- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 7551
Nineveh Governorate (Arabic: نینوى Nīnewē, Kurdish: مووسڵ Mûsil, Syriac: ܢܝܢܘܐ Nīnwē) is a governorate in northern Iraq, which contains the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh, was an integral part of Assyria from the 25th century BC to 7th century AD, and still retains an indigenous Assyrian community to this day. It has an area of 37,323 square kilometres (3.7323×1010 m2) and an estimated population of 2,453,000 people in 2003. Its chief city and provincial capital is Mosul, which lies across the Tigris river from the ruins of ancient Nineveh. Tal Afar is also a major city within the region. Before 1976, it was called Mosul Province and it included the present-day Dohuk Governorate.
An ethnically, religiously and culturally diverse region, it has been subject to attacks by the terrorist organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, with Mosul being captured on 10 June 2014, and many places of worship and historic ruins and monuments destroyed.
Ninawa ... Assyrian music
Islamic State Military Exercise - Ninawa - Iraq
Ninawa~Dengarkanlah dari kami wahai mujahid di somalia
Ninawa Pai Da Mata - Ayahuasca
Medicine Song #1 Ninawa Pai Da Mata and Txana Ikakuru - Huni Kuin - Kaxinawà
Ninawa - Sad Music
Shaman Songs of the Amazon Basin: Ninawa Pai Da Mata
Amazonian Shamanic music -Ninawa Pai Da Mata and Txana Ikakuru. Eskawatã Kayawai.
Ninawa Province - IRAQ محافظة نينوى العراقية
Ninawa Operations: The frontline in combating extremists in Iraq
حرائق نينوى هي معزوفة موسيقية سيمفونية اشتهرت مؤخراً، ويُختلف حول مؤلفها، حيث يقول البعض بأنها مقطوعة موسيقية آشورية قديمة، بينما يرى آخرون أنها موسيقى حديثة ألفها في الثمانينيات مؤلف موسيقي إيراني. نسبتها إلى الحضارة الآشورية يتداول الآشوريون المعاصرون وغيرهم مقطوعة "حرائق نينوى" باعتبارها مقطوعة موسيقية آشورية ترجع إلى القرن السابع قبل الميلاد عثر عليها المنقبون مدونة على رُقُم طينية بين خرائب نينوى القديمة وأعادوا عزفها بعد فك شفرة سلمها الموسيقي القديم. ووفقاً للكاتب حسام سفان فإن المعزوفة تتكون من أربعة مقاطع : المقطع الأول: يصف عظمة الإمبراطورية الآشورية، ويستعرض جيشها النظامي المقطع الثاني: يرمز إلى تآمر وتكالب قوى الأعداء لإضعاف هذه الإمبراطورية المقطع الثالث: يستعرض المعارك الطاحنة التي دارت رحاها بين الجيش الآشوري وجيوش الأعداء المتحالفة المقطع الرابع: يجسد الدمار والخراب، ويغلب ...
Wilayat Ninawa https://youtu.be/wEDhbqKo7zA
♀☿⌘☼∞☯✡☪ॐ☪✡☯∞☼⌘☿♀ Artist: Ninawa Pai Da Mata Title: Ayahuasca Album: Release Date: Record Label: Genre: Indigenous Music ♀☿⌘☼∞☯✡☪ॐ☪✡☯∞☼⌘☿♀ Promotional use only Buy at: More about the artist: https://www.facebook.com/ninawapaidamata
Cantoria Huni Kuin by Master Shamans Ninawa Pai da Mata & Txana Ikakuru, Haux Haux Through the study and practice of shamanism and shamanic rituals, individuals learn to live in harmony with the earth, the animals, the plants and among each other. Healing is happening in individuals, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. As individuals see themselves so as whole human beings, they can direct those energies of healing to mother earth. The ancient cultures and civilisations have much to teach us on how to live respectfully and in harmony with the cosmic universe that surrounds us in order for our species and our world to not only survive, but evolve into a higher consciosness of global awareness.
Ninawa Pai Da Mata is a Huni Kuin paje (shaman) who has been studying pajelanca for over 12 years. He lives 5 days by boat from Taruaca, in an area bordering territory occupied by uncontacted Indians. Uncontacted Indians have stolen stuff out of his house and shot arrows at him. Here he sings a healing song in his native language which is used in ceremony to call forward strength.
Amazonian Shamanic music - Eskawatã Kayawai. Ninawa Pai Da Mata and Txana Ikakuru from the Huni Kuin Tribe Amazon – Brazil! In Concert at Arambol – Goa – March 2015! video by : Amir Leron
Ninawa province in Iraq is where Mosul, Iraq's second largest city and where the University of Mosul is located which by the way is one of the largest educational and research centers in Iraq and the entire Middle East. Ninawa is also host to other famous, popular and ancient Iraqi cities like Ashur, Nimrud, Dur-Sharrukin, Hatra, Sinjar, Tal Afar, Tel Keppe (Tell Kaif), Bardarash, Aqrah, Atrush, Bakhdida, Bartella, Karamlish, Basheqa, Mar Matti Monastery and of course Nineveh, the ancient capital of the Assyrian Empire and few other PROUD Iraqi villages and cities. The Battle of Gaugamela took place in 331 BC between Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia in this Iraqi province in the plains east of Mosul ... Magnificent places you won't believe your eyes and you wouldn't think 10,0...
Iraqi troops recently carried out the Ninawa Operations after they regained control of the central province of Saladin. Most of the soldiers are stationed in Makhmur District in the Kurdistan region, 80 kilometers from Ninawa's capital Mosul. Subscribe to us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVNEWSbeijing Download for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls;=1&mt;=8 Download for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvnewschina Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTVNEWS Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CCTVNEWSbeijing Tumblr: http://cctvnews.tumblr.com/ Weibo: http://weibo.com/cctvnewsbeijing
Getting There: Iraqi Kurdistan has two international airports, Erbil and Sulaimany. Currently there are direct international flights from Kurdistan to Dubai, Amman, Beirut and Frankfort. There is the option to reach to Kurdistan by flying to Turkey: - Purchase a ticket to Diyarbakir (the nearest large city to the Turkish / Iraqi Kurdistan border). Upon arrival to the Diyarbakir airport, you will need to take a taxi to the border (Ibrahim Khalil / Habur). Once you have crossed the Turkish border into Iraqi Kurdistan (Ibrahim Khalil/Habur), you will be greeted by the Kurdish customs officials who will issue you a visa and further information on your destination. Getting Around Iraqi Kurdistan: Taxi, Bus, and Private Car Hire. If you are mainly interested in staying in a city, taxi is relia...
I knew it was there
Though I tried to hide it
The feeling just kept on shining through
Haven’t known you that long
So I try to deny it
But the feeling was much too
Much too strong
Could this be love
Deep down inside
Tearing me apart
I feel it in my heart
Constantly, you’re on my mind
Thinking about you all the time
I can’t sleep no matter what I do
I just keep on thinking ‘bout you
Why do I feel this way
When I know you have someone
That you’re seeing each and everyday
Should I play this game
Of just being your friend but i know that’s not where I want it to end
How could this be wrong
When it feels so strong
Tearing me apart
I feel it in my heart
No I don’t want to start
No trouble
Between you and I and you lover
But I must tell you what I’m going through
Everytime you walk by