Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Apom- Indian Coconut Pancakes

A traditional Sunday for hubby, his brother and parents, would be a trip down to the local Indian shop for a hearty breakfast of Thosai and Apoms. If I have to choose, I would say Thosai is my favourite. I love the thin pancakes and the condiments that come with it (dahl, coconut and usually a spicy curry gravy). My mother in law's favourite item would be Apom. My hubby would usually order both.

My mother in law gave me this cute little wok the last time we went back to KL., She said she bought this with the intentional of making apom at home, but given the availability of it in KL, she changed her mind and store it away. Since hubby likes it, would I try making it in Aus? I accepted the challenge.

And challenge it was! Obviously, I couldn't do the diet and make this at the same time, so I started the diet after making this (Always the next day right?). I made the mixture the night before, and made my first apom the next morning. It was certainly an adventure as I wasn't sure if what I was doing was right. I do know that a good apom is thin on the edges with a slight crisp and soft in the centre.After reading up on a few recipes, I experimenting with the batter, this appears to be it.

(First attempt)

I learned that a hot work is the way to go. I didn't need to add any oil as the wok that I have is non stick. One has to swirl the wok very quickly though to make sure the batter coats the sides of the wok. I wasn't sure how much batter should I have and ended up with 20 apoms. Obviously, that lasted us for both lunch and dinner with leftovers to boot!!

You can choose to make a sweet coconut syrup to go with it. Or you can choose to have it with dahl. I made a spiced potato (aka my version of masala potatoes) as hubby wanted something more substantial.

The funny thing was, half way through lunch, he said "dear, this is vegetarian!!!!!!!"

(finally getting the little bubbles right)

I replied: "yes dear. It is!!! and this time round, it was YOUR request to have this."

Apom (Plain hoppers Coconut Pancakes) -makes 20
3 tablespoons of cooked rice
1/2 cup of warm water
1 tsp of yeast

500 grams of rice flour
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tsp of salt
800 grams of coconut milk

Blend cooked rice, warm water and yeast together. Put dry ingredients in a large bowl. Pour blended mixture followed by the coconut milk. Mix well. Glad wrap it and leave it overnight.

Next day, heat your wok till hot! Ladle mixture (2x) into the wok. Swirl it quickly. Cover and cook for around 3-4 minutes. Remove lid and let it cook for another min. Slide on plate. Keep it warm in an oven.

Make coconut condiment by heating up 100 ml of coconut milk with 2-3 tsp of sugar.



DD said...

wow that looks delicious!!!

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Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover) said...

WOW, you even made Apom at home, this is my hubby's favourite, but I'm too lazy to make for him, just buy from outside shop.

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Look how dainty and skinny and light and delicious! I love coconut and the fact you combined that with a pancake! I am in love

Anncoo said...

Looks so delicious! Will try to make this Apom one day. Thanks for sharing.

lena said...

i havent tasted the indian apom beofre but i can see that it looks just like the ones i see in pictures. well done, daphne!

tigerfish said...

I wonder if I had tried Apom before...hmmmm....
But thosai...absolute yes!

I like that little wok! Can it do other things besides Apom? Or is it an Apom wok?

Mochachocolata Rita said...

omgggg i love and miss this soooo much! thanks for the recipe....hmm i need a tiny pan now (shopaholic excuse), but can't wait to try this!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Your Apom looks good, I haven't eaten apom for years.

The Sudden Cook said...

Good on you! Am very impressed with your apom making skills! One of the best places to go for apom in Msia is Bangsar.

Little Inbox said...

You've made apom. So nice! It's so fragrant with coconut milk. Can have different toppings too. :P

Karen Xavier said...

Hey, happened to come across your blog... I love appams too with stew! Nice blog you got. Well, nice meeting you...
Karen Xavier.

wendyywy @ Table for 2..... or more said...

wow, yours look like the real thing at mamak shops.
I rarely order this as not all shops have it. Always go for thosai :p

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