How to Join The Masonic Temple, The Freemasons Secret Society
Know the enemy of the united states of
America. What to Know When Joying the
Masonic Temple,
Traitors This
Video has been labeled as disturbing to the
Masonic temple secret society yes it is very disturbing what These factions do to our society.
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America has to stand up and fight this secret society's genocide.
It is the masons that lobby against gun rights, and it's the masons who put these chem-trails in our atmosphere.
It's the masons that have made life in America so hard for so many
as part of their secret agenda.
The masons are the most hateful humans on earth, and they secretly infiltrated our society & government to conspire against other
Americans. They set up a circus for the children, just before poisoning millions of them with the polio virus.
Masons control our medical industry and use it to kill, and destroy the lives of millions of true
American patriots. Those who have unjustly suffer and unknowingly die for their country under this secrete society's genocide.
Now that they have infected society with
HIV they pick and choose who dies until their planned plague/genocide is unleashed onto our
Society, and then millions will die at once.
They have created people to be undesirable thru chemical, social, and biological means, using chem-trail neurotoxins, engineered hormones, and oppression.
Like the homeless people that you don't seam to mind seeing them kill. But this system will reach right into your home and take your loved ones, under this illusion of illness that they have created and forced upon our society.
Many people will say that my doctor would never use these machines to hurt me.
But doctor's only follow current procedure, for over
150 years doctors in America used a machine/medical device called a bleeder! It was a spring loaded razor blade device that the doctors would place next to your skin and bleed you many times until death.
George Washington trusted his
Mason doctor so much that he let him place a bleeder to his jugular vane and bleed him to death, and all evidence points to he just had the flu!
And these were college graduates with PhD's, you can't tell me that for over 150 years these men did not know that bleeding or slicing a jugular would cause death, the caveman knew this!
In fact even now 50% of medical school is learning bedside manor, years of learning and training to convince patients that they really care while they follow procedure.
The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial
Massachusetts 1692. This was a group of people that learned that the
American Indians were curing small pox and the flu with holistic medicine. They wanted to tell every one of these miracle cures, and no more would people have to be bled and leached to death, the Masonic doctors said this holistic medicine was the
Devil's medicine and part of witchcraft then proceeded to burn all of these people at the stake.
Bleeding was still common medical procedure till the late
19th century. This will give you an idea of how long the Masonic temple has been in control of our medical industry.
This new system uses x-ray, CT scan machines and biological agents to carry out this genocide.
This is why when Dr. Damadian, presented the
Magnetic Resonance Imaging(
MRI) medical device in
1974, a machine that does the job a
1000 times better than x ray, it was shot down by the Masonic controlled medical industry. And when the public demanded that the medical industry start building and using these machines, what did they do?
They starting building hybrid versions, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine that also have radioactive x-ray built in to them. So they still maintain the option and ability to flash humans with radiation. This is done under the illusion that Magnetic Resonance Imaging is too expensive and radiation is more economical, this is a lie, Magnetic Resonance Imaging is less expensive to build and maintain while not needing harmful radiation to operate.
Radiation is in no way a form of medicine any more than a bleeder, shock therapy, or the iron lung that millions of children were forced to live in for years while suffering from painful polio, caused by early years of X-ray flashing of the lower spinal cord.
X-ray machines are used everywhere and by everyone: dentists, doctors, post office, air ports, police departments, and
Fema camps just to name a few,
most of these machines are controlled from an off site central location, the same location that the blood and burst air analyzers machines are controlled. This location isn't a military base or a government installation. This location is the secret headquarters of the illuminati, the ones that erected the
Georgia stones proclaiming victory and domination over all races of earth.