Spirito Santo, quali in occasione del conferimento del sacramento della confermazione, durante l'elezione del nuovo Papa dai cardinali nella Cappella Sistina, per la consacrazione dei vescovi, per l'ordinazione dei sacerdoti, per i concili ed i sinodi e per l'incoronazione di un sovrano.
Il Veni Creator Spiritus, in italiano Vieni Spirito Creatore è un inno liturgico dedicato allo Spirito Santo ed attribuito a Rabano Mauro, arcivescovo di Magonza, del IX secolo.
Giovanni Vianini, Direttore della SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS ha registrato il Veni Creator.
La versione più conosciuta è quella gregoriana, ma è stato musicato anche da numerosi autori di musica polifonica e classica.
Viene regolarmente cantato nell'ufficio delle Lodi e dei Vespri della festa di pentecoste e viene spesso accostato alla sequenza Veni Sancte Spiritus.
Oltre che a pentecoste, viene anche cantato in particolari avvenimenti solenni per invocare lo Spirito Santo, quali in occasione del conferimento del sacramento della confermazione, durante l'elezione del nuovo Papa dai cardinali nella Cappella Sistina, per la consacrazione dei vescovi, per l'ordinazione dei sacerdoti, per i concili ed i sinodi e per l'incoronazione di un sovrano.
- published: 24 May 2010
- views: 4350965
Veni Creator Spiritus – Gregorian chant
#EspírituSanto #Pentecostés
Hymn to the Holy Spirit
Himno al Espíritu Santo
Donaciones: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ZBZ7KZH4MFBHY
#EspírituSanto #Pentecostés
Hymn to the Holy Spirit
Himno al Espíritu Santo
Donaciones: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ZBZ7KZH4MFBHY
VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS (Himno de Pentecostés –siglo IX)
Ven, Espíritu Creador,
visita las almas de tus fíeles
y llena de la divina gracia los corazones,
que Tú mismo creaste.
Tú eres llamado el Paráclito,
don de Dios Altísimo,
fuente viva, fuego, caridad
y espiritual unción. (…)
Enciende con tu luz nuestros sentidos;
infunde tu amor en nuestros corazones;
y con tu perpetuo auxilio,
fortalece nuestra débil carne. (…)
Por Ti conozcamos al Padre,
y también al Hijo;
y que en Ti, Espíritu de entrambos,
creamos en todo tiempo.
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come
from thy bright heav'nly throne;
come, take possession of our souls,
and make them all thine own.
Thou who art called the Paraclete,
best gift of God above,
the living spring, the living fire,
sweet unction and true love. (...)
O guide our minds with thy blest light,
with love our hearts inflame;
and with thy strength, which ne'er decays,
confirm our mortal frame. (…)
Through thee may we the Father know,
through thee th'eternal Son,
and thee the Spirit of them both,
thrice-blessed three in One.
Komm, Schöpfer Geist,
besuche die Herzen der Deinen;
erfülle mit Gnade von oben die Herzen,
die Du geschaffen hast!
Der du Tröster genannt wirst,
Geschenk des allerhöchsten Gottes,
lebendige Quelle, Glut, Liebe,
und geistige Salbung.(...)
Entzünde das Licht dem Denken,
gieße Liebe den Herzen ein;
das Kraftlose unseres Körpers
stärke durch die Macht des Ewigen.(...)
Durch dich lass uns um den Vater wissen,
lass uns auch den Sohn erkennen,
und dich, dieser beiden Geist,
lass uns glauben zu aller Zeit.
to find the scores in latin, click here
Перевод на русский язык:
О Сотворитель Дух, приди
И души верных посети,
Дай смертным неба благодать,
Чтоб сотворённое спасти.
Ты — Утешитель всей земли,
Ты — Бог и лучший Божий дар,
Миропомазанье сердец,
Живой родник, любви пожар.
Ты — благодать семи даров
И сила вечного Отца,
Ты — речь, завещанная нам,
Преобразившая сердца.
Сияньем разум просвети,
Сердцам любовь святую дай
И хрупкость наших бренных тел
Восполни крепостью Твоей.
Врага душ наших изгони,
Да будет с нами Твой покой,
Да отвратимся мы от зла,
Что искушает род людской.
Веди ко Господу Отцу,
И дай познать нам Сына путь,
И Ты, Дыхание любви,
До дней скончанья с нами будь.
Отцу Небесному хвала,
Во славе с Ним воскресший Сын,
И Тот, Кто утешает нас,
Он свят, и вечен, и един.
#EspírituSanto #Pentecostés
Hymn to the Holy Spirit
Himno al Espíritu Santo
Donaciones: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ZBZ7KZH4MFBHY
VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS (Himno de Pentecostés –siglo IX)
Ven, Espíritu Creador,
visita las almas de tus fíeles
y llena de la divina gracia los corazones,
que Tú mismo creaste.
Tú eres llamado el Paráclito,
don de Dios Altísimo,
fuente viva, fuego, caridad
y espiritual unción. (…)
Enciende con tu luz nuestros sentidos;
infunde tu amor en nuestros corazones;
y con tu perpetuo auxilio,
fortalece nuestra débil carne. (…)
Por Ti conozcamos al Padre,
y también al Hijo;
y que en Ti, Espíritu de entrambos,
creamos en todo tiempo.
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come
from thy bright heav'nly throne;
come, take possession of our souls,
and make them all thine own.
Thou who art called the Paraclete,
best gift of God above,
the living spring, the living fire,
sweet unction and true love. (...)
O guide our minds with thy blest light,
with love our hearts inflame;
and with thy strength, which ne'er decays,
confirm our mortal frame. (…)
Through thee may we the Father know,
through thee th'eternal Son,
and thee the Spirit of them both,
thrice-blessed three in One.
Komm, Schöpfer Geist,
besuche die Herzen der Deinen;
erfülle mit Gnade von oben die Herzen,
die Du geschaffen hast!
Der du Tröster genannt wirst,
Geschenk des allerhöchsten Gottes,
lebendige Quelle, Glut, Liebe,
und geistige Salbung.(...)
Entzünde das Licht dem Denken,
gieße Liebe den Herzen ein;
das Kraftlose unseres Körpers
stärke durch die Macht des Ewigen.(...)
Durch dich lass uns um den Vater wissen,
lass uns auch den Sohn erkennen,
und dich, dieser beiden Geist,
lass uns glauben zu aller Zeit.
to find the scores in latin, click here
Перевод на русский язык:
О Сотворитель Дух, приди
И души верных посети,
Дай смертным неба благодать,
Чтоб сотворённое спасти.
Ты — Утешитель всей земли,
Ты — Бог и лучший Божий дар,
Миропомазанье сердец,
Живой родник, любви пожар.
Ты — благодать семи даров
И сила вечного Отца,
Ты — речь, завещанная нам,
Преобразившая сердца.
Сияньем разум просвети,
Сердцам любовь святую дай
И хрупкость наших бренных тел
Восполни крепостью Твоей.
Врага душ наших изгони,
Да будет с нами Твой покой,
Да отвратимся мы от зла,
Что искушает род людской.
Веди ко Господу Отцу,
И дай познать нам Сына путь,
И Ты, Дыхание любви,
До дней скончанья с нами будь.
Отцу Небесному хвала,
Во славе с Ним воскресший Сын,
И Тот, Кто утешает нас,
Он свят, и вечен, и един.
- published: 22 May 2020
- views: 1089759
Gregorian chant: Veni Creator Spiritus (Lyric Video)
You like our content and you want to help us keep posting (you can donate as little as 1$ ):
You like our content and you want to help us keep posting (you can donate as little as 1$ ):
Special thanks to our patrons:
Kazuma Mizu
Patricia Blassingame - George Sherratt
Adam Rawson - A Harris
Chosen of Nurgle - Kawaii Firekeeper
Dan Bowers - Adrian Rusch
Xander Jansen - Carlos González
Ethan Lane
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adorationcross
Facebook: https://facebook.com/adorationofthecross
About the chant:
One of the most widely used hymns in the Church, Veni, Creator Spiritus, is attributed to Rabanus Maurus (776-856). It is used at Vespers, Pentecost, Dedication of a Church, Confirmation, and Holy Orders and whenever the Holy Spirit is solemnly invoked. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite it. A plenary indulgence is granted if it is recited on January 1st or on the feast of Pentecost.
#Gregorian #VeniCreator #GiovanniVianini
This chant was performed by
Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis
Conductor: Giovanni Vianini
Latin Text:
Veni Creator Spiritus
mentes tuorum visita
imple superna gratia
quae tu creasti pectora
Qui diceris Paraclitus
donum Dei altissimi
fons vivus ignis caritas
et spiritalis unctio
Tu septiformis munere
dextrae Dei tu digitus
Tu rite promissum Patris
sermone ditans guttura
Accende lumen sensibus
infunde amorem cordibus
infirma nostri corporis
virtute firmans perpeti
Hostem repellas longius
pacemque dones protinus
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium
Per te sciamus da Patrem
noscamus atque Filium
te utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore
You like our content and you want to help us keep posting (you can donate as little as 1$ ):
Special thanks to our patrons:
Kazuma Mizu
Patricia Blassingame - George Sherratt
Adam Rawson - A Harris
Chosen of Nurgle - Kawaii Firekeeper
Dan Bowers - Adrian Rusch
Xander Jansen - Carlos González
Ethan Lane
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adorationcross
Facebook: https://facebook.com/adorationofthecross
About the chant:
One of the most widely used hymns in the Church, Veni, Creator Spiritus, is attributed to Rabanus Maurus (776-856). It is used at Vespers, Pentecost, Dedication of a Church, Confirmation, and Holy Orders and whenever the Holy Spirit is solemnly invoked. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite it. A plenary indulgence is granted if it is recited on January 1st or on the feast of Pentecost.
#Gregorian #VeniCreator #GiovanniVianini
This chant was performed by
Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis
Conductor: Giovanni Vianini
Latin Text:
Veni Creator Spiritus
mentes tuorum visita
imple superna gratia
quae tu creasti pectora
Qui diceris Paraclitus
donum Dei altissimi
fons vivus ignis caritas
et spiritalis unctio
Tu septiformis munere
dextrae Dei tu digitus
Tu rite promissum Patris
sermone ditans guttura
Accende lumen sensibus
infunde amorem cordibus
infirma nostri corporis
virtute firmans perpeti
Hostem repellas longius
pacemque dones protinus
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium
Per te sciamus da Patrem
noscamus atque Filium
te utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore
- published: 25 Mar 2019
- views: 273024
Veni Creator Spiritus • With English Translation By Adrian Fortescue
Finally! A Catholic hymnal that doesn't mimic or “build upon” Protestant hymnals: http://www.ccwatershed.org/hymn
- - -
The Brebeuf hymnal is a 932-page Pew Bo...
Finally! A Catholic hymnal that doesn't mimic or “build upon” Protestant hymnals: http://www.ccwatershed.org/hymn
- - -
The Brebeuf hymnal is a 932-page Pew Book.
- - -
Finally! A Catholic hymnal that doesn't mimic or “build upon” Protestant hymnals: http://www.ccwatershed.org/hymn
- - -
The Brebeuf hymnal is a 932-page Pew Book.
- - -
- published: 22 May 2015
- views: 307395
Hymnus: Veni, creator Spiritus
gp#115 The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex - see http://gregoriana.sk/gr...
gp#115 The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex - see http://gregoriana.sk/graduale/ for description.
If you would like to encourage me to continue this work, please comment, like, subscribe... or follow me: https://twitter.com/GradualeProject, https://www.facebook.com/gradualeproject
Look for the chant in Graduale Romanum (1974), p. 848
Look for the recordings of the Graduale Project on http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/marekklein or check on your favorite music store. Want to receive my Newsletter? http://eepurl.com/dcHskf Want to receive my Newsletter? http://eepurl.com/dcHskf
gp#115 The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex - see http://gregoriana.sk/graduale/ for description.
If you would like to encourage me to continue this work, please comment, like, subscribe... or follow me: https://twitter.com/GradualeProject, https://www.facebook.com/gradualeproject
Look for the chant in Graduale Romanum (1974), p. 848
Look for the recordings of the Graduale Project on http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/marekklein or check on your favorite music store. Want to receive my Newsletter? http://eepurl.com/dcHskf Want to receive my Newsletter? http://eepurl.com/dcHskf
- published: 19 May 2015
- views: 183619
Hymnus VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, Visione spartito, due versioni, SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS, Dir. Giovanni Vianini, Milano, Italia
Immagini, codice, spartito e ascolto, Hymnus VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, Visione spartito, due versioni, SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS, Dir. Giovanni Vianini, ...
Immagini, codice, spartito e ascolto, Hymnus VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, Visione spartito, due versioni, SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS, Dir. Giovanni Vianini, Milano, Italia, www.cantogregoriano.it
Immagini, codice, spartito e ascolto, Hymnus VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, Visione spartito, due versioni, SCHOLA GREGORIANA MEDIOLANENSIS, Dir. Giovanni Vianini, Milano, Italia, www.cantogregoriano.it
- published: 22 Jun 2009
- views: 5861921